Linux2014. 11. 10. 15:37
bonjour와 같은 녀석으로
mDNS(multicast DNS)를 통해 서로 검색하고 자신을 설정하는 프로토콜이다.

[링크 :]
[링크 :]

IPv4LL 이라는 용어도 나오는데. Link Local의 약자이려나?

Apple Bonjour[edit]

Bonjour (formerly known as Rendezvous) from Apple Inc., uses multicast DNS and DNS Service Discovery. Apple changed its preferred zeroconf technology from SLP to mDNS and DNS-SD between Mac OS X 10.1 and 10.2, though SLP continues to be supported by Mac OS X.

Apple's mDNSResponder has interfaces for C and Java[22] and is available on BSD, Apple Mac OS X, Linux, other POSIX based operating systems and MS Windows. The Windows downloads are available from Apple's website.[23]


Avahi is a Zeroconf implementation for Linux and BSDs. It implements IPv4LL, mDNS and DNS-SD. It is part of most Linux distributions, and is installed by default on some. If run in conjunction with nss-mdns it also offers host name resolution.[24]

Avahi also implements binary compatibility libraries that emulate Bonjour and the historical mDNS implementation Howl, so software made to use those implementations can also utilize Avahi through the emulation interfaces.

[링크 :

DNS-SD (Service Discovery)
mDNS (multicast DNS)
IPv4LL (IPv4 Link Local address)

2009/09/14 - [Linux] - Avahi daemon은 머하는 넘인고?

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Posted by 구차니