lisp #
2013. 1. 11. 17:15
#으로 시작하는 매크로인데
공부하면서 접하게 되는건 function 을 대체하는 #' 정도?
2012/12/05 - [Programming/lisp] - lisp - #' 와 '
공부하면서 접하게 되는건 function 을 대체하는 #' 정도?
2012/12/05 - [Programming/lisp] - lisp - #' 와 '
In addition, the first character may not be '#' (non-terminating macro character), nor may the symbol have identical syntax with a numeric literal. Uppercase and lowercase characters are not distinguished within symbol names because, by default, lowercase characters are mapped to uppercase on input. |
Standard Non-Terminating Macro Characters ----------------------------------------- # [링크 :] |
This is a dispatching macro character. It reads an optional digit string and then one more character, and uses that character to select a function to run as a macro-character function.
The # character also happens to be a non-terminating macro character. This is completely independent of the fact that it is a dispatching macro character; it is a coincidence that the only standard dispatching macro character in Common Lisp is also the only standard non-terminating macro character.
See the next section for predefined # macro-character constructions.
Table 22-4: Standard # Macro Character Syntax
#! undefined * #<backspace> signals error
#" undefined #<tab> signals error
## reference to #= label #<newline> signals error
#$ undefined #<linefeed> signals error
#% undefined #<page> signals error
#& undefined #<return> signals error
#' function abbreviation #<space> signals error
#( simple vector #+ read-time conditional
#) signals error #- read-time conditional
#* bit-vector #. read-time evaluation
#, load-time evaluation #/ undefined
#0 used for infix arguments #A, #a array
#1 used for infix arguments #B, #b binary rational
#2 used for infix arguments #C, #c complex number
#3 used for infix arguments #D, #d undefined
#4 used for infix arguments #E, #e undefined
#5 used for infix arguments #F, #f undefined
#6 used for infix arguments #G, #g undefined
#7 used for infix arguments #H, #h undefined
#8 used for infix arguments #I, #i undefined
#9 used for infix arguments #J, #j undefined
#: uninterned symbol #K, #k undefined
#; undefined #L, #l undefined
#< signals error #M, #m undefined
#= label following object #N, #n undefined
#> undefined #O, #o octal rational
#? undefined * #P, #p pathname
#@ undefined #Q, #q undefined
#[ undefined * #R, #r radix-n rational
#\ character object #S, #s structure
#] undefined * #T, #t undefined
#^ undefined #U, #u undefined
#_ undefined #V, #v undefined
#` undefined #W, #w undefined
#{ undefined * #X, #x hexadecimal rational
#| balanced comment #Y, #y undefined
#} undefined * #Z, #z undefined
#~ undefined #<rubout> undefined