이걸 깔아야 하나... 걍 포기 -_-
$ sudo apt-get install lcdproc
패키지 목록을 읽는 중입니다... 완료 의존성 트리를 만드는 중입니다 상태 정보를 읽는 중입니다... 완료 The following additional packages will be installed: at cme dctrl-tools devscripts dput lcdproc-extra-drivers libapp-cmd-perl libarray-intspan-perl libcapture-tiny-perl libcarp-assert-more-perl libcarp-assert-perl libclass-data-inheritable-perl libclass-load-perl libcommon-sense-perl libconfig-model-approx-perl libconfig-model-dpkg-perl libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl libconfig-model-openssh-perl libconfig-model-perl libconfig-model-tkui-perl libdevel-stacktrace-perl libdistro-info-perl libexception-class-perl libexporter-lite-perl libfile-homedir-perl libfile-which-perl libfuse-perl libg15daemon-client1 libg15render1 libhash-merge-perl libio-tiecombine-perl libjson-perl libjson-xs-perl liblog-log4perl-perl libmouse-perl libmousex-nativetraits-perl libmousex-strictconstructor-perl libparse-recdescent-perl libpod-pom-perl libstring-rewriteprefix-perl libtext-autoformat-perl libtext-diff-perl libtext-english-perl libtext-levenshtein-damerau-perl libtext-reform-perl libtk-dirselect-perl libtk-doubleclick-perl libtk-histentry-perl libtk-pod-perl libtypes-serialiser-perl libxosd2 libyaml-perl perl-doc perl-tk python3-magic wdiff 제안하는 패키지: default-mta | mail-transport-agent libconfig-model-cursesui-perl libconfig-model-itself-perl debtags cvs-buildpackage diffoscope devscripts-el dose-extra gnuplot libterm-size-perl libyaml-syck-perl mozilla-devscripts mutt svn-buildpackage w3m debian-keyring equivs libsoap-lite-perl mini-dinstall python-bzrlib libterm-readline-perl-perl | libterm-readline-gnu-perl libtk-objscanner-perl libunix-mknod-perl liblchown-perl libfilesys-statvfs-perl libdbd-csv-perl libxml-dom-perl liblog-dispatch-perl libipc-shareable-perl libyaml-shell-perl 다음 새 패키지를 설치할 것입니다: at cme dctrl-tools devscripts dput lcdproc lcdproc-extra-drivers libapp-cmd-perl libarray-intspan-perl libcapture-tiny-perl libcarp-assert-more-perl libcarp-assert-perl libclass-data-inheritable-perl libclass-load-perl libcommon-sense-perl libconfig-model-approx-perl libconfig-model-dpkg-perl libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl libconfig-model-openssh-perl libconfig-model-perl libconfig-model-tkui-perl libdevel-stacktrace-perl libdistro-info-perl libexception-class-perl libexporter-lite-perl libfile-homedir-perl libfile-which-perl libfuse-perl libg15daemon-client1 libg15render1 libhash-merge-perl libio-tiecombine-perl libjson-perl libjson-xs-perl liblog-log4perl-perl libmouse-perl libmousex-nativetraits-perl libmousex-strictconstructor-perl libparse-recdescent-perl libpod-pom-perl libstring-rewriteprefix-perl libtext-autoformat-perl libtext-diff-perl libtext-english-perl libtext-levenshtein-damerau-perl libtext-reform-perl libtk-dirselect-perl libtk-doubleclick-perl libtk-histentry-perl libtk-pod-perl libtypes-serialiser-perl libxosd2 libyaml-perl perl-doc perl-tk python3-magic wdiff 0개 업그레이드, 57개 새로 설치, 0개 제거 및 4개 업그레이드 안 함. 13.4 M바이트 아카이브를 받아야 합니다. 이 작업 후 34.2 M바이트의 디스크 공간을 더 사용하게 됩니다. 계속 하시겠습니까? [Y/n] |
What is LCDproc?
LCDproc is a client/server suite including drivers for all kinds of nifty LCD displays.
The server LCDd makes it possible to display text and other data on an LCD display. As well LCDd can handle certain input devices.
Support for devices is added by drivers. We distinguish between output and input drivers. LCDd currently supports only one single output driver, which may at the same time handle input. Nevertheless several input (only) drivers are supported.
Currently there are drivers for several serial devices: Matrix Orbital, Crystal Fontz, Bayrad, LB216, LCDM001 (kernelconcepts.de), Wirz-SLI and PIC-an-LCD; and some devices connected to the LPT port: HD44780, STV5730, T6963, SED1520 and SED1330. There are input (only) drivers for LIRC and joysticks.
Clients can connect to LCDd through common TCP sockets.
Various clients are available. The main client lcdproc, which is shipped with the LCDproc distribution, can display things like CPU load, system load, memory usage, uptime, and a lot more.
[링크 : http://lcdproc.sourceforge.net/docs/current-user.html]
[링크 : http://openelec.tv/.../28516-how-to-get-lcd2usb-based-displays-to-work-example-hd44780]
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