포터블 우분투를 실행하면 Xming을 구동하여 사용하는데 옵션이 특이해서
도움말을 찾아보게 되었다.
portable_ubuntu.conf 파일의 내용
cobd3="D:\Documents and Settings\czw5hv\Application Data\Windux\images\root.img"
cofs1=c:\ #Para tener acceso a la unidad C:
#cofs1=otra_unidad:\ #Si se necesita tener acceso a otras unidades?ej: d:\
#scsi0=cdrom,\Device\Cdrom0 # Para tener acceso al CDROM de la PC
exec0="Xming\Xming.exe :0 -notrayicon +bs -wm -auth Xauthority -clipboard -multiwindow -dpi 100"
exec1=pulseaudio-0.9.6\pulseaudio.exe # Ejecuta al servidor Pulse Audio para Windows
+bs enable any backing store support -wm WhenMapped default backing-store
위의 옵션들에 backing store라는 내용이 들어간다.
이곳저것 검색을 해봐도 딱히 시원한 대답은 없었지만, 검색 내용중 윈도우 내용이 복구 안될 경우
backing store를 X11에 설정한다는 내용이 발견되었다. 아마 clipping 영역 복구가 제대로 되지 않을 때,
강제로 복구 하도록 하는 옵션인거 같기도 하고.. 용어 내용만 봤을 경우 일종의 캐시 구조인거 같기도하고..
(고속일 수록 가격이 비싸고, 저속일수록 가격이 싸다. 단위용량당 가격적인 면에서
레지스터 > 캐쉬 > 메모리(DRAM) > HDD > ODD > TAPE 등의 순서를 피라미드식으로 이루게 되는데
memory hierarchy 라고 한다.)
Unfortunately some XFree86 drivers are buggy, and when you render an
accelerated primitive which overlaps an area which is not visible to
the user, the driver fails to update the backing store (it only draws
the clipped primitive using accelarated functions and does not complete
the job by calling the software renderer to update the backing store.)
[출처 : http://www.ibiblio.org/ggicore/documentation/libggi/current/display-x.7.html]
Xming [:<display-number>] [option]
-a # mouse acceleration (pixels)
-ac disable access control restrictions
-audit int set audit trail level
-auth file select authorization file
-br create root window with black background +bs enable any backing store support
-bs disable any backing store support
-c turns off key-click
c # key-click volume (0-100)
-cc int default color visual class
-co file color database file
-core generate core dump on fatal error
-dpi int screen resolution in dots per inch
-deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs
-f # bell base (0-100)
-fc string cursor font
-fn string default font name
-fp string default font path
-help prints message with these options
-I ignore all remaining arguments
-logo enable logo in screen saver
nologo disable logo in screen saver
-nolisten string don't listen on protocol
-noreset don't reset after last client exists
-reset reset after last client exists
-p # screen-saver pattern duration (minutes)
-pn accept failure to listen on all ports
-nopn reject failure to listen on all ports
-r turns off auto-repeat
r turns on auto-repeat
-render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy
-s # screen-saver timeout (minutes)
-sp file security policy file
-su disable any save under support
-t # mouse threshold (pixels)
-terminate terminate at server reset
-to # connection time out
-tst disable testing extensions
ttyxx server started from init on /dev/ttyxx
v video blanking for screen-saver
-v screen-saver without video blanking -wm WhenMapped default backing-store
-wr create root window with white background
-x string loads named extension at init time
-maxbigreqsize set maximal bigrequest size
+extension name Enable extension
-extension name Disable extension
-query host-name contact named host for XDMCP
-broadcast broadcast for XDMCP
-indirect host-name contact named host for indirect XDMCP
-port port-num UDP port number to send messages to
-from local-address specify the local address to connect from
-once Terminate server after one session
-class display-class specify display class to send in manage
-cookie xdm-auth-bits specify the magic cookie for XDMCP
-displayID display-id manufacturer display ID for request
-kb disable the X Keyboard Extension
+kb enable the X Keyboard Extension
[+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ]
enable/disable accessx key sequences
-ardelay set XKB autorepeat delay
-arinterval set XKB autorepeat interval
Enables the integration between the Xming clipboard and
Windows clipboard.
-clipupdates num_boxes
Use a clipping region to constrain shadow update blits to
the updated region when num_boxes, or more, are in the
updated region. Diminished effect on current Windows
versions because they already group GDI operations together
in a batch, which has a similar effect.
-depth bits_per_pixel
Specify an optional bitdepth to use in fullscreen mode
with a DirectDraw engine.
-emulate3buttons [timeout]
Emulate a 3 button mouse with an optional timeout in
milliseconds. The default timeout is 50 milliseconds.
-engine engine_type_id
Override the server's automatically selected engine type:
1 - Shadow GDI
2 - Shadow DirectDraw
4 - Shadow DirectDraw4 Non-Locking
Do not use this parameter unless instructed to do so.
Run the server in fullscreen mode with -depth and -refresh
set as required.
Ignore keyboard and mouse input. This is usually only used for
testing and debugging purposes.
EXPERIMENTAL: Run the internal window manager.
Grab special windows key combinations like Alt-Tab or the Menu
key. These keys are discarded by default.
Hide the windows mouse pointer when it is over an inactive
Xming window. This prevents ghost cursors appearing where
the Windows cursor is drawn over the X cursor.
-logfile filename
Write logmessages to <filename> instead of Xming.n.log,
where n is the display-number of the X Server.
-logverbose verbosity
Set the verbosity of logmessages. [NOTE: Only a few messages
respect the settings, so not much use yet]
0 - only print fatal error.
1 - print additional configuration information.
2 - print additional runtime information [default].
3 - print debugging and tracing information.
-[no]multimonitors (or -[no]multiplemonitors)
Use the entire virtual screen if multiple monitors are
Run the server in multiwindow mode. Not to be used
together with -rootless or -fullscreen.
EXPERIMENTAL: Run the server in multiwindow external
window manager mode. Use with xwinwm.
Do not draw a window border, title bar, etc. Windowed
mode only i.e. ignored when -fullscreen specified.
Disable the conversion of X icons in multiwindow mode.
Use to prevent an infrequent crash in miGetImage().
This is a work-around that most people won't need.
Disable Unicode in the clipboard.
-refresh rate_in_Hz
Specify an optional refresh rate to use in fullscreen mode
with a DirectDraw engine.
Use a transparent root window with an external window
manager (such as openbox). Not to be used with
-multiwindow or with -fullscreen.
-screen scr_num [width height [x y] | [[WxH[+X+Y]][@m]] ]
Enable screen scr_num and optionally specify a width and
height and initial position for that screen. Additionally
a monitor number can be specified to start the server on,
at which point, all coordinates become relative to that
monitor. Examples:
-screen 0 800x600+100+100@2 ;2nd monitor offset 100,100 size 800x600
-screen 0 1024x768@3 ;3rd monitor size 1024x768
-screen 0 @1 ;on 1st monitor using its full resolution (the default)
In windowed mode, allow screens bigger than the Windows desktop.
Moreover, if the window has decorations, one can now resize
it. Do not use in conjunction with -multiwindow or with -rootless.
If another instance of Xming is found running, exit silently
and don't display the error message.
Disable the usage of the windows cursor and use the X11 software
cursor instead.
Do not create a tray icon. Default is to create one
icon per screen. You can globally disable tray icons with
-notrayicon, then enable it for specific screens with
-trayicon for those screens.
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace exits the X Server. The Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
key combo is disabled by default.
Write version and help text to the console (unless built
console-less) and to the log file.
Alt-F4 exits the X Server. The Alt-F4 key combo is enabled
by default.
-xkblayout XKBLayout
Set the layout to use for XKB. This defaults to a layout
matching your current layout from windows or us (i.e. USA)
if no matching layout was found.
For example: -xkblayout de
-xkbmodel XKBModel
Set the model to use for XKB. This defaults to pc105.
-xkboptions XKBOptions
Set the options to use for XKB. This defaults to not set.
-xkbrules XKBRules
Set the rules to use for XKB. This defaults to xorg.
-xkbvariant XKBVariant
Set the variant to use for XKB. This defaults to not set.
For example: -xkbvariant nodeadkeys