Programming/C Win32 MFC

엔디안 급 멘붕..

구차니 2018. 5. 29. 11:39

갑자기 little endian인 x86 시스템에서

어떤식으로 Shift 연산자가 작동하는지 멘붕..

엔디안은 메모리에 저장하는 것이기에..

혹시 레지스터는 빅 엔디안으로 구현되는건가?

근데 수업 시간 기억으로는.. little endian이라 자릿수 늘어나도 처리가 부담없다고

그렇게 배운거 봐서는 adder도 모두 little endian인거 같긴한데..

블랙박스 부분이라 알수가 없네..

아무튼.. C 언어 레벨에서는 논리적으로는 big endian으로 처리하고

변환할 때 반대로 구현해줄줄 알았는데 그것도 아니고..(그냥 right는 SAR SHR로 구현)

도대체 어떻게 처리하는건지 알수가 없다.. ㅠㅠ

[링크 :]

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[링크 :]

1235 page


 Shifts the bits in the first operand (destination operand) to the left or right by the number of bits specified in the second operand (count operand). Bits shifted beyond the destination operand boundary are first shifted into the CF flag, then discarded. At the end of the shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the destination operand. The destination operand can be a register or a memory location. The count operand can be an immediate value or the CL register. The count is masked to 5 bits (or 6 bits if in 64-bit mode and REX.W is used). The count range is limited to 0 to 31 (or 63 if 64-bit mode and REX.W is used). A special opcode encoding is provided for a count of 1. The shift arithmetic left (SAL) and shift logical left (SHL) instructions perform the same operation; they shift the bits in the destination operand to the left (toward more significant bit locations). For each shift count, the most significant bit of the destination operand is shifted into the CF flag, and the least significant bit is cleared (see Figure 7-7 in the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 1).

 The shift arithmetic right (SAR) and shift logical right (SHR) instructions shift the bits of the destination operand to the right (toward less significant bit locations). For each shift count, the least significant bit of the destination operand is shifted into the CF flag, and the most significant bit is either set or cleared depending on the instruction type. The SHR instruction clears the most significant bit (see Figure 7-8 in the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 1); the SAR instruction sets or clears the most significant bit to correspond to the sign (most significant bit) of the original value in the destination operand. In effect, the SAR instruction fills the empty bit position’s shifted value with the sign of the unshifted value (see Figure 7-9 in the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 1). 

[링크 :]

case 4:

packet[4] = (val >> 24) & 0xFF;

0115687B  mov         ebx,ecx  

0115687D  sar         ebx,18h  

01156880  mov         byte ptr [edi+4],bl  

packet[5] = (val >> 16) & 0xFF;

01156883  mov         ebx,ecx  

01156885  sar         ebx,10h  

01156888  mov         byte ptr [edi+5],bl  

packet[6] = (val >> 8) & 0xFF;

0115688B  mov         ebx,ecx  

0115688D  sar         ebx,8  

01156890  mov         byte ptr [edi+6],bl  

packet[7] = (val) & 0xFF;

01156893  mov         byte ptr [edi+7],cl  


01156896  jmp         $LN11+54h (11568A8h)  


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