모종의 음모/CAN2015. 1. 23. 08:48

dominant - logical 0 / actively driven to a voltage

recessive - logical 1/ passively return

왜이리 어려운 단어를 썼나 했더니

전기적으로 신호를 설계해서

0과 1이 충돌되면 0이 우세(우성)하게 판결되어 1을 씹어먹는다.

그래서 0 이 우선권을 가지고 데이터를 전송하여 "실시간 전송" 성격에 적합하다는 말씀(?)

CAN data transmission uses a lossless bit-wise arbitration method of contention resolution. This arbitration method requires all nodes on the CAN network to be synchronized to sample every bit on the CAN network at the same time. This is why some call CAN synchronous. Unfortunately the term synchronous is imprecise since the data is transmitted without a clock signal in an asynchronous format.
The CAN specifications use the terms "dominant" bits and "recessive" bits where dominant is a logical 0 (actively driven to a voltage by the transmitter) and recessive is a logical 1 (passively returned to a voltage by a resistor). The idle state is represented by the recessive level (Logical 1). If one node transmits a dominant bit and another node transmits a recessive bit then there is a collision and the dominant bit "wins". The means there is no delay to the higher priority message, and the node transmitting the lower priority message automatically attempts to re-transmit six bit clocks after the end of the dominant message. This makes CAN very suitable as a real time prioritized communications system.

[링크 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAN_bus#Data_transmission]

dominant / 우성의

[링크 : http://endic.naver.com/enkrEntry.nhn?sLn=kr&entryId=7371ab1c34a84fab8bc699af491763d4&query=dominant]

recessive / 열성의

[링크 : http://endic.naver.com/enkrEntry.nhn?sLn=kr&entryId=087f00309f264a60ab6d787e5792a02a&query=recessive]

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