프로그램 사용/wiki2018. 4. 27. 13:27

요약하자면.. 기준 언어로 글을 쓰고

그걸 번역하면서 다국어 지원하는 개념이라 translate extension이 핵심이 된다.

그리고 사용자가 번역 페이지를 만들려면 권한이 필요한데

이 부분은 검색중..


아.. 이래서 UFO:AI 번역할때 웹에서 하도록 한거였나..

po 파일과 wiki를 연동가능해서?

It is also possible to export messages for translation in other off-line and on-line tools that accept the Gettext pofile format. 

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate]

Usually you can't make translations without asking for permissions. Some wikis however have enabled translation to all users. You will quickly notice if you lack the rights to translate. If this is the case, contact a translation administrator of your wiki. Let's start with getting to the translation view.

  • 1a. Go to the Fréttinga page.
  • 2a. Click the "Translate this page" link (if it does not show up you don't have permission to translate). 

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate/Translation_example]

비 로그인으로 해봐서 그런건가?

require_once "$IP/extensions/Translate/Translate.php";

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['translate'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['translate-messagereview'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['translate-groupreview'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['translate-import'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['pagetranslation'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['translate-manage'] = true;

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate/Configuration]

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate/Page_translation_administration]

Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/wiki2018. 4. 27. 11:22

어느게 맞는건지 모르겠다

internationalize 인지


multilingual인지 어느게

다국어 페이지를 지원하는건지 도통 감이 안온다

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Multilingual_MediaWiki] 오래된 문서

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension%3aTranslate] 얘가 그거라는데 암만봐도 구글 번역 붙이는 느낌?


[링크 : https://stackoverflow.com/./multilingual-mediawiki-installation-using-wiki-family-vs-single-multilingual-med]

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Internationalization_extensions]

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Localisation_extensions]

2018.04 언어 확장 번들


추가하고 설정해줄 내용인데.. 확장만 해도 5가지를 깔아야 완성되는건가?

wfLoadExtension( 'Babel' );

wfLoadExtension( 'cldr' );

wfLoadExtension( 'CleanChanges' );

$wgCCTrailerFilter = true;

$wgCCUserFilter = false;

$wgDefaultUserOptions['usenewrc'] = 1;

wfLoadExtension( 'LocalisationUpdate' );

$wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory = "$IP/cache";

require_once "$IP/extensions/Translate/Translate.php";

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['translate'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['translate-messagereview'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['translate-groupreview'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['translate-import'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['pagetranslation'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['translate-manage'] = true;

$wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode = 'qqq';

$wgExtraLanguageNames['qqq'] = 'Message documentation'; # No linguistic content. Used for documenting messages

wfLoadExtension( 'UniversalLanguageSelector' ); 

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Language_Extension_Bundle]


쓰는게 구버전 위키라 그런지 에러 뱉네.. 퉤~

버전업을 해야하나.. ㅠㅠ

/var/www/html/mediawiki$ php index.php

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Exception: Babel is not compatible with the current MediaWiki core (version 1.27.4), it requires: >= 1.29.0.

UniversalLanguageSelector is not compatible with the current MediaWiki core (version 1.27.4), it requires: >= 1.29.0. in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/registration/ExtensionRegistry.php:222

Stack trace:

#0 /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/registration/ExtensionRegistry.php(137): ExtensionRegistry->readFromQueue(Array)

#1 /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Setup.php(39): ExtensionRegistry->loadFromQueue()

#2 /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/WebStart.php(137): require_once('/var/www/html/m...')

#3 /var/www/html/mediawiki/index.php(40): require('/var/www/html/m...')

#4 {main}

  thrown in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/registration/ExtensionRegistry.php on line 222 

위키피디아 가서 보니 흐음..

MediaWiki 1.32.0-wmf.1 (d5ae4d6)

2018년 4월 27일 (금) 05:59

Babel 1.11.0 (1230b4c) 2018년 4월 22일 (일) 05:15 GPL-2.0-or-later 사용자 지정 틀을 포함할 수 있는 바벨 유저박스 단을 만들 수 있도록 #babel 파서 함수를 추가합니다

CLDR 4.5.0 (4ef981f) 2018년 4월 14일 (토) 18:25 GPL-2.0-or-later CLDR 데이터에 따라 한 언어로 번역된 언어 이름을 제공하는 확장 기능

LocalisationUpdate 1.4.0 (6e07084) 2018년 4월 14일 (토) 12:45 GPL-2.0-or-later 번역된 메시지를 가능한 한 최신으로 유지합니다

UniversalLanguageSelector 2018-04-10 (5f153f0) 2018년 4월 25일 (수) 00:55 GPL-2.0-or-later 사용자에게 언어를 선택하고 언어 설정을 바꾸는 몇 가지 방법을 제공합니다 

[링크 : https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/특수:버전]


귀찮아서 1.30 받고

2018.04 언어팩 받고

설치하니 에러뿜뿜

$ php index.php

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html><head><title>Internal error - 130wiki</title><style>body { font-family: sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0.5em 2em; }</style></head><body>

<div class="errorbox">[b57e80505ebcc0c92c24ee07] 2018-04-27 03:02:49: Fatal exception of type MWException</div>

<!-- Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information. --></body></html> 

고민해보니.. db 업데이트 안되서 그런거 같으니

$ sudo php maintenance/update.php 

이거 실행하고 나니 ok

상단에 한국어 버튼이 생기는데, 대문이 다른 언어로 추가되는건 아닌거 같고 UI가 다국어 지원하도록 변경된다.

글들이 다국어 지원하게 하려면 어떻게 해야하려나..

Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/wiki2018. 4. 20. 19:13

캐시문제로 발생하는 것이니 끄면 된다고..

그런데 저거 켜놓고 로그인 되게 하려면 어떻게 해야 하려나...

$ sudo vi LocalSettings.php

## Shared memory settings

#$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_ACCEL;

$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;

$wgMemCachedServers = []; 

[링크 : https://stackoverflow.com/.../cant-log-in-to-mediawiki-canceled-as-a-precaution-against-session-hijacking]


php7-fpm 지워서 그런건가?

CACHE_ACCEL – APC, APCu, WinCache or XCache if available. Note: If using CACHE_ACCEL, increasing apc.shm_size may improve performance.

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgMainCacheType]

Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/wiki2018. 4. 20. 15:00

걍.. 백업이 잘못되서

watchlist 관련 테이블이 복원이 안되서 그런 듯?

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading]


1.19는 LTS 구버전이다.

일단.. 1.19 이후에는 1.23과, 1.27 이 LTS로 존재하니..

1.19 -> 1.23 을 시도해보면 될 듯?

[링크 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_version_history]

구버전 다운로드

[링크 : https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/]


woobi 측

phpmyadmin 2.11.11

mysql 5.0.95

odroid u3

phpmyadmin 4.5.4

mariaddb 10.0.34

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 21

[링크 : https://stackoverflow.com/.../1064-error-in-create-table-type-myisam]

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=HEAP MAX_ROWS=25000'

[링크 : https://stackoverflow.com/.../mysql-server-version-for-the-right-syntax-to-use-near-type-heap-at-line-1]


phpmyadmin을 통하지 말고 그냥

phpmyadmin 에서 dump 한 다음 로컬에서 데이터 복구하고

sudo php maintenance/update.php 로 실행하니 끝

odroid@odroid_2:/var/www/html/mediawiki/maintenance$ sudo php update.php

MediaWiki 1.27.4 Updater

Your composer.lock file is up to date with current dependencies!

Going to run database updates for minimonk-mw_

Depending on the size of your database this may take a while!

Abort with control-c in the next five seconds (skip this countdown with --quick) ... 0

Turning off Content Handler DB fields for this part of upgrade.

...have ipb_id field in ipblocks table.

...have ipb_expiry field in ipblocks table.

...already have interwiki table

...indexes seem up to 20031107 standards.

...have rc_type field in recentchanges table.

...index new_name_timestamp already set on recentchanges table.

...have user_real_name field in user table.

...querycache table already exists.

...objectcache table already exists.

...categorylinks table already exists.

...have pagelinks; skipping old links table updates

...il_from OK

...have rc_ip field in recentchanges table.

...index PRIMARY already set on image table.

...have rc_id field in recentchanges table.

...have rc_patrolled field in recentchanges table.

...logging table already exists.

...have user_token field in user table.

...have wl_notificationtimestamp field in watchlist table.

...watchlist talk page rows already present.

...user table does not contain user_emailauthenticationtimestamp field.

...page table already exists.

...have log_params field in logging table.

...logging table has correct log_title encoding.

...have ar_rev_id field in archive table.

...have page_len field in page table.

...revision table does not contain inverse_timestamp field.

...have rev_text_id field in revision table.

...have rev_deleted field in revision table.

...have img_width field in image table.

...have img_metadata field in image table.

...have user_email_token field in user table.

...have ar_text_id field in archive table.

...page_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).

...ar_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).

...rc_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).

...wl_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).

...qc_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).

...log_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).

...have img_media_type field in image table.

...already have pagelinks table.

...image table does not contain img_type field.

...already have unique user_name index.

...user_groups table exists and is in current format.

...have ss_total_pages field in site_stats table.

...user_newtalk table already exists.

...transcache table already exists.

...have iw_trans field in interwiki table.

...wl_notificationtimestamp is already nullable.

...index times already set on logging table.

...have ipb_range_start field in ipblocks table.

...no page_random rows needed to be set

...have user_registration field in user table.

...templatelinks table already exists

...externallinks table already exists.

...job table already exists.

...have ss_images field in site_stats table.

...langlinks table already exists.

...querycache_info table already exists.

...filearchive table already exists.

...have ipb_anon_only field in ipblocks table.

...index rc_ns_usertext already set on recentchanges table.

...index rc_user_text already set on recentchanges table.

...have user_newpass_time field in user table.

...redirect table already exists.

...querycachetwo table already exists.

...have ipb_enable_autoblock field in ipblocks table.

...index pl_namespace on table pagelinks includes field pl_from.

...index tl_namespace on table templatelinks includes field tl_from.

...index il_to on table imagelinks includes field il_from.

...have rc_old_len field in recentchanges table.

...have user_editcount field in user table.

...page_restrictions table already exists.

...have log_id field in logging table.

...have rev_parent_id field in revision table.

...have pr_id field in page_restrictions table.

...have rev_len field in revision table.

...have rc_deleted field in recentchanges table.

...have log_deleted field in logging table.

...have ar_deleted field in archive table.

...have ipb_deleted field in ipblocks table.

...have fa_deleted field in filearchive table.

...have ar_len field in archive table.

...have ipb_block_email field in ipblocks table.

...index cl_sortkey on table categorylinks includes field cl_from.

...have oi_metadata field in oldimage table.

...index usertext_timestamp already set on archive table.

...index img_usertext_timestamp already set on image table.

...index oi_usertext_timestamp already set on oldimage table.

...have ar_page_id field in archive table.

...have img_sha1 field in image table.

...protected_titles table already exists.

...have ipb_by_text field in ipblocks table.

...page_props table already exists.

...updatelog table already exists.

...category table already exists.

...category table already populated.

...have ar_parent_id field in archive table.

...have user_last_timestamp field in user_newtalk table.

...protected_titles table has correct pt_title encoding.

...have ss_active_users field in site_stats table.

...ss_active_users user count set...

...have ipb_allow_usertalk field in ipblocks table.

...pl_namespace, tl_namespace, il_to indices are already UNIQUE.

...change_tag table already exists.

...tag_summary table already exists.

...valid_tag table already exists.

...user_properties table already exists.

...log_search table already exists.

...have log_user_text field in logging table.

...l10n_cache table already exists.

...index ls_field_val already set on log_search table.

...index change_tag_rc_tag already set on change_tag table.

...have rd_interwiki field in redirect table.

...transcache tc_time already converted.

...*_mime_minor fields are already long enough.

...iwlinks table already exists.

...index iwl_prefix_title_from already set on iwlinks table.

...have ul_value field in updatelog table.

...have iw_api field in interwiki table.

...iwl_prefix key doesn't exist.

...have cl_collation field in categorylinks table.

...categorylinks up-to-date.

...module_deps table already exists.

...ar_page_revid key doesn't exist.

...index ar_revid already set on archive table.

...ll_lang is up-to-date.

...user_last_timestamp is already nullable.

...index user_email already set on user table.

...up_property in table user_properties already modified by patch patch-up_property.sql.

...uploadstash table already exists.

...user_former_groups table already exists.

...index type_action already set on logging table.

...have rev_sha1 field in revision table.

...batch conversion of user_options: nothing to migrate. done.

...user table does not contain user_options field.

...have ar_sha1 field in archive table.

...index page_redirect_namespace_len already set on page table.

...have us_chunk_inx field in uploadstash table.

...have job_timestamp field in job table.

Adding index page_user_timestamp to table revision ...done.

Adding ipb_parent_block_id field to table ipblocks ...done.

Adding index ipb_parent_block_id to table ipblocks ...done.

Table category contains cat_hidden field. Dropping ...done.

Adding rev_content_format field to table revision ...done.

Adding rev_content_model field to table revision ...done.

Adding ar_content_format field to table archive ...done.

Adding ar_content_model field to table archive ...done.

Adding page_content_model field to table page ...done.

Content Handler DB fields should be usable now.

Table site_stats contains ss_admins field. Dropping ...done.

Table recentchanges contains rc_moved_to_title field. Dropping ...done.

Creating sites table ...done.

Adding fa_sha1 field to table filearchive ...done.

Adding job_token field to table job ...done.

Adding job_attempts field to table job ...done.

Adding us_props field to table uploadstash ...done.

Modifying ug_group field of table user_groups ...done.

Modifying ufg_group field of table user_former_groups ...done.

Adding index pp_propname_page to table page_props ...done.

Adding index img_media_mime to table image ...done.

Making iwl_prefix_title_from index non-UNIQUE ...done.

Adding index iwl_prefix_from_title to table iwlinks ...done.

Adding ar_id field to table archive ...done.

Adding el_id field to table externallinks ...done.

Adding rc_source field to table recentchanges ...done.

Adding index log_user_text_type_time to table logging ...done.

Adding index log_user_text_time to table logging ...done.

Adding page_links_updated field to table page ...done.

Adding user_password_expires field to table user ...done.

Adding pp_sortkey field to table page_props ...done.

Table recentchanges contains rc_cur_time field. Dropping ...done.

Adding index wl_user_notificationtimestamp to table watchlist ...done.

Adding page_lang field to table page ...done.

Adding pl_from_namespace field to table pagelinks ...done.

Adding tl_from_namespace field to table templatelinks ...done.

Adding il_from_namespace field to table imagelinks ...done.

Modifying img_major_mime field of table image ...done.

Modifying oi_major_mime field of table oldimage ...done.

Modifying fa_major_mime field of table filearchive ...done.

Making user_id unsigned int ...done.

Modifying rc_comment field of table recentchanges ...done.

Dropping table hitcounter ...done.

Table site_stats contains ss_total_views field. Dropping ...done.

Table page contains page_counter field. Dropping ...done.

Dropping table msg_resource_links ...done.

Dropping table msg_resource ...done.

Creating bot_passwords table ...done.

Adding wl_id field to table watchlist ...done.

Dropping cl_collation index from table categorylinks ...done.

Adding index cl_collation_ext to table categorylinks ...done.

...collations up-to-date.

...site_stats is populated...done.

Checking existence of old default messages...done.

Populating rev_len column

...doing rev_id from 13 to 212

...doing rev_id from 213 to 412

...doing rev_id from 413 to 612

...doing rev_id from 613 to 812

...doing rev_id from 813 to 1012

...doing rev_id from 1013 to 1212

...doing rev_id from 1213 to 1412

...doing rev_id from 1413 to 1612

...doing rev_id from 1613 to 1812

...doing rev_id from 1813 to 2012

...doing rev_id from 2013 to 2212

...doing rev_id from 2213 to 2412

Populating ar_len column

...archive table seems to be empty.

rev_len and ar_len population complete [0 revision rows, 0 archive rows].

Populating rev_sha1 column

...doing rev_id from 13 to 212

...doing rev_id from 213 to 412

...doing rev_id from 413 to 612

...doing rev_id from 613 to 812

...doing rev_id from 813 to 1012

...doing rev_id from 1013 to 1212

...doing rev_id from 1213 to 1412

...doing rev_id from 1413 to 1612

...doing rev_id from 1613 to 1812

...doing rev_id from 1813 to 2012

...doing rev_id from 2013 to 2212

...doing rev_id from 2213 to 2412

Populating ar_sha1 column

...archive table seems to be empty.

Populating ar_sha1 column legacy rows

rev_sha1 and ar_sha1 population complete [0 revision rows, 0 archive rows].

Populating img_sha1 field

Done 0 files in 0.0 seconds

Fixing protocol-relative entries in the externallinks table...

Done, 0 rows updated.

Populating fa_sha1 field from fa_storage_key

Done 0 files in 0.0 seconds

Updating *_from_namespace fields in links tables.

...doing page_id from 1 to 200

Purging caches...done.

Done in 5.2 s. 

[링크 : http://chongmoa.com/sql/630]

Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/wiki2017. 6. 16. 19:12

mediawiki에서 어떤 sql문으로 작동이 이루어지나 분석하려다 보니

너무 토막나서

아? 그러면 속편하게(?)

SQL문 덤프해서 보면되겠네? 싶어서 찾아본 녀석


$wgDebugDumpSql = true; 로 하면

log 파일에 다 적히니 조심하라고 되어있음(로그인 시에도 전부 나올테니?)

[링크 : https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug/ko]

[링크 : https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgDebugDumpSql]

Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/wiki2017. 1. 16. 13:17

깨끗한 모습은 아래와 같고..


Uniquely identifying primary key. This value is preserved across edits, renames, and, as of MediaWiki 1.27, deletions, via an analogous field in the archive table (introduced in MediaWiki 1.11). For example, for this page, page_id = 10501. [1][2] This field can be accessed by WikiPage::getId(), Title::getArticleID(), etc.


This is a foreign key to rev_id for the current revision. It may be 0 during page creation. It needs to link to a revision with a valid revision.rev_page, or there will be the "The revision #0 of the page named 'Foo' does not exist" error when one tries to view the page. Can be obtained via WikiPage::getLatest(). 

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Page_table]


This field holds the primary key for each revision. page_latest is a foreign key to this field.


This field holds a reference to the page to which this revision pertains. The number in this field is equal to the page_id field of said page. This should never be invalid; if it is, that revision won't show up in the page history. If page.page_latest links to a revision with an invalid rev_page, this will cause the "The revision #0 of the page named 'Foo' does not exist" error.


This is a foreign key to old_id in the text table. (The text table is where the actual bulk text is stored.) It's possible for multiple revisions to use the same text—for instance, revisions where only metadata is altered, or where a rollback is done to a previous version. 

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Revision_table]

The text table holds the wikitext of individual page revisions. If using Postgres or Oracle, this table is named pagecontent. 

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Text_table]

낙서를 좀 하면 아래와 같아지나?

page가 주제어에 따른 고유 id로 revision으로 page의 revision을 관리

revision에서는 text와 연결되어 revision 별로 관리 하는데..

그렇다면 page별 리비전은 

revision에서 rev_page값을 page의 page_id를 이용하여 검색하면 될거 같긴하네

내용 자체는 revision의 rev_text_id를 통해 text.old_id를 하면 될 거 같고

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Database_layout]

    [링크 : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/MediaWiki_1.28.0_database_schema.svg]


운영중인 위키에서 내용 본건데..

page 의 page_id와 page_latest

revision 의 rev_page와 rev_text_id

text 의 old_id

'프로그램 사용 > wiki' 카테고리의 다른 글

mediawiki upgrade 1.19(LTS) to ???  (0) 2018.04.20
mediawiki sql debug dump  (0) 2017.06.16
mediawiki 다국어 확장 및 번역 확장  (0) 2017.01.10
mediawiki 1.28.0과 Xcache  (0) 2017.01.09
mediawiki extension - deletehistory  (0) 2015.11.04
Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/wiki2017. 1. 10. 10:04

다국어 하면서 먼가 db 쪽 변화가 큰가 보네..

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Multilingual_MediaWiki]

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Translate]

'프로그램 사용 > wiki' 카테고리의 다른 글

mediawiki sql debug dump  (0) 2017.06.16
mediawiki 데이터 구조 - page / revision  (0) 2017.01.16
mediawiki 1.28.0과 Xcache  (0) 2017.01.09
mediawiki extension - deletehistory  (0) 2015.11.04
google Analystics extension  (0) 2015.06.25
Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/wiki2017. 1. 9. 14:55

미디어위키 db구조 보려고 하는데

어라 설치중이라 로고가 다른가? ㅋ

아무튼 설치하려는데 개체 캐싱을 활성화 못하다는 에러와

유니코드 정규화 어쩌구 하길래 삽질을 해보니

두개 패키지를 설치하면 되는 듯 하다.

$ sudo apt-get install xcache php5-intl  


Xcache의 영향인가..

LocalSetting.php 에서 CACHE_ACCEL을 CACHE_ANYTHING로 바꾸어주면 로그인은 된다..

다만, 로그인 이미되어 있다고 이상 작동을 할뿐?

 69 ## Shared memory settings

 70 #$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_ACCEL;

 71 $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING;

 72 $wgMemCachedServers = [];

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgSessionCacheType]

  [링크 : http://stackoverflow.com/.../cant-log-in-to-mediawiki-canceled-as-a-precaution-against-session-hijacking]

+ 테이블 전부가 UTF-8 encoding이라는데. 그거 영향인가?

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgDBmysql5]

일단 테이블 자체는 binary 정렬방식이고 user_name은 varbinary(255)

user_name은.. 16진수로 써있지만 Minimonk 로 첫자가 대문자로 입력되어 있다.


$ sudo apt-cache search xcache

php-horde-cache - Horde Caching API

php5-xcache - Fast, stable PHP opcode cacher 

$ sudo apt-get install php5-intl 

[링크 : https://ibeblog.com/2013/01/21/installing-pecl-intl-ubuntu-12-04/]

$ sudo apt-cache search pecl | grep -i pecl

dh-make-php - Creates Debian source packages for PHP PEAR and PECL extensions

dh-php5 - debhelper add-on to handle PHP PECL extensions

libghc-byteable-dev - typeclass for byte sequences

libghc-byteable-doc - typeclass for byte sequences; documentation

libghc-byteable-prof - typeclass for byte sequences; profiling libraries

libghc-chunked-data-dev - typeclasses for dealing with various chunked data representations

libghc-chunked-data-doc - typeclasses for dealing with various chunked data representations; documentation

libghc-chunked-data-prof - typeclasses for dealing with various chunked data representations; profiling libraries

libghc-classy-prelude-dev - typeclass-based prelude

libghc-classy-prelude-doc - typeclass-based prelude; documentation

libghc-classy-prelude-prof - typeclass-based prelude; profiling libraries

libghc-convertible-dev - Typeclasses and instances for converting between types, GHC package

libghc-convertible-doc - Typeclasses and instances for converting between types, documentation

libghc-convertible-prof - Typeclasses and instances for converting between types, GHC profiling package

libghc-convertible-text-doc - typeclasses and instances for converting between types; documentation

libghc-mono-traversable-dev - typeclasses for mapping/folding/traversing monomorphic containers

libghc-mono-traversable-doc - typeclasses for mapping/folding/traversing monomorphic containers; documentation

libghc-mono-traversable-prof - typeclasses for mapping/folding/traversing monomorphic containers; profiling libraries

libghc-newtype-dev - A typeclass for working with newtypes

libghc-newtype-doc - A typeclass for working with newtypes; documentation

libghc-newtype-prof - A typeclass for working with newtypes; profiling libraries

libtarantool-php - PECL PHP driver for Tarantool/Box

php5-pecl-http - pecl_http module for PHP 5 Extended HTTP Support

php5-pecl-http-dev - pecl_http module for PHP 5 Extended HTTP Support development headers

php5-radius - PECL radius module for PHP 5

php5-remctl - PECL module for Kerberos-authenticated command execution 

$ sudo apt-get install php5-pecl-http php5-xcache

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree

Reading state information... Done

The following extra packages will be installed:

  php-pear php5-propro php5-raphf

Suggested packages:


The following NEW packages will be installed:

  php-pear php5-pecl-http php5-propro php5-raphf php5-xcache

0 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.

Need to get 486 kB of archives.

After this operation, 2,712 kB of additional disk space will be used.

Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 

[링크 : https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/how-to-install-xcache-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts/]

Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/wiki2015. 11. 4. 14:38

아직 실행은 누르기 겁나서..

백업해놓고 하던가 해야지.. 끄응

현재 사용중인 미디어 위키는.. 기사를 편집하는데

예전에 위키시스템을 모르고 그냥 막 편집해서..

우비 무료 호스팅 100MB를 훌쩍 넘은 DB용량으로 인해 1기가 호스팅으로 전환하게 되었다.

원인은.. 1년치 기사를 계속 편집했다는 것..

하루하루 용량이 늘어가는 페이지라

diff로 저장된게 아닌 오리지널 데이터가 계속 축적되다 보니

마지막 데이터는 700KB.. 이게 1년 365일 쌓이면 255,500KB = 255MB 인데

처음에는 이렇게 크지 않았으니 용량이 부족해 질거라고는 상상도 못했..

아무튼 찾다보니 이력을 삭제해주는 녀석이 있는데

sysop 권한이 없으면 아래와 같이 나오고

권한을 주게 되면

다른 특수 문서에 delete history라는 링크가 생성된다.

누르면 체크/삭제/삭제+최적화 라고 나오는데

특정 글에 대한것만 지우는게 아니라 전부 지우는건가 싶어서 겁나서 못 누르는중 ㅠㅠ

미친척 히스토리 삭제 + optimzie 하니..

모든 문서에 대한 히스토리/리비전 삭제 ㄷㄷㄷ

선택적으로는 불가능 한거니?!?!? ㅠㅠ


archive된 녀석들을 압축해주는 관리용 페이지가 존재하는 듯?

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Reduce_size_of_the_database]

용량이 부족해서 안된대잖아!!! ㅠㅠ

~/www/maintenance/storage$ php compressOld.php

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Suhosin Extension does not officially support PHP 5.2 and below anymore, because it is discontinued. Use it at your own risk. in Unknown on line 0

Compressing database minimonk


Starting from 0 of 59

1       대문 .x................../..................../..../

2       C_language ..................../..................../..................../..................../..................../..................../..................../..................../..................../..................../../

3       API_CUDA

4       LINUX:COMMAND .x....../

5       LINUX:STRUCT .x.........../

6       Linux_command

7       Linux_struct

8       HOBBY:BICYCLE ..................../.../

9       APP:MYSQL ............/

10      API:OPENMP ..................../............./

11      LANG:LISP ..../

12      CPP_language ......./

13      LANG:C

14      LANG:CPP

15      DEV_SUPPORT:SVN ......../


17      MICOM:AVR .../

18      기사모음 ............./

19      기사모음:2014 Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 688650 bytes) in .../www/includes/db/DatabaseMysql.php on line 195 

얘는 단순하게 숨기기 버튼이 나타나게 하는 것

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:RevisionDelete]

'프로그램 사용 > wiki' 카테고리의 다른 글

mediawiki 다국어 확장 및 번역 확장  (0) 2017.01.10
mediawiki 1.28.0과 Xcache  (0) 2017.01.09
google Analystics extension  (0) 2015.06.25
mediawiki 위지윅 에디터  (0) 2015.04.16
mediawiki 무겁구나.. (1.23.9)  (0) 2015.04.14
Posted by 구차니
프로그램 사용/wiki2015. 6. 25. 16:07

위키에 한번 적용해볼까나?

[링크 : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Google_Analytics_Integration]

2012년에 해놓고 까먹고 있었... -_-

2012/07/18 - [프로그램 사용/wiki] - mediawiki google analystics extension

홀로 쓰는 데라 외부 유입은 없다고 봐야겠군...

'프로그램 사용 > wiki' 카테고리의 다른 글

mediawiki 1.28.0과 Xcache  (0) 2017.01.09
mediawiki extension - deletehistory  (0) 2015.11.04
mediawiki 위지윅 에디터  (0) 2015.04.16
mediawiki 무겁구나.. (1.23.9)  (0) 2015.04.14
mediawiki db 구조  (0) 2014.03.24
Posted by 구차니