embeded/DSP C2000 Ti

TMS320F2808 JTAG 검색..

구차니 2017. 12. 28. 09:21

가격이 매너가 없네...

XDS200 이상을 사용하면 될거 같긴한데

호환제품도 드럽게 비싸서.. wiggler 처럼 패러럴 쓰는 염가형은 없나?

[링크 : http://www.tms320.co.kr/shop/goods/goods_view.php?&goodsno=200903031]

[링크 : http://www.tms320.co.kr/shop/goods/goods_view.php?&goodsno=200903075]


F280x 시리즈

F2808: 64K x 16 Flash, 18K x 16 SARAM

C28x 계열 아키텍쳐?

5 Device Support

Texas Instruments (TI) offers an extensive line of development tools for the C28x™ generation of DSPs,

including tools to evaluate the performance of the processors, generate code, develop algorithm

implementations, and fully integrate and debug software and hardware modules.

The following products support development of 280x-based applications:

Software Development Tools

• Code Composer Studio™ Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

– C/C++ Compiler

– Code generation tools

– Assembler/Linker

– Cycle Accurate Simulator

• Application algorithms

• Sample applications code

Hardware Development Tools

• 2808 eZdsp™

• Evaluation modules

• JTAG-based emulators - SPI515, XDS510PP, XDS510PP Plus, XDS510USB

• Universal 5-V dc power supply

• Documentation and cables 

[링크 : http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tms320f2809.pdf]

XDS 100v2 한 9만원은 생각해야 하네... ㄷㄷ

[링크 : http://eleparts.co.kr/EPX3FY3P] XDS100v2

[링크 : http://eleparts.co.kr/EPX7X37M] XDS100v3

[링크 : http://eleparts.co.kr/EPX86FR7] XDS100v3

[링크 : http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/XDS100]