Linux2014. 12. 18. 15:20

USB 장치라던가 각종 장치들이 연결되었을때

자동으로 mount 하는 녀석이 바로.. udev 인거 같은데..

/etc/udev/rules.d 에 어떤방법으로 연결을 할 지에 대해서 정의되어 있다고 한다.

ubuntu 12.04던 10.04던..

/etc/udev는 딱히 설정된게 없다.

 $ tree /etc/udev/rules.d


├── 70-persistent-cd.rules

├── 70-persistent-net.rules


 $ cat 70-persistent-cd.rules

# This file maintains persistent names for CD/DVD reader and writer devices.
# See udev(7) for syntax.
# Entries are automatically added by the 75-cd-aliases-generator.rules
# file; however you are also free to add your own entries provided you
# add the ENV{GENERATED}=1 flag to your own rules as well.

$ cat 70-persistent-net.rules

# This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules

# program, run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file.

# program, run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file.


# You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single

# line, and change only the value of the NAME= key.

# PCI device 0x10de:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0a.0 (forcedeth)

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="70:71:bc:3e:97:0a", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

'Linux' 카테고리의 다른 글

linux X-window 축 뒤집기  (0) 2014.12.24
dd / progress  (0) 2014.12.22
플래시용 파일 시스템과 EXT4  (0) 2014.12.14
TTY / PTS 약자  (0) 2014.12.14
expect - shell script  (0) 2014.12.10
Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/Putty2014. 12. 17. 22:07

ie11 이나 크롬이나 둘다 윈도우 쪽의 설정을 끌어 가는데..

firefox는 자체 설정을 사용이 가능하고

SOCKS v5와 원격 DNS를 지원하는 차이가 있다.

아무튼.. firefox를 통해 회사 내부로 우회해서 접속은 가능한데.. 문제는

회사 인트라넷이 죄다.. ie8 이전 버전에 최적화라 크롬이던 Firefox던 안뜨는건 매한가지 -_ㅠ

자세한 설정은 아래의 것을 따르면 된다.

2010/11/20 - [프로그램 사용/Putty] - Putty를 이용한 Dynamic SOCKS

[링크 :]

net stop dnscache를 해주어도

ie11 / win7의 프로토콜이 우분투 10.04와 맞지 않는지 에러를 뱉어내며 서버측에서 접속을 끊어 버린다.

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

putty 관련해서 찾아보니.. 2010년에 수정한것 같지만..

바이너리에서는 안되었는지.. 직접 빌드를 해봐야하나....

[링크 :]


ietab을 사용해서 해봤는데.. 안된다!! -_-

역시.. ie11 이라고 해도 MS에 너무 많은걸 바라면 안돼...

'프로그램 사용 > Putty' 카테고리의 다른 글

putty - CR+LF 전송하기 불가?  (0) 2015.07.14
putty chrome socks5 / dns remote  (0) 2014.12.18
linux용 putty  (2) 2011.09.21
putty를 이용한 vnc 터널링  (1) 2011.06.21
Putty를 이용한 Dynamic SOCKS  (2) 2010.11.20
Posted by 구차니
Programming/qt2014. 12. 16. 21:51

qt 4.8.5 에서만 되고 qt 5.3 에서는 지원되지 않는 옵션이라고 나온다 -_-

./configure -embed -help

[링크 :]

qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5$ ./configure -embedded -help

Usage:  configure [-h] [-prefix <dir>] [-prefix-install] [-bindir <dir>] [-libdir <dir>]

        [-docdir <dir>] [-headerdir <dir>] [-plugindir <dir> ] [-importdir <dir>] [-datadir <dir>]

        [-translationdir <dir>] [-sysconfdir <dir>] [-examplesdir <dir>]

        [-demosdir <dir>] [-buildkey <key>] [-release] [-debug]

        [-debug-and-release] [-developer-build] [-shared] [-static] [-no-fast] [-fast] [-no-largefile]

        [-largefile] [-no-exceptions] [-exceptions] [-no-accessibility]

        [-accessibility] [-no-stl] [-stl] [-no-sql-<driver>] [-sql-<driver>]

        [-plugin-sql-<driver>] [-system-sqlite] [-no-qt3support] [-qt3support]

        [-platform] [-D <string>] [-I <string>] [-L <string>] [-help]

        [-qt-zlib] [-system-zlib] [-no-gif] [-no-libtiff] [-qt-libtiff] [-system-libtiff]

        [-no-libpng] [-qt-libpng] [-system-libpng] [-no-libmng] [-qt-libmng]

        [-system-libmng] [-no-libjpeg] [-qt-libjpeg] [-system-libjpeg] [-make <part>]

        [-nomake <part>] [-R <string>]  [-l <string>] [-no-rpath]  [-rpath] [-continue]

        [-verbose] [-v] [-silent] [-no-nis] [-nis] [-no-cups] [-cups] [-no-iconv]

        [-iconv] [-no-pch] [-pch] [-no-dbus] [-dbus] [-dbus-linked] [-no-gui]

        [-no-separate-debug-info] [-no-mmx] [-no-3dnow] [-no-sse] [-no-sse2]

        [-no-sse3] [-no-ssse3] [-no-sse4.1] [-no-sse4.2] [-no-avx] [-no-neon]

        [-qtnamespace <namespace>] [-qtlibinfix <infix>] [-separate-debug-info] [-armfpa]

        [-no-optimized-qmake] [-optimized-qmake] [-no-xmlpatterns] [-xmlpatterns]

        [-no-multimedia] [-multimedia] [-no-phonon] [-phonon] [-no-phonon-backend] [-phonon-backend]

        [-no-media-backend] [-media-backend] [-no-audio-backend] [-audio-backend]

        [-no-openssl] [-openssl] [-openssl-linked]

        [-no-gtkstyle] [-gtkstyle] [-no-svg] [-svg] [-no-webkit] [-webkit] [-webkit-debug]

        [-no-javascript-jit] [-javascript-jit]

        [-no-script] [-script] [-no-scripttools] [-scripttools]

        [-no-declarative] [-declarative] [-no-declarative-debug] [-declarative-debug]

        [additional platform specific options (see below)]

Installation options:

    -qpa [name] ......... This will enable the QPA build.

                          QPA is a window system agnostic implementation of Qt.

                          If [name] is given, sets the default QPA platform (e.g xcb, cocoa).

 These are optional, but you may specify install directories.

    -prefix <dir> ...... This will install everything relative to <dir>

                         (default /usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.8.5)

    -hostprefix [dir] .. Tools and libraries needed when developing

                         applications are installed in [dir]. If [dir] is

                         not given, the current build directory will be used.

  * -prefix-install .... Force a sandboxed "local" installation of

                         Qt. This will install into

                         /usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.8.5, if this option is

                         disabled then some platforms will attempt a

                         "system" install by placing default values

                         in a system location other than PREFIX.

 You may use these to separate different parts of the install:

    -bindir <dir> ......... Executables will be installed to <dir>

                            (default PREFIX/bin)

    -libdir <dir> ......... Libraries will be installed to <dir>

                            (default PREFIX/lib)

    -docdir <dir> ......... Documentation will be installed to <dir>

                            (default PREFIX/doc)

    -headerdir <dir> ...... Headers will be installed to <dir>

                            (default PREFIX/include)

    -plugindir <dir> ...... Plugins will be installed to <dir>

                            (default PREFIX/plugins)

    -importdir <dir> ...... Imports for QML will be installed to <dir>

                            (default PREFIX/imports)

    -datadir <dir> ........ Data used by Qt programs will be installed to <dir>

                            (default PREFIX)

    -translationdir <dir> . Translations of Qt programs will be installed to <dir>

                            (default PREFIX/translations)

    -sysconfdir <dir> ..... Settings used by Qt programs will be looked for in <dir>

                            (default PREFIX/etc/settings)

    -examplesdir <dir> .... Examples will be installed to <dir>

                            (default PREFIX/examples)

    -demosdir <dir> ....... Demos will be installed to <dir>

                            (default PREFIX/demos)

 You may use these options to turn on strict plugin loading.

    -buildkey <key> .... Build the Qt library and plugins using the specified

                         <key>.  When the library loads plugins, it will only

                         load those that have a matching key.

Configure options:

 The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. A plus (+) denotes a default value

 that needs to be evaluated. If the evaluation succeeds, the feature is

 included. Here is a short explanation of each option:

 *  -release ........... Compile and link Qt with debugging turned off.

    -debug ............. Compile and link Qt with debugging turned on.

    -debug-and-release . Compile and link two versions of Qt, with and without

                         debugging turned on (Mac only).

    -developer-build ... Compile and link Qt with Qt developer options (including auto-tests exporting)

    -opensource ........ Compile and link the Open-Source Edition of Qt.

    -commercial ........ Compile and link the Commercial Edition of Qt.

 *  -shared ............ Create and use shared Qt libraries.

    -static ............ Create and use static Qt libraries.

 *  -no-fast ........... Configure Qt normally by generating Makefiles for all

                         project files.

    -fast .............. Configure Qt quickly by generating Makefiles only for

                         library and subdirectory targets.  All other Makefiles

                         are created as wrappers, which will in turn run qmake.

    -no-largefile ...... Disables large file support.

 +  -largefile ......... Enables Qt to access files larger than 4 GB.

 *  -no-system-proxies . Do not use system network proxies by default.

    -system-proxies .... Use system network proxies by default.

 *  -no-exceptions ..... Disable exceptions on compilers that support it.

    -exceptions ........ Enable exceptions on compilers that support it.

    -no-accessibility .. Do not compile Accessibility support.

 *  -accessibility ..... Compile Accessibility support.

    -no-stl ............ Do not compile STL support.

 *  -stl ............... Compile STL support.

    -no-sql-<driver> ... Disable SQL <driver> entirely.

    -qt-sql-<driver> ... Enable a SQL <driver> in the QtSql library, by default

                         none are turned on.

    -plugin-sql-<driver> Enable SQL <driver> as a plugin to be linked to

                         at run time.

                         Possible values for <driver>:

                         [  db2 ibase mysql oci odbc psql sqlite sqlite2 sqlite_symbian symsql tds ]

    -system-sqlite ..... Use sqlite from the operating system.

    -no-qt3support ..... Disables the Qt 3 support functionality.

 *  -qt3support ........ Enables the Qt 3 support functionality.

    -no-xmlpatterns .... Do not build the QtXmlPatterns module.

 +  -xmlpatterns ....... Build the QtXmlPatterns module.

                         QtXmlPatterns is built if a decent C++ compiler

                         is used and exceptions are enabled.

    -no-multimedia ..... Do not build the QtMultimedia module.

 +  -multimedia ........ Build the QtMultimedia module.

    -no-audio-backend .. Do not build the platform audio backend into QtMultimedia.

 +  -audio-backend ..... Build the platform audio backend into QtMultimedia if available.

    -no-phonon ......... Do not build the Phonon module.

 +  -phonon ............ Build the Phonon module.

                         Phonon is built if a decent C++ compiler is used.

    -no-phonon-backend.. Do not build the platform phonon plugin.

 +  -phonon-backend..... Build the platform phonon plugin.

    -no-svg ............ Do not build the SVG module.

 +  -svg ............... Build the SVG module.

    -no-webkit ......... Do not build the WebKit module.

 +  -webkit ............ Build the WebKit module.

                         WebKit is built if a decent C++ compiler is used.

    -webkit-debug ...... Build the WebKit module with debug symbols.

    -no-javascript-jit . Do not build the JavaScriptCore JIT compiler.

 +  -javascript-jit .... Build the JavaScriptCore JIT compiler.

    -no-script ......... Do not build the QtScript module.

 +  -script ............ Build the QtScript module.

    -no-scripttools .... Do not build the QtScriptTools module.

 +  -scripttools ....... Build the QtScriptTools module.

    -no-declarative ..... Do not build the declarative module.

 +  -declarative ....... Build the declarative module.

    -no-declarative-debug ..... Do not build the declarative debugging support.

 +  -declarative-debug ....... Build the declarative debugging support.

    -platform target ... The operating system and compiler you are building

                         on (qws/linux-x86-g++).

                         See the README file for a list of supported

                         operating systems and compilers.

    -no-mmx ............ Do not compile with use of MMX instructions.

    -no-3dnow .......... Do not compile with use of 3DNOW instructions.

    -no-sse ............ Do not compile with use of SSE instructions.

    -no-sse2 ........... Do not compile with use of SSE2 instructions.

    -no-sse3 ........... Do not compile with use of SSE3 instructions.

    -no-ssse3 .......... Do not compile with use of SSSE3 instructions.

    -no-sse4.1.......... Do not compile with use of SSE4.1 instructions.

    -no-sse4.2.......... Do not compile with use of SSE4.2 instructions.

    -no-avx ............ Do not compile with use of AVX instructions.

    -no-neon ........... Do not compile with use of NEON instructions.

    -qtnamespace <name>  Wraps all Qt library code in 'namespace <name> {...}'.

    -qtlibinfix <infix>  Renames all libQt*.so to libQt*<infix>.so.

    -D <string> ........ Add an explicit define to the preprocessor.

    -I <string> ........ Add an explicit include path.

    -L <string> ........ Add an explicit library path.

    -help, -h .......... Display this information.

Third Party Libraries:

    -qt-zlib ........... Use the zlib bundled with Qt.

 +  -system-zlib ....... Use zlib from the operating system.


    -no-gif ............ Do not compile GIF reading support.

    -no-libtiff ........ Do not compile TIFF support.

    -qt-libtiff ........ Use the libtiff bundled with Qt.

 +  -system-libtiff .... Use libtiff from the operating system.


    -no-libpng ......... Do not compile PNG support.

    -qt-libpng ......... Use the libpng bundled with Qt.

 +  -system-libpng ..... Use libpng from the operating system.


    -no-libmng ......... Do not compile MNG support.

    -qt-libmng ......... Use the libmng bundled with Qt.

 +  -system-libmng ..... Use libmng from the operating system.


    -no-libjpeg ........ Do not compile JPEG support.

    -qt-libjpeg ........ Use the libjpeg bundled with Qt.

 +  -system-libjpeg .... Use libjpeg from the operating system.


    -no-openssl ........ Do not compile support for OpenSSL.

 +  -openssl ........... Enable run-time OpenSSL support.

    -openssl-linked .... Enabled linked OpenSSL support.

    -ptmalloc .......... Override the system memory allocator with ptmalloc.


Additional options:

    -make <part> ....... Add part to the list of parts to be built at make time.

                         (libs tools examples demos docs translations)

    -nomake <part> ..... Exclude part from the list of parts to be built.

    -R <string> ........ Add an explicit runtime library path to the Qt


    -l <string> ........ Add an explicit library.

    -no-rpath .......... Do not use the library install path as a runtime

                         library path.

 +  -rpath ............. Link Qt libraries and executables using the library

                         install path as a runtime library path. Equivalent

                         to -R install_libpath

    -continue .......... Continue as far as possible if an error occurs.

    -verbose, -v ....... Print verbose information about each step of the

                         configure process.

    -silent ............ Reduce the build output so that warnings and errors

                         can be seen more easily.

 *  -no-optimized-qmake ... Do not build qmake optimized.

    -optimized-qmake ...... Build qmake optimized.

    -no-gui ............ Don't build the Qt GUI library

    -no-nis ............ Do not compile NIS support.

 *  -nis ............... Compile NIS support.

    -no-cups ........... Do not compile CUPS support.

 *  -cups .............. Compile CUPS support.

                         Requires cups/cups.h and

    -no-iconv .......... Do not compile support for iconv(3).

 *  -iconv ............. Compile support for iconv(3).

    -no-pch ............ Do not use precompiled header support.

 *  -pch ............... Use precompiled header support.

    -no-dbus ........... Do not compile the QtDBus module.

 +  -dbus .............. Compile the QtDBus module and dynamically load libdbus-1.

    -dbus-linked ....... Compile the QtDBus module and link to libdbus-1.

    -reduce-relocations ..... Reduce relocations in the libraries through extra

                              linker optimizations (Qt/X11 and Qt for Embedded Linux only;

                              experimental; needs GNU ld >= 2.18).

 *  -no-separate-debug-info . Do not store debug information in a separate file.

    -separate-debug-info .... Strip debug information into a separate file.

Qt for Embedded Linux:

    -embedded <arch> .... This will enable the embedded build, you must have a

                          proper license for this switch to work.

                          Example values for <arch>: arm mips x86 generic

    -xplatform target ... The target platform when cross-compiling.

    -device-option <key=value> ... Add device specific options for the device mkspec


    -no-feature-<feature> Do not compile in <feature>.

    -feature-<feature> .. Compile in <feature>. The available features

                          are described in src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt

    -armfpa ............. Target platform uses the ARM-FPA floating point format.

    -no-armfpa .......... Target platform does not use the ARM-FPA floating point format.

                          The floating point format is usually autodetected by configure. Use this

                          to override the detected value.

    -little-endian ...... Target platform is little endian (LSB first).

    -big-endian ......... Target platform is big endian (MSB first).

    -host-little-endian . Host platform is little endian (LSB first).

    -host-big-endian .... Host platform is big endian (MSB first).

                          You only need to specify the endianness when

                          cross-compiling, otherwise the host

                          endianness will be used.

    -no-freetype ........ Do not compile in Freetype2 support.

    -qt-freetype ........ Use the libfreetype bundled with Qt.

 *  -system-freetype .... Use libfreetype from the operating system.


    -qconfig local ...... Use src/corelib/global/qconfig-local.h rather than the

                          default (full).

    -no-opengl .......... Do not support OpenGL.

    -opengl <api> ....... Enable OpenGL ES support

                          With no parameter, this will attempt to auto-detect OpenGL ES 1.x

                          or 2.x, or regular desktop OpenGL.

                          Use es1 or es2 for <api> to override auto-detection.

    -depths <list> ...... Comma-separated list of supported bit-per-pixel

                          depths, from: 1, 4, 8, 12, 15, 16, 18, 24, 32 and 'all'.

    -qt-decoration-<style> ....Enable a decoration <style> in the QtGui library,

                               by default all available decorations are on.

                               Possible values for <style>: [ styled windows default ]

    -plugin-decoration-<style> Enable decoration <style> as a plugin to be

                               linked to at run time.

                               Possible values for <style>: [  default styled windows ]

    -no-decoration-<style> ....Disable decoration <style> entirely.

                               Possible values for <style>: [ styled windows default ]

    -qt-gfx-<driver> ... Enable a graphics <driver> in the QtGui library.

                         Possible values for <driver>: [ linuxfb transformed qvfb vnc multiscreen directfb qnx integrityfb ]

    -plugin-gfx-<driver> Enable graphics <driver> as a plugin to be

                         linked to at run time.

                         Possible values for <driver>: [  ahi directfb eglnullws linuxfb powervr qvfb transformed vnc ]

    -no-gfx-<driver> ... Disable graphics <driver> entirely.

                         Possible values for <driver>: [ linuxfb transformed qvfb vnc multiscreen directfb qnx integrityfb ]

    -qt-kbd-<driver> ... Enable a keyboard <driver> in the QtGui library.

                         Possible values for <driver>: [ tty linuxinput qvfb qnx integrity ]

    -plugin-kbd-<driver> Enable keyboard <driver> as a plugin to be linked to

                         at runtime.

                         Possible values for <driver>: [  linuxinput ]

    -no-kbd-<driver> ... Disable keyboard <driver> entirely.

                         Possible values for <driver>: [ tty linuxinput qvfb qnx integrity ]

    -qt-mouse-<driver> ... Enable a mouse <driver> in the QtGui library.

                           Possible values for <driver>: [ pc linuxtp linuxinput tslib qvfb qnx integrity ]

    -plugin-mouse-<driver> Enable mouse <driver> as a plugin to be linked to

                           at runtime.

                           Possible values for <driver>: [  linuxtp pc tslib ]

    -no-mouse-<driver> ... Disable mouse <driver> entirely.

                           Possible values for <driver>: [ pc linuxtp linuxinput tslib qvfb qnx integrity ]

    -iwmmxt ............ Compile using the iWMMXt instruction set

                         (available on some XScale CPUs).

    -no-glib ........... Do not compile Glib support.

 +  -glib .............. Compile Glib support. 

[링크 :]

ti에서 qt 빌드시 cortex-a8과 neon을 쓰도록 컴파일러에 옵션을 넘겨주는게 보인다.

sample qmake.conf for AM35xx/OMAP35xx (Cortex-A8 family)


# qmake configuration for building with arm-linux-g++





# modifications to g++.conf


#Compiler Flags to take advantage of the ARM architecture

QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE =   -O3 -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp

QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE = -O3 -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp

QMAKE_CC = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc

QMAKE_CXX = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++

QMAKE_LINK = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++

QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++

# modifications to linux.conf

QMAKE_AR = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ar cqs

QMAKE_OBJCOPY = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-objcopy

QMAKE_STRIP = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-strip


[링크 :]

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

'Programming > qt' 카테고리의 다른 글

qt 5.4 cross compile 시도!!  (0) 2015.01.12
qt dom  (0) 2014.12.22
qt 5.3 html5 v8  (0) 2014.12.16
php - c shared memory  (0) 2014.12.16
qt fancybrowser  (0) 2014.12.16
Posted by 구차니
Programming/qt2014. 12. 16. 19:44

qt 5.3 부터는 html5와 웹킷에 자바 스크립트 엔진으로 v8을 지원한다고 한다.

4.8.x를 쓸 이유가 없다면...

무리하게 4.8.x에 v8을 넣을 바에는

qt 5.3을 가는 것도 방법으로 보인다.

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

'Programming > qt' 카테고리의 다른 글

qt dom  (0) 2014.12.22
qt 4.8.5 임베디드 빌드 옵션  (0) 2014.12.16
php - c shared memory  (0) 2014.12.16
qt fancybrowser  (0) 2014.12.16
qt webkit javascript 엔진 V8로 교체하기?  (0) 2014.12.11
Posted by 구차니
Programming/qt2014. 12. 16. 19:14

php/웹 과 pc 프로그램을 연결하는 방법으로 찾으니...

shared memory나 file io가 나오는데

xml이 웹에서 관리하기 편하다고는 하지만 파싱의 오버헤드를 무시할 수준이 되지 않으니

성능이 중요시 되는 구조라면.. 조금 번거롭더라도 배열등을 공유메모리에 넣고 쓰는게 나을지도 모르겠다.

그나저나. c++이나 qt같은 객체도.. php에서 인식이 가능하려나?

php5 이후 부터 객체를 지원한다는 소리를 들은거 같긴한데..

[링크 : h ttp://]

[링크 :]



[링크 :]

[링크 :]

'Programming > qt' 카테고리의 다른 글

qt 4.8.5 임베디드 빌드 옵션  (0) 2014.12.16
qt 5.3 html5 v8  (0) 2014.12.16
qt fancybrowser  (0) 2014.12.16
qt webkit javascript 엔진 V8로 교체하기?  (0) 2014.12.11
Qt for Embedded Linux 와 VNC  (0) 2014.12.11
Posted by 구차니
Programming/qt2014. 12. 16. 19:10

qt의 fancybrowser는 클래스가 아닌

qtwebkit 을 이용한 독립 어플리케이션이다.

일종의.. 간소화된 사파리?

[링크 :]

'Programming > qt' 카테고리의 다른 글

qt 5.3 html5 v8  (0) 2014.12.16
php - c shared memory  (0) 2014.12.16
qt webkit javascript 엔진 V8로 교체하기?  (0) 2014.12.11
Qt for Embedded Linux 와 VNC  (0) 2014.12.11
qt dialog / webkit 연동  (0) 2014.12.10
Posted by 구차니
개소리 왈왈/블로그2014. 12. 15. 23:04

예전에 왜 신 버전을 안섰더라?

아무튼. 오늘 글을 쓰려니 갑자기 바뀌었네 -_-

[링크 :]

'개소리 왈왈 > 블로그' 카테고리의 다른 글

내 데이타 ㅠㅠ  (0) 2015.01.14
안녕 2014. 안녕 2015  (0) 2014.12.31
2일째.. 먹통..  (0) 2014.09.25
호스팅어 일단.. 가입!  (1) 2014.08.27
호스팅어... 가입은 잠시 보류!  (7) 2014.07.18
Posted by 구차니
Linux2014. 12. 14. 21:52
일반적으로. 요즘 시스템은 EXT4를 많이 채용하지만
이녀석이 비록 SSD 대응하도록 만들어져 있긴 하지만 wear leveling 보다는 trim 지원 정도라고 해야하려나?
아무튼 wear leveling이 없다 보니 sd 메모리와 같은 MTD 장비에는 적합하지 않고
그로 인해 ext4를 쓰다 보면 파일 테이블에 손상을 입고 부팅이 불가능해질 가능성이 높다.

정식으로 MTD를 지원하는 파일 시스템은
EXT4는 MTD를 정식 지원하진 않는다.

임베디드 시스템에서의 커널변수 및 관련 자료
[링크 : ]

[링크 :]
2010/11/21 - [개소리 왈왈/핸드폰(안드로이드)] - 갤럭시S 프로요, 그리고 부두
2012/04/04 - [Linux/Ubuntu] - 우분투 SSD 설정하기 

'Linux' 카테고리의 다른 글

dd / progress  (0) 2014.12.22
udev rule  (0) 2014.12.18
TTY / PTS 약자  (0) 2014.12.14
expect - shell script  (0) 2014.12.10
tty / pts redirect  (0) 2014.12.09
Posted by 구차니
Linux2014. 12. 14. 21:16
리눅스 장치명으로 콘솔은
/dev/tty(시리얼) 나 /dev/pts(ssh)로 대개 잡히는데
약자를 찾아보니..

Pseudo terminal slave


[링크 :]
[링크 :

'Linux' 카테고리의 다른 글

udev rule  (0) 2014.12.18
플래시용 파일 시스템과 EXT4  (0) 2014.12.14
expect - shell script  (0) 2014.12.10
tty / pts redirect  (0) 2014.12.09
rootfs / 부트 속도 향상하기  (0) 2014.12.07
Posted by 구차니
35주년이라는 말에 웬지 피식
이걸 몇 주년 챙길 정도로 좋은일일까.... 

[링크 : ]

'개소리 왈왈 > 정치관련 신세한탄' 카테고리의 다른 글

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8.15 광복절  (0) 2014.08.15
면접 보고 옴  (0) 2014.07.08
Posted by 구차니