프로그램 사용/rtl-sdr2022. 8. 30. 18:16


SDRangel can decode multiple broadcast FM channels simultaneously

[링크 : https://www.reddit.com/r/RTLSDR/comments/ql1jpe/problem_rtl_sdr_recording_multiple_fm_channel/]


SDRangel is an Open Source Qt5 / OpenGL 3.0+ SDR and signal analyzer frontend to various hardware.

[링크 : https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel]

[링크 : https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangelcli]


[링크 : https://github.com/szpajder/RTLSDR-Airband]

[링크 : https://github.com/pvachon/tsl-sdr]

  [링크 : https://www.rtl-sdr.com/a-multichannel-fm-demodulator/]

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Posted by 구차니