프로그램 사용/openHPC2020. 12. 2. 16:01

제약어가 많아져서 무지 귀찮네 -_-



1. Centos 8.2 설치
2. 환경설정
[sms]# systemctl disable firewalld
[sms]# systemctl stop firewalld

3. 타임서버 관련 설정
[sms]# yum install chrony
[sms]# systemctl enable chronyd.service
[sms]# echo "server ${ntp_server}" >> /etc/chrony.conf
[sms]# echo "allow all" >> /etc/chrony.conf
[sms]# systemctl restart chronyd

3. 프로비저닝 패키지 설치
[sms]# yum install http://repos.openhpc.community/OpenHPC/2/CentOS_8/x86_64/ohpc-release-2-1.el8.x86_64.rpm
[sms]# yum install dnf-plugins-core
[sms]# yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
[sms]# yum -y install ohpc-base
[sms]# yum -y install ohpc-warewulf

4. 리소스 매니저 설치
[sms]# yum -y install ohpc-slurm-server
[sms]# cp /etc/slurm/slurm.conf.ohpc /etc/slurm/slurm.conf
[sms]# vi /etc/slurm/slurm.conf
[sms]# perl -pi -e "s/device = eth1/device = ${sms_eth_internal}/" /etc/warewulf/provision.conf
[sms]# ip link set dev ${sms_eth_internal} up
[sms]# ip address add ${sms_ip}/${internal_netmask} broadcast + dev ${sms_eth_internal}
[sms]# systemctl enable httpd.service
[sms]# systemctl restart httpd
[sms]# systemctl enable dhcpd.service
[sms]# systemctl enable tftp
[sms]# systemctl restart tftp

5. 프로비저닝 이미지 제작(compute node를 위한 slurm client 설치)
[sms]# export CHROOT=/opt/ohpc/admin/images/centos8.2
[sms]# wwmkchroot -v centos-8 $CHROOT
[sms]# dnf -y --installroot $CHROOT install epel-release
[sms]# cp -p /etc/yum.repos.d/OpenHPC*.repo $CHROOT/etc/yum.repos.d

[sms]# yum -y --installroot=$CHROOT install ohpc-base-compute
[sms]# cp -p /etc/resolv.conf $CHROOT/etc/resolv.conf

[sms]# cp /etc/passwd /etc/group $CHROOT/etc
[sms]# yum -y --installroot=$CHROOT install ohpc-slurm-client
[sms]# chroot $CHROOT systemctl enable munge
[sms]# chroot $CHROOT systemctl enable slurmd

[sms]# echo SLURMD_OPTIONS="--conf-server ${sms_ip}" > $CHROOT/etc/sysconfig/slurmd
[sms]# yum -y --installroot=$CHROOT install chrony
[sms]# echo "server ${sms_ip}" >> $CHROOT/etc/chrony.conf
[sms]# yum -y --installroot=$CHROOT install kernel-`uname -r`
[sms]# yum -y --installroot=$CHROOT install lmod-ohpc

6. customize system configuration
[sms]# wwinit database
[sms]# wwinit ssh_keys

[sms]# echo "/home *(rw,no_subtree_check,fsid=10,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports
[sms]# echo "/opt/ohpc/pub *(ro,no_subtree_check,fsid=11)" >> /etc/exports
[sms]# exportfs -a
[sms]# systemctl restart nfs-server
[sms]# systemctl enable nfs-server

[sms]# echo "${sms_ip}:/home /home nfs nfsvers=3,nodev,nosuid 0 0" >> $CHROOT/etc/fstab
[sms]# echo "${sms_ip}:/opt/ohpc/pub /opt/ohpc/pub nfs nfsvers=3,nodev 0 0" >> $CHROOT/etc/fstab

[sms]# perl -pi -e 's/# End of file/\* soft memlock unlimited\n$&/s' /etc/security/limits.conf
[sms]# perl -pi -e 's/# End of file/\* hard memlock unlimited\n$&/s' /etc/security/limits.conf
[sms]# perl -pi -e 's/# End of file/\* hard memlock unlimited\n$&/s' $CHROOT/etc/security/limits.conf
[sms]# perl -pi -e 's/# End of file/\* soft memlock unlimited\n$&/s' $CHROOT/etc/security/limits.conf
[sms]# echo "account required pam_slurm.so" >> $CHROOT/etc/pam.d/sshd

7. warewulf 설정 (import files)
[sms]# wwsh file import /etc/passwd
[sms]# wwsh file import /etc/group
[sms]# wwsh file import /etc/shadow
[sms]# wwsh file import /etc/munge/munge.key

8. finalizing provisioing configuration
[sms]# wwbootstrap `uname -r`

9. Assemble VNFS(Virtual Node File System) image
[sms]# wwvnfs --chroot $CHROOT

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Posted by 구차니