회사일2011. 3. 23. 10:29
아무리 그래도 메일에 파일 첨부하고
꼴랑 3글짜 적어 보내는건 머니 -_-

[링크 : http://www.terms.co.kr/FYI.htm]

'회사일' 카테고리의 다른 글

노기스  (0) 2011.06.22
데드롱?  (0) 2011.05.25
PANTONE 이란  (0) 2011.01.12
도급자재 / 사급자재  (4) 2010.10.12
직무, 직위, 직책, 직급  (0) 2010.09.11
Posted by 구차니
지하철에서 나와 개찰구로 가는데
앞 사람이 찍고
웬 가방을 등에 맨 고삐리가 뛰어들고
내 앞에서 들어가서 찍고


끼어드는걸 보면서도
이걸 가방을 확 땡겨서 갈굴까 어떻게 할까 고민을 하는 사이에 가버리는
좆고딩 머스마

이런걸 응징하려면 어떻게 해야하려나?
마음같아서는 가방을 확떙겨서 넘어트리고 밟으면서 카드 찍고 나가고 싶긴했는데
성인이라 내가 역관광 당할것 같기도 -_- 제길

아무튼 지하철에서 나와서 버스를 타러가는 동안에는
담배피는 분들 덕분에 드리프트를 해대면서 쿨럭쿨럭

아 세상따위 망해버려라 -_- t 
Posted by 구차니
하드웨어/Network 장비2011. 3. 22. 23:13
winXP SP3의 버그인지는 모르겠지만
현재 사용중인 intel PRO/1000MT Dual port Server LAN card 이녀석...
방화벽이 두개가 동시에 설정이 된다.

티밍설정을 한것도 아닌데
두개가 동시에 설정이 맞물리는 느낌이 드는건 왜일까 -_-


2011/03/22 - [Microsoft/Windows] - winXP에서 파일공유가 안될경우 
Posted by 구차니
Microsoft/Windows2011. 3. 22. 23:10

파일 공유가 안되길래, 혹시나 해서 서비스 목록에서 확인을 해보니 "Computer Browser" 서비스가 시작되어 있지 않았다. 
그래서 시작을 눌렀더니..

"computer browser 서비스가 로컬 컴퓨터에서 시작했다가 중지되었습니다"
이런 에러가 발생을 하면서 다시 시작하지 않음 상태로 돌아갔다 -_-

이게 무슨일인가 하고 봤더니 으헉?!
방화벽 설정에서 "파일 및 프린터 공유"가 예외로 인정되고 있지 않았다.
후다닥 이걸 체크하고 다시 켜러 갔더니 이미 켜져있는 상태 -_-

결론 : 랜카드를 별도로 추가해서 사용할 경우, 그 랜카드로만 인터넷할 할때에
         공유가 안되면 방화벽 예외사항을 살펴보자.

[링크 : http://jwmx.tistory.com/37]
[링크 : http://comboy.tistory.com/761]
[링크 : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/188001

'Microsoft > Windows' 카테고리의 다른 글

Windows7 파일 형식 탭이 얼루 도망간겨?  (0) 2011.04.07
regsrv32를 이용한 ActiveX 삭제  (0) 2011.03.25
hiberfil.sys 위치는 못 옮겨!  (0) 2011.03.07
IPv6  (2) 2011.01.21
windows 7/vista 잘못된 EDID 바로잡기  (2) 2011.01.07
Posted by 구차니

3월 23일 매수분 부터 CMA-RP에 대한 금리가 0.5% 올라간다.
"매수분"이기 때문에 기존에 유지하고 있던 녀석들은 한번 털어주어야 한다고 했던게 기억이 나는데..

아래와 같이 메뉴에 들어가서 하면 된다는데 흐음..
매도방법 : 금융상품 → 매매계좌 → 매도하기 → CMARP
[링크 : http://gemini1436.egloos.com/3725176] 

상단의 "금융상품몰" - 좌측의 "매매/예약" - "매도" - "해당계좌"를 선택하면 된다.

그나저나 2007년 4.8%에 비하면 참으로 많이도 떨어진 이율이다 -_-

Posted by 구차니
Linux2011. 3. 22. 21:53
사용하고 있는 리눅스 서버한녀석이 부팅시에 꼭 먹통이 된다 -_-
게다가 가장 짜증난다는 "랜덤"한 빈도로 말이다.

아무튼 증상을 보면 sda와 sdb가 뒤바뀌는 현상이 가끔 생기는데
프레스캇 메인보드에서 SATA와 IDE를 동시에 쓰면서
하드 순서가 뒤바뀌는건지 도무지 BIOS 상에서는 잡을수가 없다

리눅스 상의 /etc/fstab에는 아래와 같은 remount-ro 가 있는데 에러가 발생시 마운트를 재시도 하도록 되어있다. 
(솔찍히 기본값은 무시하고 넘어가는 건지 알수가 없다 ㅠ.ㅠ)
  9 /dev/sdb        /               ext4    defaults            0       2
 10 /dev/sda        /home/samba     ext4    errors=remount-ro   0       1 

errors=continue / errors=remount-ro / errors=panic
Define the behaviour when an error is encountered. (Either ignore errors and just mark the file system erroneous and continue, or remount the file system read-only, or panic and halt the system.) The default is set in the filesystem superblock, and can be changed using tune2fs(8)

[링크 : http://linux.die.net/man/8/mount]

'Linux' 카테고리의 다른 글

TSC - Time Stamp Counter  (0) 2011.06.05
zip 파일은 UTF-8을 지원안하려나?  (2) 2011.04.07
/proc/cpuinfo flags 필드의 내용  (0) 2011.03.22
linux kernel이 64bit 인지 확인하는 방법  (0) 2011.03.22
RTSP는 UDP가 기본  (0) 2011.02.24
Posted by 구차니
Linux2011. 3. 22. 09:37
fpu Onboard (x87) Floating Point Unit
vme Virtual Mode Extension
de Debugging Extensions
pse Page Size Extensions
tsc Time Stamp Counter: support for RDTSC and WRTSC instructions
msr Model-Specific Registers
pae Physical Address Extensions: ability to access 64GB of memory; only 4GB can be accessed at a time though
mce Machine Check Architecture
cx8 CMPXCHG8 instruction
apic Onboard Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
sep Sysenter/Sysexit Instructions; SYSENTER is used for jumps to kernel memory during system calls, and SYSEXIT is used for jumps back to the user code
mtrr Memory Type Range Registers
pge Page Global Enable
mca Machine Check Architecture
cmov CMOV instruction
pat Page Attribute Table
pse36 36-bit Page Size Extensions: allows to map 4 MB pages into the first 64GB RAM, used with PSE.
pn Processor Serial-Number; only available on Pentium 3
clflush CLFLUSH instruction
dtes Debug Trace Store
acpi ACPI via MSR
mmx MultiMedia Extension
fxsr FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions
sse Streaming SIMD Extensions. Single instruction multiple data. Lets you do a bunch of the same operation on different pieces of input in a single clock tick.
sse2 Streaming SIMD Extensions-2. More of the same.
selfsnoop CPU self snoop
acc Automatic Clock Control
IA64 IA-64 processor Itanium.
ht HyperThreading. Introduces an imaginary second processor that doesn’t do much but lets you run threads in the same process a bit quicker.
nx No Execute bit. Prevents arbitrary code running via buffer overflows.
pni Prescott New Instructions aka. SSE3
vmx Intel Vanderpool hardware virtualization technology
svm AMD “Pacifica” hardware virtualization technology
lm “Long Mode,” which means the chip supports the AMD64 instruction set
tm “Thermal Monitor” Thermal throttling with IDLE instructions.
      Usually hardware controlled in response to CPU temperature.
tm2 “Thermal Monitor 2″ Decrease speed by reducing multipler and vcore.
est “Enhanced SpeedStep” 

 \flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm lahf_lm tpr_shadow  

커널소스에 내용이 들어있다고 하는데 알아볼수가 없네 -_- 
아무튼 아래는 2.6.38 버전의 /usr/include/asm/cpufeature.h 파일내용
 * Defines x86 CPU feature bits

#include "asm/required-features.h"

#define NCAPINTS	10	/* N 32-bit words worth of info */

 * Note: If the comment begins with a quoted string, that string is used
 * in /proc/cpuinfo instead of the macro name.  If the string is "",
 * this feature bit is not displayed in /proc/cpuinfo at all.

/* Intel-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x00000001 (edx), word 0 */
#define X86_FEATURE_FPU		(0*32+ 0) /* Onboard FPU */
#define X86_FEATURE_VME		(0*32+ 1) /* Virtual Mode Extensions */
#define X86_FEATURE_DE		(0*32+ 2) /* Debugging Extensions */
#define X86_FEATURE_PSE		(0*32+ 3) /* Page Size Extensions */
#define X86_FEATURE_TSC		(0*32+ 4) /* Time Stamp Counter */
#define X86_FEATURE_MSR		(0*32+ 5) /* Model-Specific Registers */
#define X86_FEATURE_PAE		(0*32+ 6) /* Physical Address Extensions */
#define X86_FEATURE_MCE		(0*32+ 7) /* Machine Check Exception */
#define X86_FEATURE_CX8		(0*32+ 8) /* CMPXCHG8 instruction */
#define X86_FEATURE_APIC	(0*32+ 9) /* Onboard APIC */
#define X86_FEATURE_SEP		(0*32+11) /* SYSENTER/SYSEXIT */
#define X86_FEATURE_MTRR	(0*32+12) /* Memory Type Range Registers */
#define X86_FEATURE_PGE		(0*32+13) /* Page Global Enable */
#define X86_FEATURE_MCA		(0*32+14) /* Machine Check Architecture */
#define X86_FEATURE_CMOV	(0*32+15) /* CMOV instructions */
					  /* (plus FCMOVcc, FCOMI with FPU) */
#define X86_FEATURE_PAT		(0*32+16) /* Page Attribute Table */
#define X86_FEATURE_PSE36	(0*32+17) /* 36-bit PSEs */
#define X86_FEATURE_PN		(0*32+18) /* Processor serial number */
#define X86_FEATURE_CLFLSH	(0*32+19) /* "clflush" CLFLUSH instruction */
#define X86_FEATURE_DS		(0*32+21) /* "dts" Debug Store */
#define X86_FEATURE_ACPI	(0*32+22) /* ACPI via MSR */
#define X86_FEATURE_MMX		(0*32+23) /* Multimedia Extensions */
#define X86_FEATURE_FXSR	(0*32+24) /* FXSAVE/FXRSTOR, CR4.OSFXSR */
#define X86_FEATURE_XMM		(0*32+25) /* "sse" */
#define X86_FEATURE_XMM2	(0*32+26) /* "sse2" */
#define X86_FEATURE_SELFSNOOP	(0*32+27) /* "ss" CPU self snoop */
#define X86_FEATURE_HT		(0*32+28) /* Hyper-Threading */
#define X86_FEATURE_ACC		(0*32+29) /* "tm" Automatic clock control */
#define X86_FEATURE_IA64	(0*32+30) /* IA-64 processor */
#define X86_FEATURE_PBE		(0*32+31) /* Pending Break Enable */

/* AMD-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x80000001, word 1 */
/* Don't duplicate feature flags which are redundant with Intel! */
#define X86_FEATURE_SYSCALL	(1*32+11) /* SYSCALL/SYSRET */
#define X86_FEATURE_MP		(1*32+19) /* MP Capable. */
#define X86_FEATURE_NX		(1*32+20) /* Execute Disable */
#define X86_FEATURE_MMXEXT	(1*32+22) /* AMD MMX extensions */
#define X86_FEATURE_FXSR_OPT	(1*32+25) /* FXSAVE/FXRSTOR optimizations */
#define X86_FEATURE_GBPAGES	(1*32+26) /* "pdpe1gb" GB pages */
#define X86_FEATURE_RDTSCP	(1*32+27) /* RDTSCP */
#define X86_FEATURE_LM		(1*32+29) /* Long Mode (x86-64) */
#define X86_FEATURE_3DNOWEXT	(1*32+30) /* AMD 3DNow! extensions */
#define X86_FEATURE_3DNOW	(1*32+31) /* 3DNow! */

/* Transmeta-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x80860001, word 2 */
#define X86_FEATURE_RECOVERY	(2*32+ 0) /* CPU in recovery mode */
#define X86_FEATURE_LONGRUN	(2*32+ 1) /* Longrun power control */
#define X86_FEATURE_LRTI	(2*32+ 3) /* LongRun table interface */

/* Other features, Linux-defined mapping, word 3 */
/* This range is used for feature bits which conflict or are synthesized */
#define X86_FEATURE_CXMMX	(3*32+ 0) /* Cyrix MMX extensions */
#define X86_FEATURE_K6_MTRR	(3*32+ 1) /* AMD K6 nonstandard MTRRs */
#define X86_FEATURE_CYRIX_ARR	(3*32+ 2) /* Cyrix ARRs (= MTRRs) */
#define X86_FEATURE_CENTAUR_MCR	(3*32+ 3) /* Centaur MCRs (= MTRRs) */
/* cpu types for specific tunings: */
#define X86_FEATURE_K8		(3*32+ 4) /* "" Opteron, Athlon64 */
#define X86_FEATURE_K7		(3*32+ 5) /* "" Athlon */
#define X86_FEATURE_P3		(3*32+ 6) /* "" P3 */
#define X86_FEATURE_P4		(3*32+ 7) /* "" P4 */
#define X86_FEATURE_CONSTANT_TSC (3*32+ 8) /* TSC ticks at a constant rate */
#define X86_FEATURE_UP		(3*32+ 9) /* smp kernel running on up */
#define X86_FEATURE_FXSAVE_LEAK (3*32+10) /* "" FXSAVE leaks FOP/FIP/FOP */
#define X86_FEATURE_ARCH_PERFMON (3*32+11) /* Intel Architectural PerfMon */
#define X86_FEATURE_PEBS	(3*32+12) /* Precise-Event Based Sampling */
#define X86_FEATURE_BTS		(3*32+13) /* Branch Trace Store */
#define X86_FEATURE_SYSCALL32	(3*32+14) /* "" syscall in ia32 userspace */
#define X86_FEATURE_SYSENTER32	(3*32+15) /* "" sysenter in ia32 userspace */
#define X86_FEATURE_REP_GOOD	(3*32+16) /* rep microcode works well */
#define X86_FEATURE_MFENCE_RDTSC (3*32+17) /* "" Mfence synchronizes RDTSC */
#define X86_FEATURE_LFENCE_RDTSC (3*32+18) /* "" Lfence synchronizes RDTSC */
#define X86_FEATURE_11AP	(3*32+19) /* "" Bad local APIC aka 11AP */
#define X86_FEATURE_NOPL	(3*32+20) /* The NOPL (0F 1F) instructions */
					  /* 21 available, was AMD_C1E */
#define X86_FEATURE_XTOPOLOGY	(3*32+22) /* cpu topology enum extensions */
#define X86_FEATURE_TSC_RELIABLE (3*32+23) /* TSC is known to be reliable */
#define X86_FEATURE_NONSTOP_TSC	(3*32+24) /* TSC does not stop in C states */
#define X86_FEATURE_CLFLUSH_MONITOR (3*32+25) /* "" clflush reqd with monitor */
#define X86_FEATURE_EXTD_APICID	(3*32+26) /* has extended APICID (8 bits) */
#define X86_FEATURE_AMD_DCM     (3*32+27) /* multi-node processor */
#define X86_FEATURE_APERFMPERF	(3*32+28) /* APERFMPERF */

/* Intel-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x00000001 (ecx), word 4 */
#define X86_FEATURE_XMM3	(4*32+ 0) /* "pni" SSE-3 */
#define X86_FEATURE_PCLMULQDQ	(4*32+ 1) /* PCLMULQDQ instruction */
#define X86_FEATURE_DTES64	(4*32+ 2) /* 64-bit Debug Store */
#define X86_FEATURE_MWAIT	(4*32+ 3) /* "monitor" Monitor/Mwait support */
#define X86_FEATURE_DSCPL	(4*32+ 4) /* "ds_cpl" CPL Qual. Debug Store */
#define X86_FEATURE_VMX		(4*32+ 5) /* Hardware virtualization */
#define X86_FEATURE_SMX		(4*32+ 6) /* Safer mode */
#define X86_FEATURE_EST		(4*32+ 7) /* Enhanced SpeedStep */
#define X86_FEATURE_TM2		(4*32+ 8) /* Thermal Monitor 2 */
#define X86_FEATURE_SSSE3	(4*32+ 9) /* Supplemental SSE-3 */
#define X86_FEATURE_CID		(4*32+10) /* Context ID */
#define X86_FEATURE_FMA		(4*32+12) /* Fused multiply-add */
#define X86_FEATURE_CX16	(4*32+13) /* CMPXCHG16B */
#define X86_FEATURE_XTPR	(4*32+14) /* Send Task Priority Messages */
#define X86_FEATURE_PDCM	(4*32+15) /* Performance Capabilities */
#define X86_FEATURE_DCA		(4*32+18) /* Direct Cache Access */
#define X86_FEATURE_XMM4_1	(4*32+19) /* "sse4_1" SSE-4.1 */
#define X86_FEATURE_XMM4_2	(4*32+20) /* "sse4_2" SSE-4.2 */
#define X86_FEATURE_X2APIC	(4*32+21) /* x2APIC */
#define X86_FEATURE_MOVBE	(4*32+22) /* MOVBE instruction */
#define X86_FEATURE_POPCNT      (4*32+23) /* POPCNT instruction */
#define X86_FEATURE_AES		(4*32+25) /* AES instructions */
#define X86_FEATURE_OSXSAVE	(4*32+27) /* "" XSAVE enabled in the OS */
#define X86_FEATURE_AVX		(4*32+28) /* Advanced Vector Extensions */
#define X86_FEATURE_F16C	(4*32+29) /* 16-bit fp conversions */
#define X86_FEATURE_RDRND	(4*32+30) /* The RDRAND instruction */
#define X86_FEATURE_HYPERVISOR	(4*32+31) /* Running on a hypervisor */

/* VIA/Cyrix/Centaur-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0xC0000001, word 5 */
#define X86_FEATURE_XSTORE	(5*32+ 2) /* "rng" RNG present (xstore) */
#define X86_FEATURE_XSTORE_EN	(5*32+ 3) /* "rng_en" RNG enabled */
#define X86_FEATURE_XCRYPT	(5*32+ 6) /* "ace" on-CPU crypto (xcrypt) */
#define X86_FEATURE_XCRYPT_EN	(5*32+ 7) /* "ace_en" on-CPU crypto enabled */
#define X86_FEATURE_ACE2	(5*32+ 8) /* Advanced Cryptography Engine v2 */
#define X86_FEATURE_ACE2_EN	(5*32+ 9) /* ACE v2 enabled */
#define X86_FEATURE_PHE		(5*32+10) /* PadLock Hash Engine */
#define X86_FEATURE_PHE_EN	(5*32+11) /* PHE enabled */
#define X86_FEATURE_PMM		(5*32+12) /* PadLock Montgomery Multiplier */
#define X86_FEATURE_PMM_EN	(5*32+13) /* PMM enabled */

/* More extended AMD flags: CPUID level 0x80000001, ecx, word 6 */
#define X86_FEATURE_LAHF_LM	(6*32+ 0) /* LAHF/SAHF in long mode */
#define X86_FEATURE_CMP_LEGACY	(6*32+ 1) /* If yes HyperThreading not valid */
#define X86_FEATURE_SVM		(6*32+ 2) /* Secure virtual machine */
#define X86_FEATURE_EXTAPIC	(6*32+ 3) /* Extended APIC space */
#define X86_FEATURE_CR8_LEGACY	(6*32+ 4) /* CR8 in 32-bit mode */
#define X86_FEATURE_ABM		(6*32+ 5) /* Advanced bit manipulation */
#define X86_FEATURE_SSE4A	(6*32+ 6) /* SSE-4A */
#define X86_FEATURE_MISALIGNSSE (6*32+ 7) /* Misaligned SSE mode */
#define X86_FEATURE_3DNOWPREFETCH (6*32+ 8) /* 3DNow prefetch instructions */
#define X86_FEATURE_OSVW	(6*32+ 9) /* OS Visible Workaround */
#define X86_FEATURE_IBS		(6*32+10) /* Instruction Based Sampling */
#define X86_FEATURE_XOP		(6*32+11) /* extended AVX instructions */
#define X86_FEATURE_SKINIT	(6*32+12) /* SKINIT/STGI instructions */
#define X86_FEATURE_WDT		(6*32+13) /* Watchdog timer */
#define X86_FEATURE_LWP		(6*32+15) /* Light Weight Profiling */
#define X86_FEATURE_FMA4	(6*32+16) /* 4 operands MAC instructions */
#define X86_FEATURE_NODEID_MSR	(6*32+19) /* NodeId MSR */
#define X86_FEATURE_TBM		(6*32+21) /* trailing bit manipulations */
#define X86_FEATURE_TOPOEXT	(6*32+22) /* topology extensions CPUID leafs */

 * Auxiliary flags: Linux defined - For features scattered in various
 * CPUID levels like 0x6, 0xA etc, word 7
#define X86_FEATURE_IDA		(7*32+ 0) /* Intel Dynamic Acceleration */
#define X86_FEATURE_ARAT	(7*32+ 1) /* Always Running APIC Timer */
#define X86_FEATURE_CPB		(7*32+ 2) /* AMD Core Performance Boost */
#define X86_FEATURE_EPB		(7*32+ 3) /* IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS support */
#define X86_FEATURE_XSAVEOPT	(7*32+ 4) /* Optimized Xsave */
#define X86_FEATURE_PLN		(7*32+ 5) /* Intel Power Limit Notification */
#define X86_FEATURE_PTS		(7*32+ 6) /* Intel Package Thermal Status */
#define X86_FEATURE_DTS		(7*32+ 7) /* Digital Thermal Sensor */

/* Virtualization flags: Linux defined, word 8 */
#define X86_FEATURE_TPR_SHADOW  (8*32+ 0) /* Intel TPR Shadow */
#define X86_FEATURE_VNMI        (8*32+ 1) /* Intel Virtual NMI */
#define X86_FEATURE_FLEXPRIORITY (8*32+ 2) /* Intel FlexPriority */
#define X86_FEATURE_EPT         (8*32+ 3) /* Intel Extended Page Table */
#define X86_FEATURE_VPID        (8*32+ 4) /* Intel Virtual Processor ID */
#define X86_FEATURE_NPT		(8*32+ 5) /* AMD Nested Page Table support */
#define X86_FEATURE_LBRV	(8*32+ 6) /* AMD LBR Virtualization support */
#define X86_FEATURE_SVML	(8*32+ 7) /* "svm_lock" AMD SVM locking MSR */
#define X86_FEATURE_NRIPS	(8*32+ 8) /* "nrip_save" AMD SVM next_rip save */
#define X86_FEATURE_TSCRATEMSR  (8*32+ 9) /* "tsc_scale" AMD TSC scaling support */
#define X86_FEATURE_VMCBCLEAN   (8*32+10) /* "vmcb_clean" AMD VMCB clean bits support */
#define X86_FEATURE_FLUSHBYASID (8*32+11) /* AMD flush-by-ASID support */
#define X86_FEATURE_DECODEASSISTS (8*32+12) /* AMD Decode Assists support */
#define X86_FEATURE_PAUSEFILTER (8*32+13) /* AMD filtered pause intercept */
#define X86_FEATURE_PFTHRESHOLD (8*32+14) /* AMD pause filter threshold */

/* Intel-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x00000007:0 (ebx), word 9 */
#define X86_FEATURE_FSGSBASE	(9*32+ 0) /* {RD/WR}{FS/GS}BASE instructions*/

#if defined(__KERNEL__) && !defined(__ASSEMBLY__)

#include "asm/asm.h"
#include "linux/bitops.h"

extern const char * const x86_cap_flags[NCAPINTS*32];
extern const char * const x86_power_flags[32];

#define test_cpu_cap(c, bit)						\
	 test_bit(bit, (unsigned long *)((c)->x86_capability))

#define cpu_has(c, bit)							\
	(__builtin_constant_p(bit) &&					\
	 ( (((bit)>>5)==0 && (1UL<<((bit)&31) & REQUIRED_MASK0)) ||	\
	   (((bit)>>5)==1 && (1UL<<((bit)&31) & REQUIRED_MASK1)) ||	\
	   (((bit)>>5)==2 && (1UL<<((bit)&31) & REQUIRED_MASK2)) ||	\
	   (((bit)>>5)==3 && (1UL<<((bit)&31) & REQUIRED_MASK3)) ||	\
	   (((bit)>>5)==4 && (1UL<<((bit)&31) & REQUIRED_MASK4)) ||	\
	   (((bit)>>5)==5 && (1UL<<((bit)&31) & REQUIRED_MASK5)) ||	\
	   (((bit)>>5)==6 && (1UL<<((bit)&31) & REQUIRED_MASK6)) ||	\
	   (((bit)>>5)==7 && (1UL<<((bit)&31) & REQUIRED_MASK7)) ||	\
	   (((bit)>>5)==8 && (1UL<<((bit)&31) & REQUIRED_MASK8)) ||	\
	   (((bit)>>5)==9 && (1UL<<((bit)&31) & REQUIRED_MASK9)) )	\
	  ? 1 :								\
	 test_cpu_cap(c, bit))

#define boot_cpu_has(bit)	cpu_has(&boot_cpu_data, bit)

#define set_cpu_cap(c, bit)	set_bit(bit, (unsigned long *)((c)->x86_capability))
#define clear_cpu_cap(c, bit)	clear_bit(bit, (unsigned long *)((c)->x86_capability))
#define setup_clear_cpu_cap(bit) do { \
	clear_cpu_cap(&boot_cpu_data, bit);	\
	set_bit(bit, (unsigned long *)cpu_caps_cleared); \
} while (0)
#define setup_force_cpu_cap(bit) do { \
	set_cpu_cap(&boot_cpu_data, bit);	\
	set_bit(bit, (unsigned long *)cpu_caps_set);	\
} while (0)

#define cpu_has_fpu		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_FPU)
#define cpu_has_vme		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_VME)
#define cpu_has_de		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_DE)
#define cpu_has_pse		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PSE)
#define cpu_has_tsc		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_TSC)
#define cpu_has_pae		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PAE)
#define cpu_has_pge		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PGE)
#define cpu_has_apic		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_APIC)
#define cpu_has_sep		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_SEP)
#define cpu_has_mtrr		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_MTRR)
#define cpu_has_mmx		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_MMX)
#define cpu_has_fxsr		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_FXSR)
#define cpu_has_xmm		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XMM)
#define cpu_has_xmm2		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XMM2)
#define cpu_has_xmm3		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XMM3)
#define cpu_has_aes		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_AES)
#define cpu_has_ht		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_HT)
#define cpu_has_mp		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_MP)
#define cpu_has_nx		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_NX)
#define cpu_has_k6_mtrr		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_K6_MTRR)
#define cpu_has_cyrix_arr	boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_CYRIX_ARR)
#define cpu_has_centaur_mcr	boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_CENTAUR_MCR)
#define cpu_has_xstore		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSTORE)
#define cpu_has_xstore_enabled	boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSTORE_EN)
#define cpu_has_xcrypt		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XCRYPT)
#define cpu_has_xcrypt_enabled	boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XCRYPT_EN)
#define cpu_has_ace2		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_ACE2)
#define cpu_has_ace2_enabled	boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_ACE2_EN)
#define cpu_has_phe		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PHE)
#define cpu_has_phe_enabled	boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PHE_EN)
#define cpu_has_pmm		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PMM)
#define cpu_has_pmm_enabled	boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PMM_EN)
#define cpu_has_ds		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_DS)
#define cpu_has_pebs		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PEBS)
#define cpu_has_clflush		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_CLFLSH)
#define cpu_has_bts		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_BTS)
#define cpu_has_gbpages		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_GBPAGES)
#define cpu_has_arch_perfmon	boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_ARCH_PERFMON)
#define cpu_has_pat		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PAT)
#define cpu_has_xmm4_1		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XMM4_1)
#define cpu_has_xmm4_2		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XMM4_2)
#define cpu_has_x2apic		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_X2APIC)
#define cpu_has_xsave		boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_XSAVE)
#define cpu_has_hypervisor	boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_HYPERVISOR)
#define cpu_has_pclmulqdq	boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PCLMULQDQ)

#if defined(CONFIG_X86_INVLPG) || defined(CONFIG_X86_64)
# define cpu_has_invlpg		1
# define cpu_has_invlpg		(boot_cpu_data.x86 > 3)

#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64

#undef  cpu_has_vme
#define cpu_has_vme		0

#undef  cpu_has_pae
#define cpu_has_pae		___BUG___

#undef  cpu_has_mp
#define cpu_has_mp		1

#undef  cpu_has_k6_mtrr
#define cpu_has_k6_mtrr		0

#undef  cpu_has_cyrix_arr
#define cpu_has_cyrix_arr	0

#undef  cpu_has_centaur_mcr
#define cpu_has_centaur_mcr	0

#endif /* CONFIG_X86_64 */

#if __GNUC__ >= 4
 * Static testing of CPU features.  Used the same as boot_cpu_has().
 * These are only valid after alternatives have run, but will statically
 * patch the target code for additional performance.
static __always_inline __pure bool __static_cpu_has(u16 bit)
#if __GNUC__ > 4 || __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5
		asm goto("1: jmp %l[t_no]\n"
			 ".section .altinstructions,\"a\"\n"
			 _ASM_ALIGN "\n"
			 _ASM_PTR "1b\n"
			 _ASM_PTR "0\n" 	/* no replacement */
			 " .word %P0\n"		/* feature bit */
			 " .byte 2b - 1b\n"	/* source len */
			 " .byte 0\n"		/* replacement len */
			 /* skipping size check since replacement size = 0 */
			 : : "i" (bit) : : t_no);
		return true;
		return false;
		u8 flag;
		/* Open-coded due to __stringify() in ALTERNATIVE() */
		asm volatile("1: movb $0,%0\n"
			     ".section .altinstructions,\"a\"\n"
			     _ASM_ALIGN "\n"
			     _ASM_PTR "1b\n"
			     _ASM_PTR "3f\n"
			     " .word %P1\n"		/* feature bit */
			     " .byte 2b - 1b\n"		/* source len */
			     " .byte 4f - 3f\n"		/* replacement len */
			     ".section .discard,\"aw\",@progbits\n"
			     " .byte 0xff + (4f-3f) - (2b-1b)\n" /* size check */
			     ".section .altinstr_replacement,\"ax\"\n"
			     "3: movb $1,%0\n"
			     : "=qm" (flag) : "i" (bit));
		return flag;

#define static_cpu_has(bit)					\
(								\
	__builtin_constant_p(boot_cpu_has(bit)) ?		\
		boot_cpu_has(bit) :				\
	__builtin_constant_p(bit) ?				\
		__static_cpu_has(bit) :				\
		boot_cpu_has(bit)				\
 * gcc 3.x is too stupid to do the static test; fall back to dynamic.
#define static_cpu_has(bit) boot_cpu_has(bit)

#endif /* defined(__KERNEL__) && !defined(__ASSEMBLY__) */

#endif /* _ASM_X86_CPUFEATURE_H */

[링크 : http://kernelstudy.tistory.com/64]
[링크 : http://www.gentoo-wiki.info/Gentoo:/proc/cpuinfo]

'Linux' 카테고리의 다른 글

zip 파일은 UTF-8을 지원안하려나?  (2) 2011.04.07
fstab  (4) 2011.03.22
linux kernel이 64bit 인지 확인하는 방법  (0) 2011.03.22
RTSP는 UDP가 기본  (0) 2011.02.24
iptables를 이용한 ICMP 응답 무시하기  (2) 2011.02.18
Posted by 구차니
Linux2011. 3. 22. 09:25
$ uname -m
getconf LONG_BIT

$ file /sbin/init
$ ls /usr/lib64

커널이 64비트인지 확인하는 방법은 위와 같이 여러가지가 있지만
가장 확실한 것은 getconf 인듯 하다.(커널에서 직접 설정값을 불러오니까)

참고적으로, /proc/cpuifo 에서 lm이 들어있으면 64bit 지원가능한 cpu 라고 한다.
flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm lahf_lm tpr_shadow 

[링크 : http://linux.die.net/man/1/getconf] 
[링크 : http://mcchae.egloos.com/5202743]
[링크 : http://www.linuxquestions.org/.../how-to-check-linux-kernel-is-32-bit-or-64-bit-612352/]
[링크 : http://www.linuxquestions.org/.../how-to-check-whether-kernel-is-32-bit-or-64-bit-in-linux-701576/

'Linux' 카테고리의 다른 글

fstab  (4) 2011.03.22
/proc/cpuinfo flags 필드의 내용  (0) 2011.03.22
RTSP는 UDP가 기본  (0) 2011.02.24
iptables를 이용한 ICMP 응답 무시하기  (2) 2011.02.18
메일서버 확인하기  (0) 2011.02.17
Posted by 구차니
Linux/Ubuntu2011. 3. 22. 00:44
다운받은 iso가 문제가 있었을 줄이야 -_-

아무튼, 시스템 상에서는 6기가 인식
$ cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:        6127932 kB
MemFree:         5331712 kB
Buffers:           22564 kB
Cached:           273900 kB
SwapCached:            0 kB
Active:           401676 kB
Inactive:         171536 kB
Active(anon):     277052 kB
Inactive(anon):     4968 kB
Active(file):     124624 kB
Inactive(file):   166568 kB
Unevictable:           0 kB
Mlocked:               0 kB
SwapTotal:       1282040 kB
SwapFree:        1282040 kB
Dirty:               660 kB
Writeback:             0 kB
AnonPages:        276716 kB
Mapped:            87144 kB
Shmem:              5240 kB
Slab:              37464 kB
SReclaimable:      20704 kB
SUnreclaim:        16760 kB
KernelStack:        2288 kB
PageTables:        21080 kB
NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
Bounce:                0 kB
WritebackTmp:          0 kB
CommitLimit:     4346004 kB
Committed_AS:     799396 kB
VmallocTotal:   34359738367 kB
VmallocUsed:      385472 kB
VmallocChunk:   34359345660 kB
HardwareCorrupted:     0 kB
HugePages_Total:       0
HugePages_Free:        0
HugePages_Rsvd:        0
HugePages_Surp:        0
Hugepagesize:       2048 kB
DirectMap4k:        9088 kB
DirectMap2M:     6281216 kB

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor    : 0
vendor_id    : AuthenticAMD
cpu family    : 15
model        : 107
model name    : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz        : 2211.540
cache size    : 512 KB
physical id    : 0
siblings    : 2
core id        : 0
cpu cores    : 2
apicid        : 0
initial apicid    : 0
fpu        : yes
fpu_exception    : yes
cpuid level    : 1
wp        : yes
flags        : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt rdtscp lm 3dnowext 3dnow rep_good extd_apicid pni cx16 lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic cr8_legacy 3dnowprefetch
bogomips    : 4423.08
TLB size    : 1024 4K pages
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment    : 64
address sizes    : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: ts fid vid ttp tm stc 100mhzsteps

하지만, GUI상에서는 5.8기가로 인식 -_- 2기가 돌려달라!

Posted by 구차니
개소리 왈왈2011. 3. 21. 21:19
눈깔이 썩을대로 썩어서, 웬만큰 큰 규모의 안경점에서도 바로 맞추지를 못한다 -_-
아무튼 봉다리채로 가져온건 처음이라서 일단 증거(!) 찰칵!

눈깔이 썩었다는 증거.jpg

Posted by 구차니