lighttpd epoll
lighttpd 설정관련해서 epoll이 먼지 조사...
읽어봐도 모르겠다.. -_-
현재 epoll은 realtime signal과 함께 가장 빠른 입출력 처리 방식 중 하나로 알려져 있습니다.
[링크 :]
리얼타임 시그날 (RealTime Sinal)의 대안으로 제안
[링크 :]
epoll은 '한 대의 서버에서 아주많은 동시접속자를 처리하기 위한 수단'이다.
M$ window$ 환경의 개발자라면 이미 iocp 라는 훌륭한 도구가 있고 ?FreeBSD라면 kqueue라는 도구가 있다.
[링크 :]
Event Handlers
The first one is the Event Handler which takes care of notifying the server
that one of the connections is ready to send or receive. As you can see,
every OS has at least the select() call which has some limitations.
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OS Method Config Value
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all select select
Unix poll poll
Linux 2.4+ rt-signals linux-rtsig
Linux 2.6+ epoll linux-sysepoll
Solaris /dev/poll solaris-devpoll
FreeBSD, ... kqueue freebsd-kqueue
NetBSD kqueue kqueue
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For more information on this topic take a look at
[링크 :]
[링크 :]
This is the recommended edge-triggered poll replacement for the 2.6 Linux kernel.
On 11 July 2001, Davide Libenzi proposed an alternative to realtime signals; his patch provides what he now calls /dev/epoll This is just like the realtime signal readiness notification, but it coalesces redundant events, and has a more efficient scheme for bulk event retrieval.
Epoll was merged into the 2.5 kernel tree as of 2.5.46 after its interface was changed from a special file in /dev to a system call, sys_epoll. A patch for the older version of epoll is available for the 2.4 kernel.
There was a lengthy debate about unifying epoll, aio, and other event sources on the linux-kernel mailing list around Halloween 2002. It may yet happen, but Davide is concentrating on firming up epoll in general first.