vi 버퍼 컨트롤
:ls 버퍼 목록
:bn buffer next
:bp buffer previous
:b0 0번째로 이동
:bf buffer first 처음
:bl buffer last 마지막
:[N]bn[ext][!] [+cmd] [N] *:bn* *:bnext* *E87* Go to [N]th next buffer in buffer list. [N] defaults to one. Wraps around the end of the buffer list. See |:buffer-!| for [!]. Also see ||+cmd|. If you are in a help buffer, this takes you to the next help buffer (if there is one). Similarly, if you are in a normal (non-help) buffer, this takes you to the next normal buffer. This is so that if you have invoked help, it doesn't get in the way when you're browsing code/text buffers. The next three commands also work like this. |
bN이 대문자임
:[N]bN[ext][!] [+cmd] [N] *:bN* *:bNext* *:bp* *:bprevious* *E88* :[N]bp[revious][!] [+cmd] [N] Go to [N]th previous buffer in buffer list. [N] defaults to one. Wraps around the start of the buffer list. See |:buffer-!| for [!] and 'switchbuf'. Also see ||+cmd|. |
:br[ewind][!] [+cmd] *:br* *:brewind* Go to first buffer in buffer list. If the buffer list is empty, go to the first unlisted buffer. See |:buffer-!| for [!]. :bf[irst] [+cmd] *:bf* *:bfirst* Same as |:brewind|. Also see |+cmd|. |
:bl[ast][!] [+cmd] *:bl* *:blast* Go to last buffer in buffer list. If the buffer list is empty, go to the last unlisted buffer. See |:buffer-!| for [!]. |
:[N]bd[elete][!] *:bd* *:bdel* *:bdelete* *E516* :bd[elete][!] [N] Unload buffer [N] (default: current buffer) and delete it from the buffer list. If the buffer was changed, this fails, unless when [!] is specified, in which case changes are lost. The file remains unaffected. Any windows for this buffer are closed. If buffer [N] is the current buffer, another buffer will be displayed instead. This is the most recent entry in the jump list that points into a loaded buffer. Actually, the buffer isn't completely deleted, it is removed from the buffer list |unlisted-buffer| and option values, variables and mappings/abbreviations for the buffer are cleared. |
:[N]bw[ipeout][!] *:bw* *:bwipe* *:bwipeout* *E517* :bw[ipeout][!] {bufname} :N,Mbw[ipeout][!] :bw[ipeout][!] N1 N2 ... Like |:bdelete|, but really delete the buffer. Everything related to the buffer is lost. All marks in this buffer become invalid, option settings are lost, etc. Don't use this unless you know what you are doing. |
[링크 :]
ctrl-n,n은 새 버퍼로 수평 창을 여는데
ctrl-n,v는 이전 창의 버퍼를 연결해서 수직 창으로 연다
CTRL-W CTRL-V *CTRL-W_CTRL-V* CTRL-W v *CTRL-W_v* :[N]vs[plit] [++opt] [+cmd] [file] *:vs* *:vsplit* Like |:split|, but split vertically. The windows will be spread out horizontally if 1. a width was not specified, 2. 'equalalways' is set, 3. 'eadirection' isn't "ver", and 4. one of the other windows is wider than the current or new window. Note: In other places CTRL-Q does the same as CTRL-V, but here it doesn't! CTRL-W n *CTRL-W_n* CTRL-W CTRL_N *CTRL-W_CTRL-N* :[N]new [++opt] [+cmd] *:new* Create a new window and start editing an empty file in it. Make new window N high (default is to use half the existing height). Reduces the current window height to create room (and others, if the 'equalalways' option is set and 'eadirection' isn't "hor"). Also see |++opt| and |+cmd|. If 'fileformats' is not empty, the first format given will be used for the new buffer. If 'fileformats' is empty, the 'fileformat' of the current buffer is used. This can be overridden with the |++opt| argument. Autocommands are executed in this order: 1. WinLeave for the current window 2. WinEnter for the new window 3. BufLeave for the current buffer 4. BufEnter for the new buffer This behaves like a ":split" first, and then an ":enew" command. :[N]vne[w] [++opt] [+cmd] [file] *:vne* *:vnew* Like |:new|, but split vertically. If 'equalalways' is set and 'eadirection' isn't "ver" the windows will be spread out horizontally, unless a width was specified. :[N]new [++opt] [+cmd] {file} :[N]sp[lit] [++opt] [+cmd] {file} *:split_f* Create a new window and start editing file {file} in it. This behaves like a ":split" first, and then an ":e" command. If [+cmd] is given, execute the command when the file has been loaded |+cmd|. Also see |++opt|. Make new window N high (default is to use half the existing height). Reduces the current window height to create room (and others, if the 'equalalways' option is set). |
[링크 :]