다운로드 받아서 gzip - tar로 압축풀고 ./setup.sh으로 실행하니
사용동의서 묻고 나서 아래와 같은 화면이 뜬다.
OpenManage || iDRAC Service Module
Available feature options:
[x] 1. Watchdog Instrumentation Service [x] 2. LifeCycle Log Information [x] 3. Operating System Information [ ] 4. iDRAC access via Host OS [ ] a. Access via GUI, WS-man, Redfish, Remote Racadm [ ] b. In-band SNMP Traps [ ] c. Access via SNMP Get 5. iDRAC Hard Reset 6. Support Assist 7. Full Power Cycle [ ] 8. All Features
Enter the number to select/deselect a feature from the above list. ( multiple feature selection should be comma separated) ( to select sub-features, please use 4.a,4.b, etc.) Enter q to quit.
Enter : |
기본으로는 iDRAC access via Host OS는 빠지는것 같은데
테스트 해보고 싶은게 그거라 일단 All features를 추가
OpenManage || iDRAC Service Module
Available feature options:
[x] 1. Watchdog Instrumentation Service [x] 2. LifeCycle Log Information [x] 3. Operating System Information [x] 4. iDRAC access via Host OS [x] a. Access via GUI, WS-man, Redfish, Remote Racadm [x] b. In-band SNMP Traps [x] c. Access via SNMP Get 5. iDRAC Hard Reset 6. Support Assist 7. Full Power Cycle [x] 8. All Features
Enter the number to select/deselect a feature ( multiple feature selection should be comma separated) ( to select sub-features, please use 4.a,4.b, etc.) Enter i to install the selected features. Enter q to quit.
Enter : |
설치를 누르니 으앙.. 예상하지 못한 질문이 뿜뿜 -_ㅠ
Enter : i 경고: /root/downlaod/RHEL7/x86_64/dcism-3.2.0-1234.el7.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA512 Signature, key ID 34d8786f: NOKEY 준비 중... ################################# [100%] Updating / installing... 1:dcism-3.2.0-1234.el7 ################################# [100%]
Enter a valid port number for iDRAC access via Host OS or Enter to take default port number: |
아몰랑 걍 넘어갈래 하고 기다리면서 눌러보니
Enter a valid port number for iDRAC access via Host OS or Enter to take default port number:
Do you want the services started?
Press ('y' for yes | 'Enter' to exit): y Checking for iSM communication with iDRAC... Waiting... ######################### |
음.. 원래는 이렇게 뜨면서 안되던게

이런식으로 무언가 뜨긴 한데.. 근데 좀더 상세한 제어가 되는줄 알고 설치한건데 좀.. 실망이네?

아무튼 기다리는 동안 이런식으로 설치완료~ 라고 뜨긴 한다.

[링크 : https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=gh8r3]
고작(?) OS와 OS 버전 두개 더 잘 뜨는건가?!