lisp savefun / load
2013. 1. 16. 22:05
xlisp의 경우 실행파일 위치가 XLPATH 인듯 하고
해당 위치에 자동으로 *.lsp 파일을 읽거나 저장한다.
해당 위치에 자동으로 *.lsp 파일을 읽거나 저장한다.
load a source file
(load <fname> &key :verbose :print)
An implicit errset exists in this function so that if error occurs during loading, and *breakenable* is NIL, then the error message will be printed and NIL will be returned. The OS environmental variable XLPATH is used as a search path for files in this function. If the filename does not contain path separators ('/' for UNIX, and either '/' or '\' for MS-DOS) and XLPATH is defined, then each pathname in XLPATH is tried in turn until a matching file is found. If no file is found, then one last attempt is made in the current directory. The pathnames are separated by either a space or semicolon, and a trailing path separator character is optional.
<fname> the filename string, symbol, or a file stream created with open. The extension "lsp" is assumed.
:verbose the verbose flag (default is T)
:print the print flag (default is NIL)
returns T if successful, else NIL |
save function to a file
(savefun <fcn>)
defined in init.lsp
<fcn> function name (saves it to file of same name, with extension ".lsp")
returns T if successful |
> (defun add (a b) (+ a b))
> (savefun add)
> (load "add")
; loading "add.lsp"
> (add 2 3)
> #'add
#<Closure-ADD: #9b92b0> |