embeded2016. 3. 16. 15:15

데이터 시트

[링크 : http://gongnoob.blog.me/123329737]

AVR 소스(심플)

[링크 : http://pilgoo.tistory.com/50]


웬지.. z80이 아니라 intel 808x 시리즈의 80 system?

2014/02/07 - [embeded/AVR (ATmega/ATtiny)] - COM26T2844VTX 컨트롤러 HD66781

2013/07/23 - [embeded/AVR (ATmega/ATtiny)] - COM26T2844VTX LCD 데이터 시트

2014/01/27 - [embeded] - Z80 M6800

- M68 system interface with 8-/ 9-/16-/18-bit bus width

- i80 system interface with 8-/ 9-/16-/18-bit bus width

[링크 : http://www.ampdisplay.com/technology.php?c=tech_lcd_interface]

[링크 : https://www.adafruit.com/datasheets/ILI9325.pdf]

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