Programming/php2013. 7. 7. 20:21
$_SERVER[] 변수는 서버에서 관리되는 내용을 받을수 있다.
단, Mac address는 php만으로는 안되고
exec를 통해 arp 조회를 하거나 javascript의 허가 하에 받아올수 있다고 한다.

또한, REMOTE_ADDR은 proxy 사용시 제대로 표기 안되므로

'REMOTE_ADDR' The IP address from which the user is viewing the current page.
'REMOTE_HOST' The Host name from which the user is viewing the current page. The reverse dns lookup is based off the REMOTE_ADDR of the user.
'REMOTE_PORT' The port being used on the user's machine to communicate with the web server.
'REMOTE_USER' The authenticated user.

If you are serving from behind a proxy server, you will almost certainly save time by looking at what these $_SERVER variables do on your machine behind the proxy.

[링크 :]

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Posted by 구차니