솔찍히 내가 TortoiseCVS Client for Windows에 쩔어 있어서
콘솔에서 명령어로 체크아웃 할지도 모르고, SVN에는 손이 가지 않는다.

SVN의 장점으로는 디렉토리 이동 등이 있다는 것도 알고,
CVS에서 SVN으로 이전도 그리 어렵지는 않다고 하지만,

가장 큰 문제는, 나 혼자 사용하는 SVN 서버가 아닌
다른 사람들도 접속할 수 있는 SVN 서버를 만드는 법을 모른다는 것이다.

아무튼! 용기를 내서 한번 문서를 뒤적이다가 발견했는데..
TortoiseSVN Client for Windows help에 있었다.. OTL 역시 등불밑이 가장 어두운 것인가..

키워드는 svnserve 이다.

Running svnserve

Now that svnserve is installed, you need it running on your server. The simplest approach is to run the following from a DOS shell or create a windows shortcut:

svnserve.exe --daemon

svnserve will now start waiting for incoming requests on port 3690. The --daemon switch tells svnserve to run as a daemon process, so it will always exist until it is manually terminated.

If you have not yet created a repository, follow the instructions given with the Apache server setup the section called “Configuration”.

To test that svnserve is working, use TortoiseSVNRepo-Browser to view a repository.

Assuming your repository is located in c:\repos\TestRepo, and your server is called localhost, enter:


when prompted by the repo browser.

You can also increase security and save time entering URLs with svnserve by using the --root switch to set the root location and restrict access to a specified directory on the server:

svnserve.exe --daemon --root drive:\path\to\repository\root

Using the previous test as a guide, svnserve would now run as:

svnserve.exe --daemon --root c:\repos

And in TortoiseSVN our repo-browser URL is now shortened to:


Note that the --root switch is also needed if your repository is located on a different partition or drive than the location of svnserve on your server.

Svnserve will service any number of repositories. Just locate them somewhere below the root folder you just defined, and access them using a URL relative to that root.

Run svnserve as a Service

Running svnserve as a user is usually not the best way. It means always having a user logged in on your server, and remembering to restart it after a reboot. A better way is to run svnserve as a windows service. Starting with Subversion 1.4, svnserve can be installed as a native windows service.

To install svnserve as a native windows service, execute the following command all on one line to create a service which is automatically started when windows starts.

sc create svnserve binpath= "c:\svnserve\svnserve.exe --service 
--root c:\repos" displayname= "Subversion" depend= tcpip
start= auto

If any of the paths include spaces, you have to use (escaped) quotes around the path, like this:

sc create svnserve binpath= "
\"C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\svnserve.exe\"
--service --root c:\repos" displayname= "Subversion"
depend= tcpip start= auto

You can also add a description after creating the service. This will show up in the Windows Services Manager.

sc description svnserve "Subversion server (svnserve)"

Note the rather unusual command line format used by sc. In the key= value pairs there must be no space between the key and the = but there must be a space before the value.

[출처 : http://tortoisesvn.net/docs/release/TortoiseSVN_en/tsvn-serversetup-svnserve.html]
Posted by 구차니