
LSI raid ir it mode

구차니 2019. 3. 11. 19:57

it mode 에 대한 용어는 자주 보이는데 IR mode는 잘 안보여서 검색

일단 LSI raid에서 나오는 용어로 보이는데

HBA 컨트롤러용 펌웨어로 IR 펌웨어를 쓰면 Raid로 작동하고

IT 펌웨어를 쓰면 HBA로 작동하는 녀석인 듯?

The two firmware types are Initiator Target (IT) and Integrated RAID (IR)

IR is the typical hardware RAID firmware that the internal cards or boards 

ship with. 

The IT firmware, on the other hand, is the Initiator Target 

firmware which is designed to allow a SAS HBA to connect to up to 256 

devices using SAS Expanders. The IT firmware is typically shipped on 

external cards. The IT firmware does not have any RAID capabilities and 

simply acts as an HBA. 

[링크 : https://www.supermicro.com/support/faqs/faq.cfm?faq=16169]