Modulation techniques make use of the fact that technical noise usually decreases with increasing frequency (often referred to as a 1/f noise) and improves on the signal contrast by encoding and detecting the absorption signal at ahigh frequency, where the noise level is low. The most common modulation techniques, wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS)[2]and frequency modulation spectroscopy (FMS),[3]achieve this by rapidly scanning the frequency of the light across the absorbing transition.
brew를 통해 설치한 lsusb에서는 먼가 인식은 하는데 정상적으로 칩셋 명칭이 안나오는걸 보면
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% lsusb -t Bus 000.Dev 001: USB 2.0 Bus, Bus 000.Dev 001: USB 2.0 Bus, Bus 000.Dev 001: USB 3.0 Bus, |__ Bus 020.Dev 004: USB-MAC Controller, 480Mb/s |__ Bus 026.Dev 001: Hub, 480Mb/s |__ Bus 026.Dev 003: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in), 480Mb/s |__ Bus 029.Dev 001: Hub, 480Mb/s |__ Bus 029.Dev 002: Hub, 480Mb/s |__ Bus 029.Dev 000: BRCM20702 Hub, |__ Bus 029.Dev 000: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, |__ Bus 029.Dev 003: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 12Mb/s |__ Bus 029.Dev 005: Internal Memory Card Reader, 480Mb/s