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설치를 하려면 Help - Install new software 에서 를 추가하면 subclipse가 설치된다.
(참고로 1.4.x 1.6.x 1.8.x 3가지 버전이 존재한다.)
$ sudo apt-get install eclipse
로 설치를 했는데 프로젝트 윈도우에서 아무것도 나오지 않는 현상 발생 -_-
아래의 도움말 대로 SUN(oracle) JDK를 깔아서 -vm 옵션을 줘도 여전히 안보이고 -_-
I just installed Eclipse on Linux, but it does not start. What is the problem?
Quite often, Eclipse will not work properly with non-Sun or non-IBM JVMs. These issues are usually related to Blackdown or GCJ. Eclipse has a list of reference platforms that it is tested against which you should try to match against. Try installing one from Sun, IBM, or BEA (eg., Sun JDK 5.0, IBM JDK 5.0, or BEA JRockit 5.0). Version 6 of OpenJDK works too, particularly with Fedora Eclipse.
Make sure that your selected JDK is the one being used when starting Eclipse by passing in the -vm flag.
eclipse -vm /full/path/to/java/bin/java
It is usually desirable to place this option in your eclipse.ini file so you don't have to type it every time you start Eclipse. If you do append it onto your eclipse.ini file, you should make sure that it appears before the -vmargs line, if you have one. Also note that -vm and the /full/path/to/java/bin/java are on separate lines.
The argument must point to the java or javaw executable, not some wrapper script like run-java-tool, as used by the Gentoo Linux distribution.
Please note that if you are on a 64-bit system and have a 64-bit JRE installed, you will need to use a 64-bit Eclipse build. If you wish to use a 32-bit Eclipse build, please use a 32-bit JRE. Mismatches will cause Eclipse to not start properly. Please see bug 221969 if you are interested in this mismatch problem.
First time downloading/installing Java for Linux? Read this or this.
Note also that there are differences between ext2/ext3 filesystems and fat32 ones. Eclipse includes a lot of long file paths, .dotfiles, and case sensitive files. If you plan to use Eclipse on linux, unpacking it onto an ext2 or ext3 filesystem is recommended.