프로그램 사용/make, configure
make -j -l
2015. 11. 30. 15:50
-j 로 잘못하다가는 시스템 멈춤까지 가는데..
그걸 방지하기 위해 -l 옵션을 쓰는 것도 방법
기본값은 제한없음이니 적당히 설정해두면 좋을지도?
[링크 : http://korea.gnu.org/manual/4check/make-3.77/ko/make_5.html]
-j [jobs], --jobs[=jobs] Specifies the number of jobs (commands) to run simultaneously. If there is more than one -j option, the last one is effective. If the -j option is given without an argument, make will not limit the number of jobs that can run simultaneously. -l [load], --load-average[=load] Specifies that no new jobs (commands) should be started if there are others jobs running and the load average is at least load (a floating-point number). With no argument, removes a previous load limit. |