프로그램 사용/hugin
hugin fisheye correction
2015. 10. 20. 17:10
뜬금없지만.. hugin에서 특징점 뽑는거.. 일종의 SIFT나 SURF 일려나?
[링크 : http://hugin.sourceforge.net/tutorials/perspective/en.shtml]
+ [링크 : http://docs.gimp.org/en/plug-in-lens-distortion.html]
From PanoTools.org Wiki
panomatic by Anael Orlinski is a tool for automatically creating control points for groups of overlapping photographs.
pan-o-matic is very similar in purpose to autopano-sift or autopano-sift-C and can be used from within hugin (and potentially other GUI front-ends[*]) as an optional control point generator.
pan-o-matic is Open Source and uses the SURF algorithm.
[링크 : http://hugin.sourceforge.net/docs/manual/Panomatic.html]