프로그램 사용/SMB(Samba)

smb 서비스 속도향상하기(SSD-bcache, AIO)

구차니 2019. 2. 1. 08:25

개발서버로 쓸때 NFS보단 smb가 무난할테니

smb write cache로 SSD를 쓰는 법이 있나 하고 찾아 보는데 bcache라는 녀석이 툭~ 튀어나왔다.

It turns out, both Linux and Windows now have the ability to use an SSD as a cache for a slower disk. The Linux version is called BCache and has been available since kernel 3.10 (available in Debian Jessie - Testing). 

[링크 : https://www.grepular.com/Disk_Caching_with_SSDs_Linux_and_Windows]

you can use BCache on Linux to enable caching of the file drive by using your SSD as a cache 

[링크 : https://askubuntu.com/questions/360257/how-to-cache-more-data-on-ssd-ram-to-avoid-spin-up]

Well, we got a bcache answer but no flashcache answer 

[링크 : https://askubuntu.com/questions/252140/how-do-i-install-and-use-flashcache-bcache-to-cache-hdd-to-ssd]

[링크 : https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux414-bcache-raid&num=4] 벤치마크

[링크 : https://ganadist.github.io/2018_04_18_using_bcache.html] 설정

[링크 : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/bcache] 도움말

음.. 그 외에 samba 설정에서 AIO 라는 녀석이 있나보네?

After looking at the samba configuration file I saw that Async IO (AIO) was not enabled by default. What AIO does is that it let’s Samba handle several file operations asynchronously. This can, at the expense of some CPU cycles, increase the performance quite a lot. 

[링크 : https://www.nixpal.com/make-samba-go-faster/]