MIPI(Mobile Industry Processor Interface) 나
DVP(Digital Video Port)나 둘다
I2C를 통해서 레지스터를 조작해 장치를 제어하는 건 동일하나
데이터가 시리얼이냐 패러럴이냐의 차이인듯?
[링크 : http://mipi.org/specifications/camera-interface]
For a standard DVP image sensor you will find the following signals:
SCL: I2C compatible clock signal for sensor registers configuration
SDA: I2C compatible data signal for sensor registers configuration
XCLK: clock input to the sensor
PCLK: clock output from the sensor,
HREF: Line valid signal
VSYNC: Frame valid signal
Data[N-1..0]: Data output from the sensor, N is the internal ADC bit width.
[링크 : http://www.arducam.com/hardware/]
[링크 : http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/images/3/3c/Ov5647_full.pdf]
[링크 : http://www.voti.nl/docs/OV7670.pdf]