Programming/web 관련2015. 9. 11. 13:27

dash.js / HTML5 video 부터 검색하다 보니 나온녀석..

임베디드에서 쓸만한 녀석은.. nginx-rtmp-module 정도인가..


Note that no specific support is required from the server for DASH content, with the exception of Live Streaming.

Flussonic Media Server has support for DASH.[31]

Helix Universal Server has support for DASH in various modes.

Nginx-rtmp-module supports generating MPEG-DASH live streams since version 1.0.8.[32] They can be played with a modified version of dash.js[33] and with bitdash.[34]

Wowza Streaming Engine has full support for MPEG-DASH.[35]

Akamai CDN supports DASH.[36]

Azure Media Services platform has support for MPEG-DASH.[37]

Limelight Networks CDN supports DASH.[38]

Unified Origin supports MPEG-DASH.[39][40]

bitmovin provides the cloud-based transcoding service which supports MPEG-DASH.[41]

Nimble Streamer has live and VOD MPEG-DASH support.[42]

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MPD - Media Presentation Description

MMT - MPEG Media Transport

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webm based dash-js ?

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우분투에서는 빌드 해야 하네..

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Using DASH - Server Side

First you'll need to convert your WebM video to a DASH manifest with the accompanying video files in various bit rates. To start with you'll need:

ffpmeg - with libvpx and libvoribis support for WebM video and audio (

libwebm - specifically for the samplemuxer tool (git clone

webm-tools - specifically for the manifest creation tool, webm_dash_manifest (git clone

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 It is called HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and is only supported by Apple's technology. Google (Chromium / YouTube) uses its own implementation called dash mpeg and everybody else is either confused or using H.264 encapsulated in MP4.

[링크 :]


WebM 파일은 VP8 비디오와 Vorbis 오디오 스트림으로 이루어져 있으며 마트료시카 프로파일에 기반을 둔다.

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