webalizer 과거 access_log 데이터 사용하기
Incremental 옵션이 영향을 주는것 같아서 해보는데 일단 귀찮아서...
Incremental no 옵션을 설정한 다음 전체 로그를 붙여서(과거 - 현재 순서로)
붙이니 일단 되는 듯.. -p 옵션을 통해서 여러개로 나누어진 녀석을 처리가능하다는데
해보진 않아서 모르겠네.. 해볼까? (멀 잘못했나.. -p 로그파일 해도 안되네..)
6. My logs are HUGE! Can I run The Webalizer on partial logs?Yes!
[링크 : http://www.webalizer.org/faq.html]
The Webalizer is a command line application and is launched from the operating system shell prompt. A typical command is shown below.webalizer -p -F clf -n en.wikipedia.org -o reports logfiles/access_log
This command instructs The Webalizer to analyze the log file access_log, run in the incremental mode (-p), interpret the log as a CLF log file (-F), use the domain name en.wikipedia.org for report links (-n) and produce the output subdirectory of the current directory. Use the -h option to see the complete list of command line options.
[링크 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webalizer#Command_line]
for obj in $(ls access*); do webalizer -p -F apache -n example.hostname.com -o /path/to/webalizer/ $obj; done |
[링크 : https://coderwall.com/p/0eh7iw/run-old-access-logs-through-webalizer]