하드웨어/Network 장비2015. 9. 10. 17:11

U+ 에서 IoT로 광고하길래 스펙을 찾아 봤더니

zigbee나 RF가 아닌 z-wave 방식?

zigbee나 bluetooth를 대체할 IoT용 통신 노드들의 통신프로토콜이라고 해야 하려나?

[링크 : http://www.uplus.co.kr/ent/iot/IotswiSpec.hpi]

Radio specifications

Bandwidth: 9600 bit/s, 40 kbit/s or 100 kbit/s, speeds are fully interoperable

Modulation: GFSK Manchester channel encoding

Range: Approximately 100m, assuming "open air" conditions, with reduced range indoors depending on building materials

Frequency band: The Z-Wave Radio uses the 868.42 MHz SRD Band (Europe); the 900 MHz ISM band: 908.42 MHz (United States); 916 MHz (Israel); 919.82 MHz (Hong Kong); 921.42 MHz (Australian/New Zealand),India 865.2 MHz 

[링크 : https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-Wave]

솔찍히.. zigbee 단품으로 개당 2~3만원하는건 부담 스럽긴 하니...



[링크 : http://wiki.ase.tut.fi/courseWiki/images/9/94/SDS10243_2_Z_Wave_Protocol_Overview.pdf]

[링크 : http://www.z-wavealliance.org/]

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