관리자 권한으로 하지 않으면 enable은 되어도 disable은 작동하지 않고
"No Matching Devices" 에러만 뱉어낸다.
그리고 @를 붙여줘야 인스턴스 아이디로 인식을 한다.
devcon.exe disable "@<instace ID>" |
[링크 : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27737232/devcon-disable-cannot-disable-device-not-found]
머야 왜 안돼 ㅠㅠ
C:\>devcon help Device Console Help: devcon [-r] [-m:\\<machine>] <command> [<arg>...] -r Reboots the system only when a restart or reboot is required. <machine> Specifies a remote computer. <command> Specifies a Devcon command (see command list below). <arg>... One or more arguments that modify a command. For help with a specific command, type: devcon help <command> classfilter Add, delete, and reorder class filters. classes List all device setup classes. disable Disable devices. driverfiles List installed driver files for devices. drivernodes List driver nodes of devices. enable Enable devices. find Find devices. findall Find devices, including those that are not currently attached. help Display Devcon help. hwids List hardware IDs of devices. install Install a device manually. listclass List all devices in a setup class. reboot Reboot the local computer. remove Remove devices. rescan Scan for new hardware. resources List hardware resources for devices. restart Restart devices. sethwid Modify Hardware ID's of listed root-enumerated devices. stack List expected driver stack for devices. status List running status of devices. update Update a device manually. updateni Manually update a device (non interactive). dp_add Adds (installs) a third-party (OEM) driver package. dp_delete Deletes a third-party (OEM) driver package. dp_enum Lists the third-party (OEM) driver packages installed on this machine. |
요즘에는 배터리 갈아주고 나니 별 문제 없어 진 느낌이지만 아무튼 하려던건 해봐야 하니!
끄고 싶은 "HID 규격 터치 스크린"의 장치 경로는 아래와 같은데
devcon findall *을 통해서 검색을 하면 아래처럼 HID 라는 이름만 나온다.. 어떻게 해야하려나..
C:\>devcon findall * HID\NTRG0001&COL04\5&63F74D3&1&0003 : HID BTHENUM\{00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}_VID&0002045E_PID&07A2\7&3A48118&0&281878619480_C00000000: HID\NTRG0001&COL03\5&63F74D3&1&0002 : HID HID\NTRG0001&COL02\5&63F74D3&1&0001 : HID HID\NTRG0001&COL01\5&63F74D3&1&0000 : HID 174 matching device(s) found. |
VID PID 나온거라던가
여러가지 해보는데 영 안됨...
Disable filed No matching devices found.
혹시 devcon 프로그램이 한글 명칭은 인식 못하는 건가?
[링크 : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/devcon-disable]
[링크 : https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/toggle-touchscreen-windows-10/]
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