embeded/FPGA - ALTERA2018. 6. 27. 11:01

modelsim에서 파형을 어떻게 계측하나 해서 찾아 보니..

3.4.4 Measuring time

In wave viewer, select from top menus Add -> Cursor. Now you'll see 2 vertical lines (cursors). You can easily drag them and see the time interval between on the bottom. This is very handy when have to measure the execution time (or signal frequency). Just divide the time with the duration of a clock period to derive the number of clock cycles. 

[링크 : http://www.tkt.cs.tut.fi/tools/public/tutorials/mentor/modelsim/getting_started/gsms.html]

음.. 메뉴를 보니 A가 단축키네..

너무 멀지 않은 edge에 커서를 클릭하면 대충 달라 붙는데 A 누르면 저렇게 하나씩 생겨나고

아래에 cursor 가 생겨나는데 적절히 이용하면 될 듯?

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Posted by 구차니