'잡동사니'에 해당되는 글 12969건

  1. 2016.07.22 back focus
  2. 2016.07.22 머 이런꿈을 다꾸게 되냐 2
  3. 2016.07.21 비데 메뉴얼 - 노비타 BD-KA237
  4. 2016.07.21 lg 에어컨(신형) 필터 교체 신청
  5. 2016.07.20 이 미묘한 기분..
  6. 2016.07.19 inspector 2 SE 메뉴얼
  7. 2016.07.19 보름달
  8. 2016.07.18 c&c generals zero hour - usa 4
  9. 2016.07.18 c&c generals zero hour - usa 3
  10. 2016.07.18 cpp this

방송용 카메라의 경우 front focus ring과 back focus ring이 존재하는데

back focus ring을 조절하면 zoom in/out 시에도 촛점을 놓치지 않고 잘 잡는 듯?

[링크 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIYvYvkblMs]

[링크 : http://nofilmschool.com/2011/12/set-backfocus-video-camera]

[링크 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28NPkAJGC6s]

If you find that your focus is sharp when you are zoomed in but soft when zoomed out, your back focus needs adjusting. This normally only happens to cameras with detachable lenses — consumer-level camera users shouldn't have to worry about it.

Technical Note: Back focus refers to the "focal flange length". This is the distance between the rear lens element and the CCD.

[링크 : http://www.mediacollege.com/video/camera/focus/back-focus.html]

[링크 : https://www.videouniversity.com/articles/adjusting-the-back-focus-of-a-lens/]

물론 back focusing과 front-focusing은 촛점을 잡을때 심도에 따른 구분인걸로.. back focus와는 또 다른 용어 같고...

Back-focusing and front-focusing is when the auto-focus consistently is slightly off in either direction.

[링크 : http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/900/what-is-back-focusing]

inner focus 는 또 다른 용어 같은데.. 어렵네..

An internal focus lens (sometimes known as IF) is a photographic lens design in which focus is shifted by moving the inner lens group or groups only, without any rotation or shifting of the front lens element.

[링크 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_focusing]

'이론 관련 > 사진 광학 관련' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 구차니

대학생인데 학고맞음

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Posted by 구차니
파일방2016. 7. 21. 09:34


(노비타꺼 안쓰고) 필터를 달려니 저 망할 급수호스가 맞는데..

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[링크 : http://novita.co.kr/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/BD-KA237_KA217.pdf]

'파일방' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 구차니

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[링크 : https://storyfunding.daum.net/episode/625]

[링크 : http://vcnc.tistory.com/]

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Posted by 구차니
파일방2016. 7. 19. 17:01

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'파일방' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 구차니

22mm 로 찍어서 그런가 무지 작게 나오네


Posted by 구차니
게임/c&c generals2016. 7. 18. 23:38

빡침의 끝은 소모전 ㅋㅋ

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Posted by 구차니
게임/c&c generals2016. 7. 18. 22:36

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Posted by 구차니
Programming/C++ STL2016. 7. 18. 20:57

[링크 : http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/8-8-the-hidden-this-pointer/]

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[링크 : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6779645/use-of-this-keyword-in-c]

[링크 : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2337540/when-should-you-use-the-this-keyword-in-c]

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Posted by 구차니