Linux2014. 12. 30. 15:05

쉘 스크립트에서 아래와 같이 readlink -e를 이용하면 되는데..

VAR = `readlink -e ${PWD}/../../` 

man page 상을는 존재하는 경로에 한해서 실행하라고 해서

무조건적으로 변환하는건 아닌거 같기도 하고.. 모호하다 모호해 ㅠㅠ

-f, --canonicalize

canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given name recursively; all but the last component must exist

-e, --canonicalize-existing

canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given name recursively, all components must exist

-m, --canonicalize-missing

canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given name recursively, without requirements on components existence

[링크 :]

[링크 :]

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Posted by 구차니