하드웨어2017. 10. 7. 09:01

ATMEL의 AVRISP mk2도 jungo 드라이버를 깔고 그러길래 먼가 하고 찾아 보는데

칩 제조사 불문 어떠한 장치도 지원하는 장치드라이버 개발 툴?

The WinDriver™ device driver development tool supports any device, regardless of its silicon vendor, and enables you to focus on your driver’s added-value functionality, instead of on the operating system internals. WinDriver’s driver development solution covers USB, PCI and PCI Express 

[링크 : https://www.jungo.com/st/support/windriver/]

[링크 : https://www.jungo.com/st/products/windriver/]

2011/08/14 - [하드웨어] - USB CDC-ACM (Abstract Control Model)

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