좀 놀라운 사실이네.. 그나저나 MPICH를 검색하니 vs openmpi가 나오고 그러네..
아무튼 beowulf cluster를 만드는데 여러가지 것들이 들어갔지만 공식적으로
beowulf라는 프로그램이 없다는건 좀 신선하네..
MPICH와 같은 Message Passing Interface 기반의 분산 병렬 처리가 핵심이고
3. Where can I get the Beowulf software? There isn't a software package called "Beowulf". There are, however,several pieces of software many people have found useful for building Beowulfs. None of them are essential. They include MPICH, LAM, PVM, the Linux kernel, the channel-bonding patch to the Linux kernel (which lets you 'bond' multiple Ethernet interfaces into a faster 'virtual' Ethernet interface) and the global pid space patch for the Linux kernel (whichlets you see all the processes on your Beowulf with ps, and eliminate them), DIPC (which lets you use sysv shared memory and semaphores and message queues transparently across a cluster). |
[링크 : https://beowulf.org/overview/faq.html]
MPI까진 있는데 MPICH는 모르겠네...
[링크 : https://www.mpich.org/]
Message-Passing Interface Chameleon
[링크 : https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/MPICH]
PVM(Parallel Virtual Machine)
[링크 : https://wiki.kldp.org/KoreanDoc/html/HPC-KLDP/x162.html]
LAM (Local Area Multiprocessor)
[링크 : https://www.jstor.org/stable/2678516?seq=1]