'프로그램 사용'에 해당되는 글 2258건

  1. 2023.08.16 make 조건식
  2. 2023.08.08 gcc cortex-a9 double형 neon 연산 가속 3
  3. 2023.08.05 libreoffice calc 중복제거
  4. 2023.08.04 libreoffice OpenCL 적용하기
  5. 2023.07.28 iperf3
  6. 2023.07.20 gcov와 gcovr
  7. 2023.07.19 gdbserver taget
  8. 2023.07.19 tek.com fft 관련 문서
  9. 2023.07.19 gdb conditional break
  10. 2023.07.13 audacity spectrogram 설정

지시자. 그러니까 아래서 make foo로 시작하는 부분에 대해서는

조건식이 없는걸로 봐서는 그 이전에 미리 조건식에 의해서 분기를 처리하고

그 아래에서는 조건식 없이 해야 하는건가?


libs_for_gcc = -lgnu
normal_libs =

ifeq ($(CC),gcc)

foo: $(objects)
        $(CC) -o foo $(objects) $(libs)

[링크 : https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Conditional-Example.html]

    [링크 : https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Conditionals.html]




'프로그램 사용 > make, configure' 카테고리의 다른 글

makefile 매크로(?)  (0) 2023.08.28
cmake ninja, cmake 옵션주기  (0) 2022.12.07
cmake 옵션 확인  (0) 2021.01.20
cmake 빌드 에러시  (0) 2021.01.19
make order  (0) 2016.06.16
Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/gcc2023. 8. 8. 11:17

문득 cpu 사양 다시 볼까? 싶어서 보니

어? NEON이 아니라 NEON MPE?

NEON™ media-processing engine
Single and double precision Vector Floating Point Unit (VFPU)

[링크 : https://docs.xilinx.com/v/u/en-US/ds190-Zynq-7000-Overview]


그래서 cortex-A9 NEON MPE 명령을 뒤져보는데

VADD나 VSUB VMUL VDIV에 대해서 찾아보니 NEON으로는 float까지만 되도, double은 VFP를 통해서 가능할 것 같은데

Double precision floating-point values

Single precision floating-point values

Half precision floating-point values

Integer values

Polynomials with single-bit coefficients

Operation is independent of data representation.

Name Advanced SIMD VFP Description
VADD I, F F, D Add
VDIV - F, D Divide
VMUL I, F, P F, D Multiply
VSUB I, F F, D Subtract

[링크 : https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0409/i/instruction-timing/cortex-a9-neon-mpe-instructions?lang=en]

타입을 바꾸어 봐도 안되서 골머리를 싸매다가(float는 된다매!!! double은 vfp로 된다매!!!)

main.c:187:2: missed: couldn't vectorize loop
main.c:177:6: missed: not vectorized: unsupported data-type double

main.c:187:2: missed: couldn't vectorize loop
main.c:177:6: missed: not vectorized: unsupported data-type float


금단의 플래그를 설정하니 잘 된다. -_-

main.c:194:2: optimized: loop vectorized using 16 byte vectors
main.c:188:2: optimized: loop vectorized using 16 byte vectors


IEEE를 무시하고 안전하지 않은 연산도 적용되고 하다보니 영 쓰기가 불안한데...

In addition GCC offers the -ffast-math flag which is a shortcut for several options, presenting the least conforming but fastest math mode. It enables -fno-trapping-math, -funsafe-math-optimizations, -ffinite-math-only, -fno-errno-math, -fno-signaling-nans, -fno-rounding-math, -fcx-limited-range and -fno-signed-zeros. Each of these flags violates IEEE in a different way. -ffast-math also may disable some features of the hardware IEEE implementation such as the support for denormals or flush-to-zero behavior. An example for such a case is x86_64 with it's use of SSE and SSE2 units for floating point math. 

[링크 : https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/FloatingPointMath]

아무튼 어제 어디서 보다 찾았던 associative 옵션을 못찾아서 헤매다가 다시 생각나서 보는데

associative하지 않다.. 이게 무슨 의미지?

Goldberg 논문에 나온 것 처럼 floating-point의 계산은 associative하지 않다.
그러므로 ffast-math 연산 방식에서는 실제 값에 오류를 포함할 수 밖에 없다.
이러한 점 때문에 ffast-math 방식은 IEEE에서 정의한 방식을 따르지 못한다.

위와 같은 특징 때문에, 정확한 값을 계산해야하는 것이라면 ffast-math를 사용하면 안된다.
하지만 대충 어림잡아서 맞는 값을 원하는 것이라면?

[링크 : https://www.cv-learn.com/20210107-gcc-ffast-math/]

float 형의 오차로 인해서 계산때 마다 동일 결과가 나오지 않는다는 의미군..

결합의((a × b) × c = a × (b × c)의 예에서처럼 계산식이 부분의 순서와 상관없이 동일한 결과가 나오는)

[링크 : https://en.dict.naver.com/#/entry/enko/43a6bbaaacf546199c5d4c57b6b88ebb]

그래서 한번 -ffast-math 대신 적용해보려는데 다른 상위 옵션에 의해서 무시 당했다고 나온다.

누가 상위 옵션이려나?

-o -W -Wall -fopt-info-vec -march=armv7-a -mfpu=neon -O3 -fassociative-math

cc1: warning: ‘-fassociative-math’ disabled; other options take precedence

-ffast-math 보단 순한 맛이긴 한데 적용이 안되면 의미 없지 머..

Allow re-association of operands in series of floating-point operations. This violates the ISO C and C++ language standard by possibly changing computation result. NOTE: re-ordering may change the sign of zero as well as ignore NaNs and inhibit or create underflow or overflow (and thus cannot be used on code that relies on rounding behavior like (x + 2**52) - 2**52. May also reorder floating-point comparisons and thus may not be used when ordered comparisons are required. This option requires that both -fno-signed-zeros and -fno-trapping-math be in effect. Moreover, it doesn’t make much sense with -frounding-math. For Fortran the option is automatically enabled when both -fno-signed-zeros and -fno-trapping-math are in effect.

The default is -fno-associative-math.

[링크 : https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html]

'프로그램 사용 > gcc' 카테고리의 다른 글

gcc tree vectorize  (0) 2023.01.26
gcc fstack-protector-strong  (0) 2022.12.06
gcc vectorization 실패  (0) 2022.06.02
gcc / 문자열 선언  (0) 2022.03.17
static link  (0) 2022.02.07
Posted by 구차니

엑셀은 간단했는데 ㅠㅠ


중복 제거할 영역 선택
상단 메뉴에서 'Data > More Filters > Standard Filter...' 선택
필드 이름을 '-none-'으로 변경, 하단 'Options > No duplications' 체크
중복 제거 확인

[링크 : https://davelogs.tistory.com/103]

Posted by 구차니

libreoffice 에서 그래프 그리는데 버벅대서 찾아보다 보니 openCL 로 가속이 가능하다고 한다.

[링크 : https://hamonikr.org/board_bFBk25/54522]


근데 정작 그래프 그리는데에는 도움이 안된다.

그냥 셀들 계산이 많을때는 도움이 될 듯.




설정 뒤져보니 OpenCL 선택사항이라는게 있는데

OpenCL 사용 가능한 상황이라면, 아래에서 "OpenCL 사용 허용" 에 체크하고 적용 혹은 확인 누르면


libreoffice 다시 시작 하냐고 물어보는데 다시시작하고


설정을 보면 OpenCL을 사용할 수 있습니다로 바뀐다.


물론 그전에 OpenCL 이 사용가능한지 확인하고 설치해야 한다.

clinfo 실행해서 Number of platforms 가 0이 뜨면 OpenCL 사용 불가능한 상태

$ sudo apt install clinfo
$ clinfo
Number of platforms                               0

[링크 : https://ask.libreoffice.org/t/unable-to-activate-opencl/45714/3]

intel 10세대 노트북에 내장형 밖에 없어서 intel opencl을 설치해준다.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:intel-opencl/intel-opencl
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install intel-opencl-icd

[링크 : https://marcokhan.tistory.com/250]

clinfo 실행하면 Number of platforms에 1이 딱!

$ clinfo
Number of platforms                               1
  Platform Name                                   Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
  Platform Vendor                                 Intel(R) Corporation
  Platform Version                                OpenCL 3.0 
  Platform Profile                                FULL_PROFILE
  Platform Extensions                             cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_icd cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_intel_command_queue_families cl_intel_subgroups cl_intel_required_subgroup_size cl_intel_subgroups_short cl_khr_spir cl_intel_accelerator cl_intel_driver_diagnostics cl_khr_priority_hints cl_khr_throttle_hints cl_khr_create_command_queue cl_intel_subgroups_char cl_intel_subgroups_long cl_khr_il_program cl_intel_mem_force_host_memory cl_khr_subgroup_extended_types cl_khr_subgroup_non_uniform_vote cl_khr_subgroup_ballot cl_khr_subgroup_non_uniform_arithmetic cl_khr_subgroup_shuffle cl_khr_subgroup_shuffle_relative cl_khr_subgroup_clustered_reduce cl_intel_device_attribute_query cl_khr_suggested_local_work_size cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_subgroups cl_intel_spirv_device_side_avc_motion_estimation cl_intel_spirv_media_block_io cl_intel_spirv_subgroups cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration cl_intel_unified_shared_memory cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes cl_intel_planar_yuv cl_intel_packed_yuv cl_intel_motion_estimation cl_intel_device_side_avc_motion_estimation cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_intel_media_block_io cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing cl_intel_sharing_format_query cl_khr_pci_bus_info 
  Platform Extensions with Version                cl_khr_byte_addressable_store                                    0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_fp16                                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics                             0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_icd                                                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics                                  0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_command_queue_families                                  0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_subgroups                                               0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_required_subgroup_size                                  0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_subgroups_short                                         0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_spir                                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_accelerator                                             0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_driver_diagnostics                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_priority_hints                                            0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_throttle_hints                                            0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_create_command_queue                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_subgroups_char                                          0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_subgroups_long                                          0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_il_program                                                0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_mem_force_host_memory                                   0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_extended_types                                   0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_non_uniform_vote                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_ballot                                           0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_non_uniform_arithmetic                           0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_shuffle                                          0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_shuffle_relative                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_clustered_reduce                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_device_attribute_query                                  0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_suggested_local_work_size                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_fp64                                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroups                                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_spirv_device_side_avc_motion_estimation                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_spirv_media_block_io                                    0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_spirv_subgroups                                         0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration                          0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_unified_shared_memory                                   0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_mipmap_image                                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes                                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_planar_yuv                                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_packed_yuv                                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_motion_estimation                                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_device_side_avc_motion_estimation                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_int64_base_atomics                                        0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics                                    0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer                                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_depth_images                                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_3d_image_writes                                           0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_media_block_io                                          0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing                                    0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_sharing_format_query                                    0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_pci_bus_info                                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
  Platform Numeric Version                        0xc00000 (3.0.0)
  Platform Extensions function suffix             INTEL
  Platform Host timer resolution                  1ns

  Platform Name                                   Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
Number of devices                                 1
  Device Name                                     Intel(R) UHD Graphics [0x9b41]
  Device Vendor                                   Intel(R) Corporation
  Device Vendor ID                                0x8086
  Device Version                                  OpenCL 3.0 NEO 
  Device Numeric Version                          0xc00000 (3.0.0)
  Driver Version                                  1.0.0
  Device OpenCL C Version                         OpenCL C 1.2 
  Device OpenCL C all versions                    OpenCL C                                                         0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  OpenCL C                                                         0x401000 (1.1.0)
                                                  OpenCL C                                                         0x402000 (1.2.0)
                                                  OpenCL C                                                         0xc00000 (3.0.0)
  Device OpenCL C features                        __opencl_c_int64                                                 0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_3d_image_writes                                       0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_images                                                0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_read_write_images                                     0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_atomic_order_acq_rel                                  0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_atomic_order_seq_cst                                  0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_atomic_scope_all_devices                              0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_atomic_scope_device                                   0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_generic_address_space                                 0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_program_scope_global_variables                        0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_work_group_collective_functions                       0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_subgroups                                             0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_pipes                                                 0xc00000 (3.0.0)
                                                  __opencl_c_fp64                                                  0xc00000 (3.0.0)
  Latest comfornace test passed                   v2021-06-16-00
  Device Type                                     GPU
  Device Profile                                  FULL_PROFILE
  Device Available                                Yes
  Compiler Available                              Yes
  Linker Available                                Yes
  Max compute units                               24
  Max clock frequency                             1150MHz
  Device Partition                                (core)
    Max number of sub-devices                     0
    Supported partition types                     None
    Supported affinity domains                    (n/a)
  Max work item dimensions                        3
  Max work item sizes                             256x256x256
  Max work group size                             256
  Preferred work group size multiple (device)     32
  Preferred work group size multiple (kernel)     32
  Max sub-groups per work group                   32
  Sub-group sizes (Intel)                         8, 16, 32
  Preferred / native vector sizes                 
    char                                                16 / 16      
    short                                                8 / 8       
    int                                                  4 / 4       
    long                                                 1 / 1       
    half                                                 8 / 8        (cl_khr_fp16)
    float                                                1 / 1       
    double                                               1 / 1        (cl_khr_fp64)
  Half-precision Floating-point support           (cl_khr_fp16)
    Denormals                                     Yes
    Infinity and NANs                             Yes
    Round to nearest                              Yes
    Round to zero                                 Yes
    Round to infinity                             Yes
    IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add               Yes
    Support is emulated in software               No
  Single-precision Floating-point support         (core)
    Denormals                                     Yes
    Infinity and NANs                             Yes
    Round to nearest                              Yes
    Round to zero                                 Yes
    Round to infinity                             Yes
    IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add               Yes
    Support is emulated in software               No
    Correctly-rounded divide and sqrt operations  Yes
  Double-precision Floating-point support         (cl_khr_fp64)
    Denormals                                     Yes
    Infinity and NANs                             Yes
    Round to nearest                              Yes
    Round to zero                                 Yes
    Round to infinity                             Yes
    IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add               Yes
    Support is emulated in software               No
  Address bits                                    64, Little-Endian
  Global memory size                              13228806144 (12.32GiB)
  Error Correction support                        No
  Max memory allocation                           4294959104 (4GiB)
  Unified memory for Host and Device              Yes
  Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) capabilities        (core)
    Coarse-grained buffer sharing                 Yes
    Fine-grained buffer sharing                   No
    Fine-grained system sharing                   No
    Atomics                                       No
  Minimum alignment for any data type             128 bytes
  Alignment of base address                       1024 bits (128 bytes)
  Preferred alignment for atomics                 
    SVM                                           64 bytes
    Global                                        64 bytes
    Local                                         64 bytes
  Atomic memory capabilities                      relaxed, acquire/release, sequentially-consistent, work-group scope, device scope, all-devices scope
  Atomic fence capabilities                       relaxed, acquire/release, sequentially-consistent, work-item scope, work-group scope, device scope, all-devices scope
  Max size for global variable                    65536 (64KiB)
  Preferred total size of global vars             4294959104 (4GiB)
  Global Memory cache type                        Read/Write
  Global Memory cache size                        524288 (512KiB)
  Global Memory cache line size                   64 bytes
  Image support                                   Yes
    Max number of samplers per kernel             16
    Max size for 1D images from buffer            268434944 pixels
    Max 1D or 2D image array size                 2048 images
    Base address alignment for 2D image buffers   4 bytes
    Pitch alignment for 2D image buffers          4 pixels
    Max 2D image size                             16384x16384 pixels
    Max planar YUV image size                     16384x16352 pixels
    Max 3D image size                             16384x16384x2048 pixels
    Max number of read image args                 128
    Max number of write image args                128
    Max number of read/write image args           128
  Pipe support                                    Yes
  Max number of pipe args                         16
  Max active pipe reservations                    1
  Max pipe packet size                            1024
  Local memory type                               Local
  Local memory size                               65536 (64KiB)
  Max number of constant args                     8
  Max constant buffer size                        4294959104 (4GiB)
  Generic address space support                   Yes
  Max size of kernel argument                     2048 (2KiB)
  Queue properties (on host)                      
    Out-of-order execution                        Yes
    Profiling                                     Yes
  Device enqueue capabilities                     (n/a)
  Queue properties (on device)                    
    Out-of-order execution                        No
    Profiling                                     No
    Preferred size                                0
    Max size                                      0
  Max queues on device                            0
  Max events on device                            0
  Prefer user sync for interop                    Yes
  Profiling timer resolution                      83ns
  Execution capabilities                          
    Run OpenCL kernels                            Yes
    Run native kernels                            No
    Non-uniform work-groups                       Yes
    Work-group collective functions               Yes
    Sub-group independent forward progress        Yes
    IL version                                    SPIR-V_1.2 
    ILs with version                              SPIR-V                                                           0x402000 (1.2.0)
    SPIR versions                                 1.2 
  printf() buffer size                            4194304 (4MiB)
  Built-in kernels                                block_motion_estimate_intel;block_advanced_motion_estimate_check_intel;block_advanced_motion_estimate_bidirectional_check_intel;
  Built-in kernels with version                   block_motion_estimate_intel                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  block_advanced_motion_estimate_check_intel                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  block_advanced_motion_estimate_bidirectional_check_intel         0x400000 (1.0.0)
  Motion Estimation accelerator version (Intel)   2
    Device-side AVC Motion Estimation version     1
      Supports texture sampler use                Yes
      Supports preemption                         No
  Device Extensions                               cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_icd cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_intel_command_queue_families cl_intel_subgroups cl_intel_required_subgroup_size cl_intel_subgroups_short cl_khr_spir cl_intel_accelerator cl_intel_driver_diagnostics cl_khr_priority_hints cl_khr_throttle_hints cl_khr_create_command_queue cl_intel_subgroups_char cl_intel_subgroups_long cl_khr_il_program cl_intel_mem_force_host_memory cl_khr_subgroup_extended_types cl_khr_subgroup_non_uniform_vote cl_khr_subgroup_ballot cl_khr_subgroup_non_uniform_arithmetic cl_khr_subgroup_shuffle cl_khr_subgroup_shuffle_relative cl_khr_subgroup_clustered_reduce cl_intel_device_attribute_query cl_khr_suggested_local_work_size cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_subgroups cl_intel_spirv_device_side_avc_motion_estimation cl_intel_spirv_media_block_io cl_intel_spirv_subgroups cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration cl_intel_unified_shared_memory cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes cl_intel_planar_yuv cl_intel_packed_yuv cl_intel_motion_estimation cl_intel_device_side_avc_motion_estimation cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_intel_media_block_io cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing cl_intel_sharing_format_query cl_khr_pci_bus_info 
  Device Extensions with Version                  cl_khr_byte_addressable_store                                    0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_fp16                                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics                             0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_icd                                                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics                                  0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_command_queue_families                                  0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_subgroups                                               0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_required_subgroup_size                                  0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_subgroups_short                                         0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_spir                                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_accelerator                                             0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_driver_diagnostics                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_priority_hints                                            0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_throttle_hints                                            0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_create_command_queue                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_subgroups_char                                          0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_subgroups_long                                          0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_il_program                                                0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_mem_force_host_memory                                   0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_extended_types                                   0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_non_uniform_vote                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_ballot                                           0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_non_uniform_arithmetic                           0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_shuffle                                          0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_shuffle_relative                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroup_clustered_reduce                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_device_attribute_query                                  0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_suggested_local_work_size                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_fp64                                                      0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_subgroups                                                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_spirv_device_side_avc_motion_estimation                 0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_spirv_media_block_io                                    0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_spirv_subgroups                                         0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration                          0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_unified_shared_memory                                   0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_mipmap_image                                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes                                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_planar_yuv                                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_packed_yuv                                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_motion_estimation                                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_device_side_avc_motion_estimation                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_int64_base_atomics                                        0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics                                    0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer                                       0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_depth_images                                              0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_3d_image_writes                                           0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_media_block_io                                          0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing                                    0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_intel_sharing_format_query                                    0x400000 (1.0.0)
                                                  cl_khr_pci_bus_info                                              0x400000 (1.0.0)

NULL platform behavior
  clGetPlatformInfo(NULL, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, ...)  Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
  clGetDeviceIDs(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, ...)   Success [INTEL]
  clCreateContext(NULL, ...) [default]            Success [INTEL]
  clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT)  Success (1)
    Platform Name                                 Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
    Device Name                                   Intel(R) UHD Graphics [0x9b41]
  clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU)  No devices found in platform
  clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU)  Success (1)
    Platform Name                                 Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
    Device Name                                   Intel(R) UHD Graphics [0x9b41]
  clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR)  No devices found in platform
  clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CUSTOM)  No devices found in platform
  clCreateContextFromType(NULL, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL)  Success (1)
    Platform Name                                 Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
    Device Name                                   Intel(R) UHD Graphics [0x9b41]

ICD loader properties
  ICD loader Name                                 OpenCL ICD Loader
  ICD loader Vendor                               OCL Icd free software
  ICD loader Version                              2.2.14
  ICD loader Profile                              OpenCL 3.0
Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/iperf2023. 7. 28. 11:52

iperf/iperf2/ipef3 간에는 서로 호환성이 없는 듯. 기본 포트도 다르게 잡힌다.


크로스 컴파일

/configure --build=i686-linux --host=arm-linux CC={크로스 컴파일러GCC 경로} CXX={크로스 컴파일러G++ 경로}

[링크 : http://forum.falinux.com/zbxe/index.php?document_srl=869098&mid=lecture_tip]


대역폭 설정은 초당 얼마나 많은 데이터를 보내냐를 테스트 하는데 쓰이는데

$ iperf3 --help
Usage: iperf3 [-s|-c host] [options]
       iperf3 [-h|--help] [-v|--version]

Server or Client:
  -p, --port      #         server port to listen on/connect to
  -f, --format   [kmgtKMGT] format to report: Kbits, Mbits, Gbits, Tbits
  -i, --interval  #         seconds between periodic throughput reports
  -F, --file name           xmit/recv the specified file
  -A, --affinity n/n,m      set CPU affinity
  -B, --bind      <host>    bind to the interface associated with the address <host>
  -V, --verbose             more detailed output
  -J, --json                output in JSON format
  --logfile f               send output to a log file
  --forceflush              force flushing output at every interval
  --timestamps    <format>  emit a timestamp at the start of each output line
                            (using optional format string as per strftime(3))
  -d, --debug               emit debugging output
  -v, --version             show version information and quit
  -h, --help                show this message and quit
Server specific:
  -s, --server              run in server mode
  -D, --daemon              run the server as a daemon
  -I, --pidfile file        write PID file
  -1, --one-off             handle one client connection then exit
  --server-bitrate-limit #[KMG][/#]   server's total bit rate limit (default 0 = no limit)
                            (optional slash and number of secs interval for averaging
                            total data rate.  Default is 5 seconds)
  --rsa-private-key-path    path to the RSA private key used to decrypt
                            authentication credentials
  --authorized-users-path   path to the configuration file containing user
Client specific:
  -c, --client    <host>    run in client mode, connecting to <host>
  --sctp                    use SCTP rather than TCP
  -X, --xbind <name>        bind SCTP association to links
  --nstreams      #         number of SCTP streams
  -u, --udp                 use UDP rather than TCP
  --connect-timeout #       timeout for control connection setup (ms)
  -b, --bitrate #[KMG][/#]  target bitrate in bits/sec (0 for unlimited)
                            (default 1 Mbit/sec for UDP, unlimited for TCP)
                            (optional slash and packet count for burst mode)
  --pacing-timer #[KMG]     set the timing for pacing, in microseconds (default 1000)
  --fq-rate #[KMG]          enable fair-queuing based socket pacing in
                            bits/sec (Linux only)
  -t, --time      #         time in seconds to transmit for (default 10 secs)
  -n, --bytes     #[KMG]    number of bytes to transmit (instead of -t)
  -k, --blockcount #[KMG]   number of blocks (packets) to transmit (instead of -t or -n)
  -l, --length    #[KMG]    length of buffer to read or write
                            (default 128 KB for TCP, dynamic or 1460 for UDP)
  --cport         <port>    bind to a specific client port (TCP and UDP, default: ephemeral port)
  -P, --parallel  #         number of parallel client streams to run
  -R, --reverse             run in reverse mode (server sends, client receives)
  --bidir                   run in bidirectional mode.
                            Client and server send and receive data.
  -w, --window    #[KMG]    set window size / socket buffer size
  -C, --congestion <algo>   set TCP congestion control algorithm (Linux and FreeBSD only)
  -M, --set-mss   #         set TCP/SCTP maximum segment size (MTU - 40 bytes)
  -N, --no-delay            set TCP/SCTP no delay, disabling Nagle's Algorithm
  -4, --version4            only use IPv4
  -6, --version6            only use IPv6
  -S, --tos N               set the IP type of service, 0-255.
                            The usual prefixes for octal and hex can be used,
                            i.e. 52, 064 and 0x34 all specify the same value.
  --dscp N or --dscp val    set the IP dscp value, either 0-63 or symbolic.
                            Numeric values can be specified in decimal,
                            octal and hex (see --tos above).
  -L, --flowlabel N         set the IPv6 flow label (only supported on Linux)
  -Z, --zerocopy            use a 'zero copy' method of sending data
  -O, --omit N              omit the first n seconds
  -T, --title str           prefix every output line with this string
  --extra-data str          data string to include in client and server JSON
  --get-server-output       get results from server
  --udp-counters-64bit      use 64-bit counters in UDP test packets
  --repeating-payload       use repeating pattern in payload, instead of
                            randomized payload (like in iperf2)
  --username                username for authentication
  --rsa-public-key-path     path to the RSA public key used to encrypt
                            authentication credentials

[KMG] indicates options that support a K/M/G suffix for kilo-, mega-, or giga-

iperf3 homepage at: https://software.es.net/iperf/
Report bugs to:     https://github.com/esnet/iperf


'프로그램 사용 > iperf' 카테고리의 다른 글

iperf udp 테스트  (0) 2022.03.14
iperf로 100M 랜 / IEEE1394 대역폭 측정  (2) 2011.12.07
iperf - 대역폭 측정  (0) 2009.10.22
Posted by 구차니

gcc 에서 빌드시에 아래의 플래그를 설정하고

-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage


빌드시에 생성되는 *.gnco 파일을 바이너리와 동일 경로에 두고 프로그램을 실행하면 *.gcda 파일이 생성된다.

그리고 gcovr을 아래 옵션을 주고 실행하면 html로 결과가 나온다.

소스 디렉토리 내에 bin/ 이 하위 디렉토리로 있어서

bin 에서 covr을 실행하였기에 상위 디렉토리(소스 디렉토리)를 지정해야 해서 "-r .." 을 사용해야 한다.

$ gcovr -r.. --html-details -o gcov.html


다만 크로스컴파일 환경에서 실행경로가 다르면 이래저래 번거로우니

profile-dir 플래그로 실행환경에 맞추어서 넣어주어야 편리할 듯 하다.

gcov uses two files for profiling. The names of these files are derived from the original object file by substituting the file suffix with either .gcno, or .gcda. The files contain coverage and profile data stored in a platform-independent format. The .gcno files are placed in the same directory as the object file. By default, the .gcda files are also stored in the same directory as the object file, but the GCC -fprofile-dir option may be used to store the .gcda files in a separate directory.

[링크 : https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Gcov-Data-Files.html]




gcovr로 html 리포트를 생성하면 아래와 같이 나오는데

파일을 클릭하면 파일내에 branch 와 coverage가 나온다.


단일 파일 내에서는 Exec가 실행횟수 x는 실행이 한번도 되지 않은 영역이고


1/2 라고 나와서 눌러보면 머라고 나오는데 좀 이해가 안되네

'프로그램 사용 > gcov, gprof' 카테고리의 다른 글

gcovr - gocv 를 html로  (0) 2023.07.10
gprof gui  (0) 2023.07.10
gcc -p -pg  (0) 2016.02.25
gprof flat view 이해하기  (0) 2010.01.24
gcov, gprof  (0) 2010.01.23
Posted by 구차니

target remote를 이용하여 접속을 할때 사용하는 명령인데

target remote 이후에 포트를 적어주면 된다.

(gdb) help target
Connect to a target machine or process.
The first argument is the type or protocol of the target machine.
Remaining arguments are interpreted by the target protocol.  For more
information on the arguments for a particular protocol, type
`help target ' followed by the protocol name.

List of target subcommands:

target core -- Use a core file as a target.
target ctf -- (Use a CTF directory as a target.
target exec -- Use an executable file as a target.
target extended-remote -- Use a remote computer via a serial line, using a gdb-specific protocol.
target native -- Native process (started by the "run" command).
target record-btrace -- Collect control-flow trace and provide the execution history.
target record-core -- Log program while executing and replay execution from log.
target record-full -- Log program while executing and replay execution from log.
target remote -- Use a remote computer via a serial line, using a gdb-specific protocol.
target tfile -- Use a trace file as a target.

Type "help target" followed by target subcommand name for full documentation.
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
Type "apropos -v word" for full documentation of commands related to "word".
Command name abbreviations are allowed if unambiguous.

(gdb) help target remote
Use a remote computer via a serial line, using a gdb-specific protocol.
Specify the serial device it is connected to
(e.g. /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttya, COM1, etc.).

(gdb) help monitor
Send a command to the remote monitor (remote targets only).


monitor는 remote로 붙었을때만 보내는 명령인데 reset은 검색되진 않는다.

(gdb) file C:/temp/Blinky.elf
Reading symbols from C:/temp/Blinky.elf...done.
(gdb) target remote localhost:2331
Remote debugging using localhost:2331
0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) monitor reset
Resetting target
(gdb) load

[링크 : https://wiki.segger.com/J-Link_GDB_Server]

Posted by 구차니



Fundamentals of Real-Time Spectrum Analysis

[링크 : https://download.tek.com/document/37W_17249_5_HR_Letter.pdf]


Understanding FFT Overlap Processing Fundamentals

[링크 : https://download.tek.com/document/37W_18839_1.pdf]


FFT 오버랩 프로세싱의 이해

[링크 : https://download.tek.com/document/37K_18839_0.pdf]


'프로그램 사용 > fft, fftw' 카테고리의 다른 글

fft 결과에 N(입력 샘플 갯수)로 나누는 이유  (0) 2023.09.21
FFT RBW  (0) 2023.09.19
sfft  (0) 2023.07.12
fft window type과 진폭 보정계수  (0) 2023.07.04
fft window 함수  (0) 2023.07.03
Posted by 구차니


Set a breakpoint
The first step in setting a conditional breakpoint is to set a breakpoint as you normally would. I.e.

(gdb) break <file_name> : <line_number>
(gdb) break <function_name>
This will set a breakpoint and output the breakpoint number

Check breakpoints
If you forget which breakpoints you can add a condition to, you can list the breakpoints using:

(gdb) info breakpoints
Set a condition for a breakpoint
Set an existing breakpoint to only break if a certain condition is true:

(gdb) condition <breakpoint_number> condition
The condition is written in syntax similar to c using operators such as == != and <.


break 줄여서 br

$ gdb factorial
Reading symbols from factorial...done.
(gdb) br 28
Breakpoint 1 at 0x11bf: file factorial.c, line 28.
(gdb) condition 1 i > 5


아래 소스에서 28라인 i++ 에 break를 걸고, 해당 라인에서 i > 5 인 조건에서 잡히게 한다.

반복문의 경우 확실히 디버깅 할 때 편할 듯.

//This program calculates and prints out the factorials of 5 and 17

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int factorial(int n);

int main(void) {

int n = 5;
int f = factorial(n);
printf("The factorial of %d is %d.\n", n, f);
n = 17;
f = factorial(n);
printf("The factorial of %d is %d.\n", n, f);

return 0;

//A factorial is calculated by n! = n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) * ... * 1
//E.g. 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120
int factorial(int n) {
int f = 1;
int i = 1;
while (i <= n) {
f = f * i;
i++; // 28 line
return f;


[링크 : https://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~learn/debugging/modules/gdb_conditional_breakpoints/]

Posted by 구차니

스펙트로그램 설정에 들어가면 fft 설정을 바꿀수 있다.


아쉽게도.. FFT Window Type / Size는 있는데 overlap 관련된 내용은 없네..


윈도우 크기가 커질수록

RBW(Resolution Band Width)가 낮아지면서 그래프가 더 세밀해지는 대신

시간축에 대해서는 현 시점으로 부터 더 뒤의 값을 보기 때문에

더 일찍 부터 다른 주파수의 값들이(아래 그림에서 하얗고 빨간 부분)이 먼저 나오게 된다.

즉, 윈도우 크기와 반응성은 반비례 라고 보면 되려나?








[링크 : https://manual.audacityteam.org/man/spectrogram_view.html]


그래.. 12년 지났으면 까먹어도 인정해줘야지. 음!

2011.05.23 - [프로그램 사용/audacity] - audacity - spectrum analyze + Frequency Width

Posted by 구차니