Linux2014. 12. 30. 22:06

top을 보다가 cpu 상태 정보의 내용이 궁금해져서 조사..

Cpu(s):  0.2%us,  0.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.5%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st

user / system / low nice / idle / io wait / hard IRQ / soft IRQ / steal

가장 큰 비중을 차지 할 앞의 두개 정도를 더하면 실제 사용량이라고 해야하나

아니면 100% 에서 세번째 idle을 뺀걸 보면 되려나?

그리고 DomU라.. 가상화 쓸 경우에 대해서는 따로 잡히는 건가 보네..

2c. SUMMARY Area Fields

The summary area fields describing CPU statistics are abbreviated. They provide information about times spent in: us = user mode sy = system mode ni = low priority user mode (nice) id = idle task wa = I/O waiting hi = servicing IRQs si = servicing soft IRQs st = steal (time given to other DomU instances)

1을 누르면 top도 cpu별로 점유율을 볼 수 있다!

3b. SUMMARY Area Commands

The summary area interactive commands are always available in both full-screen mode and alternate-display mode. They affect the beginning lines of your display and will determine the position of messages and prompts.

These commands always impact just the 'current' window/field group. See topic 4. ALTERNATE-DISPLAY Mode and the 'G' interactive command for insight into 'current' windows and field groups.

'l' :Toggle_Load_Average/Uptime -- On/Off

This is also the line containing the program name (possibly an alias) when operating in full-screen mode or the 'current' window name when operating in alternate-display mode.

'm' :Toggle_Memory/Swap_Usage -- On/Off

This command affects two summary area lines.

't' :Toggle_Task/Cpu_States -- On/Off

This command affects from 2 to many summary area lines, depending on the state of the '1' toggle and whether or not top is running under true SMP.

'1' :Toggle_Single/Separate_Cpu_States -- On/Off

This command affects how the 't' command's Cpu States portion is shown. Although this toggle exists primarily to serve massively-parallel SMP machines, it is not restricted to solely SMP environments.

When you see 'Cpu(s):' in the summary area, the '1' toggle is On and all cpu information is gathered in a single line. Otherwise, each cpu is displayed separately as: 'Cpu0, Cpu1, ...' 

[링크 :]

2010/09/12 - [Linux] - top (1) - load average ?

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Posted by 구차니