문득 수직탭은 들어 본적은 있는데 머하는데 쓰고,
어떻게 출력이 되는지는 모른다는 깨달음(?)을 얻었다.
검색을 해봐도 이렇다할 결과가 없긴한데...
대충 추려내자면
예전에 리본/도트 프린터 시절에 제어를 위해 존재했었는데,
프린터에서 수평탭은 8칸, 수직탭은 6줄마다 이동하도록 되어있다고 한다.
하지만, Virtual Terminal 상에서 표현은 자율에 맡기다 보니,
이상한 문자가 출력되거나, 엔터 처럼 처리되는 경우가 많은것으로 보인다.
대충 리눅스 상에서 해보니 \v (vertical tab)은 LF의 느낌이 든다.
LF(Line Feed)는 지금의 위치에서 바로 아래로 내려지게 되고, CR(Carriage Return)은 가장 앞줄로 이동하게 된다.
(타자기를 생각하면 한글자씩 쓰다가 끝까지 치게 되면 왼쪽으로 미는데 그걸 CR이라고 보면되고
종이를 밀어서 한줄 아래로 내리는걸 LF라고 보면된다.)
The following control
codes are optional but should have the
indicated effect on the display.
Decimal Value
Produces an audible or visible signal (which does NOT
move the print head.
Back Space
Moves the print head one character position towards the
left margin. [On a printing devices this mechanism was commonly used to
form composite characters by printing two basic characters on top of
each other.]
Moves the printer to the next horizontal tab stop. It
remains unspecified how either party determines or establishes where
such tab stops are located.
Moves the printer to the next vertical tab stop. It
remains unspecified how either party determines or establishes where
such tab stops are located.
Form Feed
Moves the printer to the top of the next page, keeping
the same horizontal position. [On visual displays this commonly clears
the screen and moves the cursor to the top left corner.]
tab (′vərd·ə·kəl ′tab)
(computer science) A control character that causes a computer
printer to jump
from its current line to another preset line further
down the page.
printers used mechanical tab stops to indicate where the tabs
went. This was done horizontally with movable metal prongs in a row and
vertically with a loop of mylar or other tape the length of a
page with holes punched in it to indicate the tab stops. Initially
these were manually set to match the preprinted forms the printer was
going to print. The intention was to have the machine be programmed with
other control characters to set and clear the stops: ISO 6429 includes the codes 136 Horizontal
Tabulation Set, 137 Horizontal Tabulation with Justification and 138
Vertical Tabulation Set.
Instead settable tab stops were rather quickly replaced with fixed
stops, at
every multiple of 8 characters horizontally and every 6 lines
vertically. A printing program could easily add the necessary
spaces or
line feeds to move to any position wanted on a form, this was far more
reliable than the modal and non-standard
methods of setting tab stops. Tab characters simply became a form of
data compression. The vertical size was chosen to be 1 inch. It is
unclear why the 8-character horizontal size was chosen, as 5 characters,
half inch in a typical printer at that time, was much more popular at
that time as a paragraph indentation. It may have been chosen to match
early Fortran
conventions for where the statement text started after the line number
and continuation character. Or it may have been chosen as the smallest
size that would fit numbers typically printed in a table.
문자열 중에 확장 문자열이라는 게 있다. 대표적으로 \n 같은 경우인데 일종의 정해진 규약이다. 이 중에
수직탭이라는 게 있는데 \v
로 표현된다. C 언어 펀더멘탈 책을 보던 중 궁금증이 들어서 출력을 해보니 윈도우 콘솔 상에서는
이상한 특수문자를 하나 출력해주고 만다. 하지만 리눅스 콘솔에서 출력해보니 세로로 한 칸 내려가버린다. 즉 다음과 같은 결과를