$ svnadmin help dump
dump: usage: svnadmin dump REPOS_PATH [-r LOWER[:UPPER] [--incremental]]
$ svnadmin dump repos/ > repos.dmp
svnadmin: Expected FS format between '1' and '4'; found format '6'
하.. 이 써글 버전..
꺼부기 에서 최신버전 해놨더니 DB 버전이 6이 되어버려서
리눅스에서는 구버전인지라.. 인식이 안되나 보다.. ㅠㅠ
옳은 해결방법은 아니지만 강제로 db 버전을 4라고 속여서 궈궈 ㅠㅠ
[링크 : http://stackoverflow.com/.../subversion-svn-e160043-expected-fs-format-between-1-and-4]
$ vi repos/db/format
layout sharded 1000
$ sudo vi repos/db/format
layout sharded 1000
$ svnadmin dump /home/minimonk/repos > repos.dmp
* Dumped revision 0.
* Dumped revision 135.
$ file repos.dmp
repos.dmp: Subversion dumpfile (version: 2)
$ svnadmin help load
load: usage: svnadmin load REPOS_PATH
Read a 'dumpfile'-formatted stream from stdin, committing
new revisions into the repository's filesystem. If the repository
was previously empty, its UUID will, by default, be changed to the
one specified in the stream. Progress feedback is sent to stdout.
Valid options:
-q [--quiet] : no progress (only errors) to stderr
--ignore-uuid : ignore any repos UUID found in the stream
--force-uuid : set repos UUID to that found in stream, if any
--use-pre-commit-hook : call pre-commit hook before committing revisions
--use-post-commit-hook : call post-commit hook after committing revisions
--parent-dir ARG : load at specified directory in repository
으아아아 해보지 않으니 안되는걸 알리가.. ㅠㅠ
< 로 stdin에서 파일을 받아야 하는데 왜 그걸 안알랴준거야!!!
$ sudo svnadmin load repos1 --parent-dir temp < repos.dmp
<<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 1
* adding path : temp/rev133-150114 ... done.
* adding path : temp/rev133-150114/App ... done.
------- Committed new rev 1213 (loaded from original rev 135) >>>
svn repo browser로 보니 원하는 경로였던
svn 저장소 상의 /temp에 잘 들어가있고 리비전 히스토리까지 다 들어가 있다!! 우오오오
그런데.. 새로 받아야지 UUID가 달라서 switch도 relocate도 안된다 ㅠㅠ
[링크 : http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/6676/svn-switch-relocate-wrong-uuid]
2015/06/06 - [프로그램 사용/CVS / SVN / GIT / Mercurial] - svn 저장소 합치기
2011/01/08 - [프로그램 사용/CVS / SVN / GIT / Mercurial] - SVN 저장소 합치기 - merging SVN repositories