회사일/uclinux & rtos

freeRTOS + lwip or freeRTOS+TCP

구차니 2016. 1. 6. 15:16

두개에 대한 벤치마크는 안보이지만...

어느걸 택하던 상관없다 일려나?(좋은 의미던 나쁜 의미던..)


lwIP is also a good stack when used in its intended, memory constrained, environment. It has a higher throughput than uIP, but also has a larger ROM and RAM footprint. Although the footprint is larger than uIP it is still smaller than most commercial TCP/IP offerings. In particular, lwIP saves RAM by making large data buffers by chaining smaller buffers together.

Most (if not all) the FreeRTOS demos listed here make use of quite an old lwIP version. There are however contributed demos available in the FreeRTOS Interactive forums that use a more up to date lwIP code base. Further lwIP related uploads would be gratefully received.

On the negative side, lwIP is undeniably quite complex to use at first, but time invested in its use will pay dividends in future projects. lwIP is also a moving target because it is constantly being developed and updated (which is not necessarily a negative thing).

[링크 : http://www.freertos.org/embeddedtcp.html]

[링크 : http://lwip.wikia.com/wiki/LwIP_Application_Developers_Manual]

[링크 : http://lwip.wikia.com/wiki/LwIP_Wiki]

freeRTOS+TCP 패키지

[링크 : http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-Plus/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP/index.html]