DISTCC_HOSTS는 왼쪽 부터 오른쪽 순서로 우선순위가 결정된다.

왼쪽이 가장 선호되는 호스트 이고, 가장 마지막이 선호도가 낮아진다.

그런 이유로 가장 마지막에 localhost를 넣어 주는게 좋다고 한다.

Host Specifications

A "host list" tells distcc which machines to use for compilation. In order, distcc looks in the $DISTCC_HOSTS environment variable, the user's $DISTCC_DIR/hosts file, and the system-wide host file. If no host list can be found, distcc emits a warning and compiles locally.

The host list is a simple whitespace separated list of host specifications. The simplest and most common form is a host names, such as

localhost red green blue

distcc prefers hosts towards the start of the list, so machines should be listed in descending order of speed. In particular, when only a single compilation can be run (such as from a configure script), the first machine listed is used (but see --randomize below). 


Randomize the order of the host list before execution.

[링크 : https://linux.die.net/man/1/distcc]

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