bq25703A NVDC
2024. 11. 29. 12:34
Narrow의 의미를 모르겠어서 검색하는데 봐도 모르겠다
Narrow-VDC (NVDC) Power Path Management – Instant-On With No Battery or Deeply Discharged Battery – Battery Supplements System When Adapter is Fully-Loaded System Voltage Regulation with Narrow VDC Architecture The bq25703A employs Narrow VDC architecture (NVDC) with BATFET separating system from battery. The minimum system voltage is set by MinSystemVoltage(). Even with a deeply depleted battery, the system is regulated above the minimum system voltage. When the battery is below minimum system voltage setting, the BATFET operates in linear mode (LDO mode). As the battery voltage rises above the minimum system voltage, BATFET is fully on when charging or in supplement mode and the voltage difference between the system and battery is the VDS of BATFET. System voltage is regulated 160 mV above battery voltage when BATFET is off (no charging or no supplement current). |
[링크 : https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/bq25703a.pdf]
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Narrow VDC (NVDC) Battery Charger This figure shows the Narrow VDC (NVDC) topology. Here, the system bus (Vsys) is not connected directly to the adapter. It is connected to the output of the buck converter. Hence, NVDC operates only as a buck converter, both when NVDC charges the battery and when the battery supplements the adapter and provides power to the system. NVDC implementation reduces the switch-over period between the charging mode and the hybrid power mode. NVDC implementation allows the system to minimize the period of overloading the input power source when CPU is in Turbo Boost mode. The advantage of using the NVDC system is that the overall system efficiency is better compared to the Hybrid Power Boost (HPB) charger. The system can be designed for a smaller voltage rating since the system has a lower Vin. The disadvantage is that the charger components’ size and power dissipation increases. |