Linux/Ubuntu2015. 8. 15. 17:08

먼가.. 예전보다 간단해졌다?

$ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-dummy

$ sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "Device"

    Identifier  "Configured Video Device"

    Driver      "dummy"


Section "Monitor"

    Identifier  "Configured Monitor"

    HorizSync 31.5-48.5

    VertRefresh 50-70


Section "Screen"

    Identifier  "Default Screen"

    Monitor     "Configured Monitor"

    Device      "Configured Video Device"

    DefaultDepth 24

    SubSection "Display"

    Depth 24

    Modes "1024x768"



엥? 안되는데? ㅠㅠ

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

에라이.. 그냥 메모리도 적게 먹고 좋네

걍 냅두자 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2012/06/02 - [Linux/Ubuntu] - ubuntu 12.10 에서 모니터 없이 부팅시키기

'Linux > Ubuntu' 카테고리의 다른 글

ubuntu 스크린샷(캡쳐) 프로그램  (0) 2015.09.22
우분투 시스템 온도 측정  (0) 2015.08.15
lubuntu xbuntu mate 메모리 사용량 (live)  (2) 2015.08.12
ubuntu mate  (0) 2015.07.28
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS G1610 CPU 지원 종료  (0) 2015.04.10
Posted by 구차니
embeded/raspberry pi2015. 8. 15. 16:26

이전의 내용은 raspberry pi 용이라

다시 검색해서 라즈베리 파이 2용으로 변경

AMD 4850e 듀얼 코어로 bitbake를 통해 빌드하는데

자동으로 멀티코어 빌드를 시도하는 것으로 보인다.

$ bitbake rpi-basic-image
Parsing recipes: 100% |#########################################| Time: 00:02:04
Parsing of 904 .bb files complete (0 cached, 904 parsed). 1319 targets, 47 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION        = "1.27.1"
BUILD_SYS         = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING   = "Ubuntu-15.04"
TARGET_SYS        = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE           = "raspberrypi2"
DISTRO            = "poky"
DISTRO_VERSION    = "1.8+snapshot-20150815"
TUNE_FEATURES     = "arm armv7a vfp thumb neon callconvention-hard vfpv4 cortexa7"
TARGET_FPU        = "vfp-vfpv4-neon"
meta-yocto-bsp    = "master:07cbc407d84f2f8f5fee430902039aa7cef65db4"
meta-raspberrypi  = "master:17dad9328b100beda1cf870c9075e509b5cbfa90"

NOTE: Preparing RunQueue
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
Currently 2 running tasks (76 of 2001):
0: pkgconfig-native-0.28+gitAUTOINC+40342dd0ea-r0 do_configure (pid 10059)

1: gmp-native-6.0.0-r0 do_compile (pid 18235) 

빌드할게 2001개란다.. ㄷㄷㄷ 어느세월에 한대?

2015. 08. 15. (토) 17:24:55 KST

2015. 08. 15. (토) 21:39:00 KST 

구린 녀석이긴 하지만 5시간 만에 끝!

$ date;bitbake rpi-basic-image;date

2015. 08. 15. (토) 17:24:55 KST

Parsing recipes: 100% |#########################################| Time: 00:03:00

Parsing of 904 .bb files complete (0 cached, 904 parsed). 1319 targets, 61 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.

NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies

Build Configuration:

BB_VERSION        = "1.27.1"

BUILD_SYS         = "x86_64-linux"

NATIVELSBSTRING   = "Ubuntu-15.04"

TARGET_SYS        = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"

MACHINE           = "raspberrypi2"

DISTRO            = "poky"

DISTRO_VERSION    = "1.8+snapshot-20150815"

TUNE_FEATURES     = "arm armv7a vfp thumb neon callconvention-hard vfpv4 cortexa7"

TARGET_FPU        = "vfp-vfpv4-neon"



meta-yocto-bsp    = "master:07cbc407d84f2f8f5fee430902039aa7cef65db4"

meta-raspberrypi  = "master:17dad9328b100beda1cf870c9075e509b5cbfa90"

NOTE: Preparing RunQueue

NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks

NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks

WARNING: Failed to fetch URL, attempting MIRRORS if available

NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2001 tasks of which 10 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.

Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.

2015. 08. 15. (토) 21:39:00 KST 

빌드 하고 나니 소스 크기가 ㄷㄷㄷ

~/src/yoctoProject/raspberryPiBuild$ du -h

23G     .

빌드한 이미지는 아래의 경로에 존재한다.


~/src/yoctoProject/raspberryPiBuild/tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi2$ ls -al

total 230864

drwxr-xr-x 3 minimonk minimonk      4096  8월 15 21:38 .

drwxrwxr-x 3 minimonk minimonk      4096  8월 15 20:49 ..

drwxr-xr-x 2 minimonk minimonk      4096  8월 15 21:27 bcm2835-bootfiles

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        93  8월 15 21:27 Image -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.bin

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk      4423  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-bcm2708-rpi-b-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk      4702  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-bcm2708-rpi-b-plus-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk      5690  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-bcm2709-rpi-2-b-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk       409  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-ds1307-rtc-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk       779  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-hifiberry-amp-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk       655  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-hifiberry-dac-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk       783  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-hifiberry-dacplus-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk       783  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-hifiberry-digi-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk       775  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-iqaudio-dac-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk       775  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-iqaudio-dacplus-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk      1428  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-lirc-rpi-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk       405  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-pcf8523-rtc-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk      1003  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-pps-gpio-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk   8607076  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.bin

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk      1124  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-w1-gpio-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk      1291  8월 15 21:27 Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-w1-gpio-pullup-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        94  8월 15 21:27 Image-bcm2708-rpi-b.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-bcm2708-rpi-b-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        99  8월 15 21:27 Image-bcm2708-rpi-b-plus.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-bcm2708-rpi-b-plus-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        96  8월 15 21:27 Image-bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-bcm2709-rpi-2-b-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        99  8월 15 21:27 Image-ds1307-rtc-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-ds1307-rtc-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk       102  8월 15 21:27 Image-hifiberry-amp-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-hifiberry-amp-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk       102  8월 15 21:27 Image-hifiberry-dac-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-hifiberry-dac-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk       106  8월 15 21:27 Image-hifiberry-dacplus-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-hifiberry-dacplus-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk       103  8월 15 21:27 Image-hifiberry-digi-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-hifiberry-digi-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk       100  8월 15 21:27 Image-iqaudio-dac-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-iqaudio-dac-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk       104  8월 15 21:27 Image-iqaudio-dacplus-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-iqaudio-dacplus-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        97  8월 15 21:27 Image-lirc-rpi-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-lirc-rpi-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk       100  8월 15 21:27 Image-pcf8523-rtc-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-pcf8523-rtc-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        97  8월 15 21:27 Image-pps-gpio-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-pps-gpio-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        93  8월 15 21:27 Image-raspberrypi2.bin -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.bin

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        96  8월 15 21:27 Image-w1-gpio-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-w1-gpio-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk       103  8월 15 21:27 Image-w1-gpio-pullup-overlay.dtb -> Image--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-w1-gpio-pullup-overlay-20150815082804.dtb

-rw-rw-r-- 2 minimonk minimonk  15182232  8월 15 21:27 modules--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.tgz

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        95  8월 15 21:27 modules-raspberrypi2.tgz -> modules--3.18.11+gitd64fa8121fca9883d6fb14ca06d2abf66496195e-r0-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.tgz

-rw-r--r-- 2 minimonk minimonk       294  8월 15 21:36 README_-_DO_NOT_DELETE_FILES_IN_THIS_DIRECTORY.txt

-rw-r--r-- 1 minimonk minimonk  83886080  8월 15 21:38 rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.rootfs.ext3

-rw-r--r-- 1 minimonk minimonk    125354  8월 15 21:38 rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.rootfs.manifest

-rw-r--r-- 1 minimonk minimonk 130023424  8월 15 21:38 rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.rootfs.rpi-sdimg

-rw-r--r-- 1 minimonk minimonk  19595724  8월 15 21:38 rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.rootfs.tar.bz2

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        55  8월 15 21:38 rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2.ext3 -> rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.rootfs.ext3

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        59  8월 15 21:38 rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2.manifest -> rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.rootfs.manifest

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        60  8월 15 21:38 rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2.rpi-sdimg -> rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.rootfs.rpi-sdimg

lrwxrwxrwx 1 minimonk minimonk        58  8월 15 21:38 rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2.tar.bz2 -> rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.rootfs.tar.bz2

124M  8월 15 21:38 rpi-basic-image-raspberrypi2-20150815082804.rootfs.rpi-sdimg
미니멈이 124MB면 작은건가 큰건가... -_-?

[링크 :]


$ bitbake

Nothing to do.  Use 'bitbake world' to build everything, or run 'bitbake --help' for usage information.

bitbake world

NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies

ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'libav' (but /home/minimonk/src/yoctoProject/meta-raspberrypi/recipes-multimedia/omxplayer/ DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)

ERROR: libav was skipped: because it has a restricted license not whitelisted in LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST

ERROR: Required build target 'omxplayer' has no buildable providers.

Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['omxplayer', 'libav']

Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.

3.A. omxplayer


omxplayer depends on libav which has a commercial license. So in order to be

able to compile omxplayer you will need to whiteflag the commercial license

adding to you local.conf:


$ bitbake --help

Usage: bitbake [options] [recipename/target recipe:do_task ...]

    Executes the specified task (default is 'build') for a given set of target recipes (.bb files).

    It is assumed there is a conf/bblayers.conf available in cwd or in BBPATH which

    will provide the layer, BBFILES and other configuration information.


  --version             show program's version number and exit

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -b BUILDFILE, --buildfile=BUILDFILE

                        Execute tasks from a specific .bb recipe directly.

                        WARNING: Does not handle any dependencies from other


  -k, --continue        Continue as much as possible after an error. While the

                        target that failed and anything depending on it cannot

                        be built, as much as possible will be built before


  -a, --tryaltconfigs   Continue with builds by trying to use alternative

                        providers where possible.

  -f, --force           Force the specified targets/task to run (invalidating

                        any existing stamp file).

  -c CMD, --cmd=CMD     Specify the task to execute. The exact options

                        available depend on the metadata. Some examples might

                        be 'compile' or 'populate_sysroot' or 'listtasks' may

                        give a list of the tasks available.


                        Invalidate the stamp for the specified task such as

                        'compile' and then run the default task for the

                        specified target(s).

  -r PREFILE, --read=PREFILE

                        Read the specified file before bitbake.conf.

  -R POSTFILE, --postread=POSTFILE

                        Read the specified file after bitbake.conf.

  -v, --verbose         Output more log message data to the terminal.

  -D, --debug           Increase the debug level. You can specify this more

                        than once.

  -n, --dry-run         Don't execute, just go through the motions.


                        Dump out the signature construction information, with

                        no task execution. The SIGNATURE_HANDLER parameter is

                        passed to the handler. Two common values are none and

                        printdiff but the handler may define more/less. none

                        means only dump the signature, printdiff means compare

                        the dumped signature with the cached one.

  -p, --parse-only      Quit after parsing the BB recipes.

  -s, --show-versions   Show current and preferred versions of all recipes.

  -e, --environment     Show the global or per-recipe environment complete

                        with information about where variables were


  -g, --graphviz        Save dependency tree information for the specified

                        targets in the dot syntax.


                        Assume these dependencies don't exist and are already

                        provided (equivalent to ASSUME_PROVIDED). Useful to

                        make dependency graphs more appealing


                        Show debug logging for the specified logging domains

  -P, --profile         Profile the command and save reports.

  -u UI, --ui=UI        The user interface to use (e.g. knotty, hob, depexp).

  -t SERVERTYPE, --servertype=SERVERTYPE

                        Choose which server to use, process or xmlrpc.

  --token=XMLRPCTOKEN   Specify the connection token to be used when

                        connecting to a remote server.

  --revisions-changed   Set the exit code depending on whether upstream

                        floating revisions have changed or not.

  --server-only         Run bitbake without a UI, only starting a server

                        (cooker) process.

  -B BIND, --bind=BIND  The name/address for the bitbake server to bind to.

  --no-setscene         Do not run any setscene tasks. sstate will be ignored

                        and everything needed, built.


                        Connect to the specified server.

  -m, --kill-server     Terminate the remote server.

  --observe-only        Connect to a server as an observing-only client.

  --status-only         Check the status of the remote bitbake server.


                        Writes the event log of the build to a bitbake event

                        json file. Use '' (empty string) to assign the name


Posted by 구차니
embeded/raspberry pi2015. 8. 14. 13:30

드럽게 구하기 힘드네...

엘레파츠나 디바이스 마트에서는 10단위로 핀수가 있지 15핀은 보이지 않는다..

게다가 개당 1천원 꼴 ㄷㄷㄷ

머가 이렇게 드럽게 비싸 ㅠㅠ

그러니까 처음부터 잘 고민해서 이쁘게 접을걸 ㅠㅠ

게다가 오늘 보니 핀도 부러 먹었...ㅠㅠ

[링크 :]

Posted by 구차니
embeded/raspberry pi2015. 8. 14. 09:57

$ sudo apt-get install matchbox-keyboard

다만.. 이녀석 사용하면

pcmanfm 이라는 프로세스가 100% 잡아먹어서 손을 좀 보던가 해야 할 듯..

killall pcmanfm 으로 다 죽이고 하면 문제가 없으려나?

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

문득 생각이 나서.. cellwriter 쓰려니

학습시켜야 한다고 배째서 고민중 -_-

일단 무시하고 쓰려면.. 그냥 리부팅하면 된다 ㄷㄷ

그리고 하단의 key를 누르면 끝

다만 초기값이 폭 640 이라 무지 크기 480으로 줄이면 되는데..


480x320 해상도로는 무리구나 싶다.. ㅠㅠ

Posted by 구차니

는... FAIL? -_ㅠ

아으..감이 올 듯 말듯..

그러니까.. display쪽은 multiseat 관련 내용이고

screen은 멀티 모니터 쪽 내용이려나?

Key terms

The X window system has nuanced usage of a number of terms when compared to common usage, particularly "display" and "screen", a subset of which is given here for convenience:


A graphics device such as a computer graphics card or a computer motherboard's integrated graphics chipset.


A physical device such as a CRT or a flat screen computer display.


An area into which graphics may be rendered, either through software alone into system memory as with VNC, or within a graphics device, some of which can render into more than one screen simultaneously, either viewable simultaneously or interchangeably. Interchangeable screens are often set up to be notionally left and right from one another, flipping from one to the next as the mouse pointer reaches the edge of the monitor.

virtual screen

Two different meanings are associated with this term:

A technique allowing panning a monitor around a screen running at a larger resolution than the monitor is currently displaying.

An effect simulated by a window manager by maintaining window position information in a larger coordinate system than the screen and allowing panning by simply moving the windows in response to the user.


A collection of screens, often involving multiple monitors, generally configured to allow the mouse to move the pointer to any position within them. Linux-based workstations are usually capable of having multiple displays, among which the user can switch with a special keyboard combination such as control-alt-function-key, simultaneously flipping all the monitors from showing the screens of one display to the screens in another.

The term "display" should not be confused with the more specialized jargon "Zaphod display". The latter is a rare configuration allowing multiple users of a single computer to each have an independent set of display, mouse, and keyboard, as though they were using separate computers, but at a lower per-seat cost.

[링크 :] 


multiseat 설정 아닌 이상은 0 으로 고정으로 봐도 무방?


만약 모니터가 4개이고 2개씩 묶어 버리면 2개의 screen이 되려나?

즉, screen은 모니터의 모음

Display Names

From the user's perspective, every X server has a display name of the form:


This information is used by the application to determine how it should connect to the server and which screen it should use by default (on displays with multiple monitors):


The hostname specifies the name of the machine to which the display is physically connected. If the hostname is not given, the most efficient way of communicating to a server on the same machine will be used.


The phrase "display" is usually used to refer to collection of monitors that share a common keyboard and pointer (mouse, tablet, etc.). Most workstations tend to only have one keyboard, and therefore, only one display. Larger, multi-user systems, however, frequently have several displays so that more than one person can be doing graphics work at once. To avoid confusion, each display on a machine is assigned a display number (beginning at 0) when the X server for that display is started. The display number must always be given in a display name.


Some displays share a single keyboard and pointer among two or more monitors. Since each monitor has its own set of windows, each screen is assigned a screen number (beginning at 0) when the X server for that display is started. If the screen number is not given, screen 0 will be used.

[링크 :] 

2012/02/10 - [Linux/Ubuntu] - SSH를 통해 SSH 서버측에 X 응용프로그램 실행하기

'프로그램 사용 > cygwin & Xming' 카테고리의 다른 글

xming / xdmcp 성공  (0) 2016.02.02
cygwin bash 쉘 시작 위치 지정하기  (0) 2015.12.02
Xming vs cygwin/x  (0) 2012.01.25
Cygwin/X 추려내기 - ing  (0) 2011.09.10
Xming 신버전은 유료?  (0) 2011.09.09
Posted by 구차니
embeded/raspberry pi2015. 8. 13. 18:56

본체 하나에

모니터 + 키보드 + 마우스 식으로

하나의 컴퓨터에 여러개의 입력 장치를 하나의 모니터에 할당해서 사용하는 개념

다중 모니터에 확장된 개념이라고 하긴 애매하지만

이걸 잘 써먹으면..

라즈베리 파이에서 SPI 모니터와 HDMI 독립적으로 구성이 가능하려나?

(즉, SPI 모니터에는 터치를 인식, HDMI에는 마우스만 사용)

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

Posted by 구차니
embeded/raspberry pi2015. 8. 12. 19:38

귀차니즘이 이겨서.. 진척이 없는중...


아무튼 device / monitor / screen 세개를 이용해서

적절히 설정하면 되는거 같긴한데... 끄응..


Xinerama를 꺼주면 창을 넘길 수 없다.

그런데.. 터치랑 마우스랑 같이 인식해버리네.. 분리할 방법은 없으려나?

pi@raspberrypi /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d $ cat 99-fbturbo.conf

# and load xf86-video-fbturbo driver installed in the system.


# When troubleshooting, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for the debugging

# output and error messages.


# Run "man fbturbo" to get additional information about the extra

# configuration options for tuning the driver.

Section "Device"

        Identifier      "rpi"

        Driver          "fbturbo"

        Option          "fbdev" "/dev/fb0"

        Option          "SwapbuffersWait" "true"


Section "Device"

        Identifier      "spi"

        Driver          "fbturbo"

        Option          "fbdev" "/dev/fb1"

        Option          "SwapbuffersWait" "true"


Section "InputClass"

        Identifier      "calibration"

        MatchProduct    "ADS7846 Touchscreen"

        Option          "Calibration"   "237 3965 3888 214"

        Option          "SwapAxes"      "1"

        Option          "InvertX" "1"

        Option          "InvertY" "1"


Section "Monitor"

        Identifier      "rpi hdmi"


Section "Monitor"

        Identifier      "rpi spi"


Section "Screen"

        Identifier      "primary"

        Device          "rpi"

        Monitor         "rpi hdmi"


Section "Screen"

        Identifier      "secondary"

        Device          "spi"

        Monitor         "rpi spi"


Section "ServerLayout"

        Identifier      "default"

        Screen 0        "primary" 0 0

        Screen 1        "secondary" LeftOf "primary"

        Option          "Xinerama" "1"


[링크 :]

xinerama 관련 내용

[링크 :]

아래는 공식(?) 내용들..

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

2010/02/16 - [Linux] - Xwindow 해상도 설정하기

'embeded > raspberry pi' 카테고리의 다른 글

라즈베리 파이 화상 키보드  (2) 2015.08.14
라즈베리 파이에 multiseat .. ?  (0) 2015.08.13
ubuntu mate on rpi2  (0) 2015.08.12
openelec lirc.conf 설정  (11) 2015.08.11
라즈베리 파이 fbtft 관련 검색내용  (0) 2015.08.10
Posted by 구차니
embeded/raspberry pi2015. 8. 12. 14:58

gnome2의 이 안락함? ㅋㅋㅋ

캡쳐도 쉽고 좋아좋아 ㅋㅋ

그나저나.. 의외로 조금 먹어서 630MB 정도

300MB 정도 여유 메모리가 생기는데 나쁘진 않은 듯

다만.. 초기에 설치 및 설정에 오래 걸리는건 꽤나 단점..

라즈비안에서 해보니.. LXDE가 가볍긴 가볍구나 싶다. 300MB .. ㄷㄷㄷ

top - 15:07:12 up 3 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.93, 0.48, 0.19

Tasks: 111 total,   1 running, 110 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie

%Cpu(s):  2.2 us,  1.7 sy,  0.0 ni, 94.1 id,  2.1 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st

KiB Mem:    884380 total,   309792 used,   574588 free,    18640 buffers

KiB Swap:   102396 total,        0 used,   102396 free,   154808 cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S  %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND           

 2555 root      20   0 53280  28m  16m S   5.3  3.3   0:14.19 Xorg              

 2810 pi        20   0 98852  20m  17m S   2.6  2.4   0:02.61 lxterminal        

 2695 pi        20   0  128m  26m  22m S   2.3  3.0   0:03.67 lxpanel           

 2830 pi        20   0  391m 128m  67m S   2.0 14.9   1:15.68 epiphany-browse   

 2899 pi        20   0  4496 2416 2060 R   0.7  0.3   0:00.74 top               

    1 root      20   0  2148 1244 1140 S   0.3  0.1   0:00.86 init              

    6 root      20   0     0    0    0 D   0.3  0.0   0:00.63 kworker/u8:0      

 2197 nobody    20   0  2024 1468 1352 S   0.3  0.2   0:00.38 thd               

 2693 pi        20   0 21080  12m 9052 S   0.3  1.4   0:01.62 openbox           

 2703 root      20   0     0    0    0 S   0.3  0.0   0:00.44 kworker/u8:3      

 2909 pi        20   0 89712  18m  15m S   0.3  2.1   0:00.88 leafpad           

    2 root      20   0     0    0    0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kthreadd          

    3 root      20   0     0    0    0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.13 ksoftirqd/0       

    4 root      20   0     0    0    0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kworker/0:0       

    5 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kworker/0:0H      

    7 root      20   0     0    0    0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.36 rcu_preempt       

    8 root      20   0     0    0    0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 rcu_sched          


Posted by 구차니
Linux/Ubuntu2015. 8. 12. 10:02

일단은 lubuntu(LXDE)가 xubuntu(XFCE)/ubuntu mate(GNOME2) 보다 300메가 정도 메모리를 덜 먹는다.

어짜피 둘다 ubuntu 기반이니 원하는대로 바꾸다 보면 그게 그거일지도 모르겠지만

윈도 매니저 자체는 꽤 차이가 난다.

lubuntu - 700MB

xubuntu - 1GB

mate - 1GB

음.. 순정 unity가 메모리는 가장 적게 먹으나 느려 터졌으니.. LXDE가 나으려나?

2014/06/14 - [Linux/Ubuntu] - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS desktop 64bit edition

'Linux > Ubuntu' 카테고리의 다른 글

우분투 시스템 온도 측정  (0) 2015.08.15
우분투 모니터 없이 부팅하기  (0) 2015.08.15
ubuntu mate  (0) 2015.07.28
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS G1610 CPU 지원 종료  (0) 2015.04.10
sudo: unable to resolve host  (0) 2015.03.26
Posted by 구차니
embeded/raspberry pi2015. 8. 11. 11:43

/etc는 squashfs로 인해 ro 상태인데..

kodi 설명을 보면 /etc에 하라고 한다 -_-

그런 이유로 openelec 문서를 찾아보니

/stroage/.config 에 lircd.conf를 복사해 두면 리부팅후 자동으로 키값을 불러온다고 한다.

irrecord /storage/.config/lircd.conf

[링크 :] 

OK는 메뉴 들어가기 + 파일 재생

FASTFORWARD는 빨리 감기(PLAY로 정상 속도)

MENU는 재생시 하단 메뉴(자막 등등 설정)

EXIT는 재생목록으로 설정하니 그럭저럭 쓸 수 있는데..

페이지 업/다운이 먼지 당췌 모르겠네 -_-

키는 정체 불명의 라디오 리모컨을 사용한 것 임.

$ cat lircd.conf

# Please make this file available to others

# by sending it to <>


# this config file was automatically generated

# using lirc-0.9.1-git(default) on Tue Aug 11 02:51:10 2015


# contributed by


# brand:                       /storage/lircd.conf

# model no. of remote control:

# devices being controlled by this remote:


begin remote

  name  /storage/.config/lircd.conf

  bits           16


  eps            30

  aeps          100

  header       9085  4524

  one           646  1604

  zero          646   490

  ptrail        646

  pre_data_bits   16

  pre_data       0xFF

  gap          108567

  toggle_bit_mask 0x0

      begin codes

          KEY_UP                   0x7A85

          KEY_DOWN                 0x1AE5

          KEY_LEFT                 0x609F

          KEY_RIGHT                0x20DF

          KEY_OK                   0x9A65

          KEY_PLAY                 0xE01F

          KEY_FASTFORWARD          0x42BD

          KEY_STOP                 0x629D

          KEY_MENU                 0xC03F

          KEY_EXIT                 0x50AF

          KEY_VOLUMEUP             0xA25D

          KEY_VOLUMEDOWN           0x22DD

       end codes

end remote 

Posted by 구차니