TheA/WA/Wunits refer to the current (in Ampère) produced per Watt of light incident on the photodiode. This current-production happens when the diode operates in the so-called photoconductive mode. Since your question wasn't on the inner workings of a photodiode, I won't expand on this, butWikipediacontains some more information if desired.
Variousbasic block vectorization (SLP)improvements, such as better data dependence analysis, support of misaligned accesses and multiple types, cost model.
Superword level parallelism (SLP) is an advanced method of traditional vectorization that facilitates parallelism across loop iterations, SIMD, and basic blocks.Vectorizationin this context is the process used to complete several similar tasks (or instructions) simultaneously, therefore saving processing time and resources.
retinex 알고리즘은 어두운 사진에서 식별 가능하도록 보정해주는 거라고 하는데(CCTV 등?)
내용을 보면 그것과는 좀 다른 느낌?
Retinex improves visual rendering of an image when lighting conditions are not good. While our eye can see colors correctly when light is low, cameras and video cams can't manage this well. The MSRCR (MultiScale Retinex with Color Restoration) algorithm, which is at the root of the Retinex filter, is inspired by the eye biological mechanisms to adapt itself to these conditions. Retinex stands for Retina + cortex.
kaiser window에서 beta1=16.7일 때 k=2.23 이라는데, k 값이 그러면 amplitude 관련 보정에 대한 그 계수가 아닌가?
Where k is a window-related coeffcient, N is the number of time-domain samples used in the DFT calculation, and Fs is the sampling frequency. For the Kaiser window with beta1 = 16.7, k is about 2.23. The RBW shape factor, defned as the frequency ratio between the spectrum amplitude at 60 dB and 3 dB, is about 4:1. On the RSA5100/6100, the spectrum analysis measurement uses Equation 2 to calculate the required number of samples for the DFT based on the input span and RBW settings.
인데 NENBW는 normalized effective noise bandwidth of the window 라..
RBW - Resolution bandwidth
Resolution bandwidth of the estimate, returned as a scalar.
The resolution bandwidth, RBW, is the smallest positive frequency, or frequency interval, that can be resolved. It is equal to NENBW*SampleRate/L, where L is the input length, and NENBW is the normalized effective noise bandwidth of the window.
The data type of RBW matches the data type of the input.