프로그램 사용/Putty2015. 7. 14. 14:21

putty를 통해서 CR+LF로 전송이 가능한가 했더니..

보이는 부분에 대해서만 가능한 듯...

기본적으로 putty는 \n 만 보내는 것으로 보인다.

LF는 line feed - \n 으로 대개 표기되며

CR은 carriage return - \r 로 대개 표기된다.

4.3.3 ‘Implicit CR in every LF’

Most servers send two control charactersCR and LF, to start a new line of the screen. The CR character makes the cursor return to the left-hand side of the screen. The LF character makes the cursor move one line down (and might make the screen scroll).

Some servers only send LF, and expect the terminal to move the cursor over to the left automatically. If you come across a server that does this, you will see a stepped effect on the screen, like this:

First line of text
                  Second line
                             Third line

If this happens to you, try enabling the ‘Implicit CR in every LF’ option, and things might go back to normal:

First line of text
Second line
Third line

4.3.4 ‘Implicit LF in every CR’

Most servers send two control characters, CR and LF, to start a new line of the screen. The CR character makes the cursor return to the left-hand side of the screen. The LF character makes the cursor move one line down (and might make the screen scroll).

Some servers only send CR, and so the newly written line is overwritten by the following line. This option causes a line feed so that all lines are displayed.

[링크 : http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapshots/htmldoc/Chapter4.html]

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Posted by 구차니