embeded/raspberry pi2016. 4. 5. 16:00

음.. FREX 핀은있으나.. 웬지 라즈베리용 카메라에는 FREX를 빼놓지 않았을 기분?


[링크 : http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/images/3/3c/Ov5647_full.pdf]

[링크 : http://www.ovt.com/uploads/parts/OV5647.pdf]

어? 120p가 안돼?

Frame rate up to 120 fps

max 90fps. Limitations on frame size for the higher frame rates (VGA only for above 47fps)

그리고.. external / internal sync. 미지원

Support for internal and external frame synchronisation for frame exposure mode


[링크 : https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/camera.md]

Posted by 구차니