embeded/odroid2016. 10. 4. 13:02

찾아보니.. eMMC는 부트영역이 따로 설정되서 그냥은 못 건드리니

uboot에서 명령을 통해서 설정해야 하는 듯?

일단 SD 메모리만 꽂고(eMMC가 부팅 우선순위를 가지니)

1. 복구 이미지를 SD에 구워서 부팅후 eMMC를 꽂으면 복구

2. uart를 이용해서 uboot에서 "movi init 1" 와 "run copy_uboot_sd2emmc"명령을 통해 복구

Case 1: Using the Recovery image

1.Download Recovery Image file.

2.Unzip with 7-Zip (Windows) or Linux using “xz -d”

3.Prepare a microSD card and flash the attached image. flashing → refer this link

4.Boot with the microSD without eMMC.

5.Turn on U2/U3 and wait a few seconds and blue LED will blink.

6.Plug your eMMC module into U2/U3

7.Plug micro-USB cable into U2/U3 and connect other side to your PC USB host or ODROID's USB host port.

  (This is a trigger to start the recovery)

8.After recovery process (only a few seconds), the blue LED will turn off automatically.

9.Finish. Install OS on your eMMC with as usual.

Case 2 : Boot from SD card and access the eMMC

You need the USB-UART and serial terminal program like a Putty.

1. Boot the board with a Ubuntu SD Card without eMMC.

2. Enter into the u-boot prompt by Enter key or Space key in 3 seconds.

3. Install the eMMC module on the board.

4. Issue a command to connect the eMMC.

Exynos4412 # movi init 1

5. Copy the boot code from SD to eMMC.

Exynos4412 # run copy_uboot_sd2emmc

6. Remove the SD card and power on with the eMMC. The Blue LED should be on by eMMC boot loader.

[링크 : http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:emmc_recovery_u3]

[링크 : http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:emmc_recovery]

    [링크 : http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:emmc_recovery_u3]

    [링크 : http://codewalkerster.blogspot.com/2014/02/how-to-recovery-emmcemmc-50-u-boot-on.html]

링크도 깨져있고..XU4용은 안드로이드고..

그냥 eMMC 구매하는건 포기할까?

웬지 이걸써서 라즈베리에서 SD 리더용 어댑터로 부팅이 안될거 같은데..


[링크 : http://codewalkerster.blogspot.com/2014/02/how-to-recovery-emmcemmc-50-u-boot-on.html]

[링크 : http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=969]

[링크 : http://forum.odroid.com/download/file.php?id=2841] u3용 이미지


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