embeded/FPGA - ALTERA2017. 12. 29. 12:46

FPGA로 채굴하는 이야기는 들었는데

막상 장비가 다 갖춰지니 시험삼아 어떻게 돌아가는지 정도 호기심에

해볼까? 라는 생각이 드네

비트코인 채굴하는건 UART로 통신 하는걸로 보이고..

In the mining rig described here an FPGA does all the hard work (SHA-256 hashing) and communicates over a serial link with a Raspberry Pi

[링크 : https://www.rs-online.com/designspark/bitcoin-mining-with-a-raspberry-pi-and-de0-nano]

[링크 : https://github.com/progranism/Open-Source-FPGA-Bitcoin-Miner]


Plug GPIO03 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 15 on the Raspberry Pi.

Plug GPIO05 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 14 on the Raspberry Pi.

-> 요건 보니.. RS-232/UART로 연결하는거 같고


Plug GPIO 133 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 8 on the Raspberry Pi

Plug GPIO 131 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 10 on the Raspberry Pi

Plug GPIO 129 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 24 on the Raspberry Pi

Plug GPIO 127 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 4 on the Raspberry Pi

Plug GPIO 125 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 17 on the Raspberry Pi

Plug GPIO 132 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 22 on the Raspberry Pi

Plug GPIO 130 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 9 on the Raspberry Pi

Plug GPIO 128 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 25 on the Raspberry Pi

Plug GPIO 126 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 18 on the Raspberry Pi

Plug GPIO 124 on the DE0-Nano into GPIO 23 on the Raspberry Pi

-> 요건.. 8비트 병렬 전송+2비트 제어로 순수 GPIO 제어인듯..

[링크 : http://catherineh.github.io/programming/2016/11/15/raspberry-pi-to-fpga-communication-example]


전반적으로 라즈베리와 통신하는게 딱히 이렇다할 고속 인터페이스가 없다 보니 어쩔수 없는 건가...

Posted by 구차니