프로그램 사용/libjpeg

Visual Studio 에서 libjpeg 컴파일 하기

구차니 2009. 9. 1. 17:11
install.txt 파일에 다음의 내용이 있었다. (역시 설명서는 잘 읽어야 해..)

Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Visual C++ 6 Developer Studio:

We include makefiles that should work as project files in DevStudio 6.0 or later.
There is a library makefile that builds the IJG library as a static Win32 library,
and application makefiles that build the sample applications as Win32 console applications.
(Even if you only want the library, we recommend building the applications so that you can run the self-test.)

To use:
1. Copy
jconfig.vc to jconfig.h
makeadsw.vc6 to apps.dsw
makecdep.vc6 to cjpeg.dep
makecdsp.vc6 to cjpeg.dsp
makecmak.vc6 to cjpeg.mak
makeddep.vc6 to djpeg.dep
makeddsp.vc6 to djpeg.dsp
makedmak.vc6 to djpeg.mak
makejdep.vc6 to jpeg.dep
makejdsp.vc6 to jpeg.dsp
makejdsw.vc6 to jpeg.dsw
makejmak.vc6 to jpeg.mak
makerdep.vc6 to rdjpgcom.dep
makerdsp.vc6 to rdjpgcom.dsp
makermak.vc6 to rdjpgcom.mak
maketdep.vc6 to jpegtran.dep
maketdsp.vc6 to jpegtran.dsp
maketmak.vc6 to jpegtran.mak
makewdep.vc6 to wrjpgcom.dep
makewdsp.vc6 to wrjpgcom.dsp
makewmak.vc6 to wrjpgcom.mak
(Note that the renaming is critical!)

2. Click on jpeg.dsw and apps.dsw to load the project workspaces.
   (If you are using DevStudio more recent than 6.0, you'll probably
   get a message saying that the project files are being updated.)

3. Build the library project, then the applications project.

4. Move the application .exe files from `app`\Release to an appropriate location on your path.

5. To perform the self-test, execute the command line
    NMAKE /f makefile.vc  test

2단계에서 dsw 파일 읽어 오는것은 실패했다.. OTL
아무튼 5단계의 nmake를 이용하면 컴파일까지 완료된다.

Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Developer Studio (v9):

We include makefiles that should work as project files in Visual Studio 2008 or later.
There is a library makefile that builds the IJG library as a static Win32 library,
and application makefiles that build the sample applications as Win32 console applications.
(Even if you only want the library, we recommend building the applications so that you can run the self-test.)

To use:
1. Copy
jconfig.vc to jconfig.h
makeasln.vc9 to apps.sln
makecvcp.vc9 to cjpeg.vcproj
makedvcp.vc9 to djpeg.vcproj
makejsln.vc9 to jpeg.sln
makejvcp.vc9 to jpeg.vcproj
makervcp.vc9 to rdjpgcom.vcproj
maketvcp.vc9 to jpegtran.vcproj
makewvcp.vc9 to wrjpgcom.vcproj
(Note that the renaming is critical!)

2. Click on jpeg.sln and apps.sln to load the project solutions.
   (If you are using Visual Studio more recent than 2008 (v9), you'll
   probably get a message saying that the project files are being updated.)

3. Build the library project, then the applications project.

4. Move the application .exe files from `app`\Release to an appropriate location on your path.

5. To perform the self-test, execute the command line
    NMAKE /f makefile.vc  test