프로그램 사용/Putty2009. 2. 7. 00:09
결론만 말하자면, 서버에서 Ctrl-E 메시지를 보내면 터미널은 자신의 존재를 알려야 하는데,
이러한 이유로 인해서, PuTTY 라는 명령어가 응답 메시지로 기본 저장이 되어있고, 그러다 보니 나도 모르는 사이에
어느샌가 화면 가득 PuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTY 라고 가득 차 있게 되는 것이다.

해결 방법으로는 answerback 메시지를 등록하지 않는 방법 정도인 듯 하다.

A.7.12 When I cat a binary file, I get ‘PuTTYPuTTYPuTTY’ on my command line.

Don't do that, then.

This is designed behaviour; when PuTTY receives the character Control-E from the remote server, it interprets it as a request to identify itself, and so it sends back the string ‘PuTTY’ as if that string had been entered at the keyboard. Control-E should only be sent by programs that are prepared to deal with the response. Writing a binary file to your terminal is likely to output many Control-E characters, and cause this behaviour. Don't do it. It's a bad plan.

To mitigate the effects, you could configure the answerback string to be empty (see section 4.3.7); but writing binary files to your terminal is likely to cause various other unpleasant behaviour, so this is only a small remedy.

[출처 : http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/faq.html#faq-puttyputty]

4.3.7 ‘Answerback to ^E’

This option controls what PuTTY will send back to the server if the server sends it the ^E enquiry character. Normally it just sends the string ‘PuTTY’.

If you accidentally write the contents of a binary file to your terminal, you will probably find that it contains more than one ^E character, and as a result your next command line will probably read ‘PuTTYPuTTYPuTTY...’ as if you had typed the answerback string multiple times at the keyboard. If you set the answerback string to be empty, this problem should go away, but doing so might cause other problems.

Note that this is not the feature of PuTTY which the server will typically use to determine your terminal type. That feature is the ‘Terminal-type string’ in the Connection panel; see section 4.14.3 for details.

You can include control characters in the answerback string using ^C notation. (Use ^~ to get a literal ^.)

[출처 : http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapshots/htmldoc/Chapter4.html#config-answerback]

Answerback to ^E 옵션의 위치

4.14.3 ‘Terminal-type string’

Most servers you might connect to with PuTTY are designed to be connected to from lots of different types of terminal. In order to send the right control sequences to each one, the server will need to know what type of terminal it is dealing with. Therefore, each of the SSH, Telnet and Rlogin protocols allow a text string to be sent down the connection describing the terminal. On a Unix server, this selects an entry from the termcap or terminfo database that tells applications what control sequences to send to the terminal, and what character sequences to expect the keyboard to generate.

PuTTY attempts to emulate the Unix xterm program, and by default it reflects this by sending xterm as a terminal-type string. If you find this is not doing what you want - perhaps the remote system reports ‘Unknown terminal type’ - you could try setting this to something different, such as vt220.

If you're not sure whether a problem is due to the terminal type setting or not, you probably need to consult the manual for your application or your server.

[출처 : http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapshots/htmldoc/Chapter4.html#config-termtype]

'프로그램 사용 > Putty' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 구차니
파일방2009. 1. 21. 21:07
Windows를 사용한다면 하이퍼 터미널
Linux를 사용한다면 minicom 이 대답인데..

그 외에 사용가능한 대안으로는
open source project중에 putty 와 Teraterm이 있다.

Teraterm의 오리지널은 1999년 이후로는 개발이 안되는 일본판이고
sourceforge.jp 에서 open source project로 진행중인 것이 있는데, 상당히 복잡한 기능을 가지고 있다.

putty는 그에 비해서 매우 단순한 터미널이다.

좌측은 PuttyTel(Telnet client) 우측은 Putty(SSH Client)이다.
차이점은 Serial 과 SSH의 차이이다.

 TeraTerm  PuttyTel
 SSH 지원
 SSH지원하지 않음(Putty사용)
 파일 전송 지원(Kermit/ZMODEM/XMODEM)
 파일 전송 지원하지 않음

둘다 드래그로 복사, 우클릭으로 붙여넣기를 지원하여 편하지만,
TeraTerm은 환경을 저장할 수 없어(시리얼 관련) 매번 설정해주어야 하는 불편함이 있지만,
PuttyTel은 저장이 가능하므로 TeraTerm에 비하면 편리하다.

결국은 파일 전송의 필요에 따라서 어느것을 사용할지 고르면 된다.

물론 용량은
PuttyTel 294,912 바이트
TeraTerm 6,066,571 바이트(설치 프로그램) 으로 많은 차이가 있다.

[Putty : http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/]
[Teraterm : http://ttssh2.sourceforge.jp/]

2009.2.3 덧붙임

Putty 0.59 beta 부터 serial 기능이 통합되었습니다.

These features were new in beta 0.59 (released 2007-01-24):

  • PuTTY can now connect to local serial ports as well as making network connections.

[출처 : http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/changes.html]
PuTTY Change Log
0.60 beta 버전의 putty

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Posted by 구차니